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ecommerce web development guide

Ecommerce website development is the process of developing your ecommerce website store that responds to users’ actions, helps customers buy and refund goods, accepts online payments, gives seamless online buying experience, covers technical aspects of online store such as quick page load speed and SEO, provides simple user navigation between different pages, and have optimized schema.

Do you know what’s more daunting than eCommerce website development? The idea of not setting it when your competitors are going global. 

Yes, you have to scratch your head, strategizing day in and out to keep up with your competitors’ pace, but every effort is worth the wait.

From finalizing the product list for the website to catching up on futuristic website design trends, from deciding the design layout to tickmarking the on-page and off-page SEO tactics, a lot of things go into custom e-commerce website development

But nothing is possible until you genuinely decide to put your feet out of the comfort boat.

They say— don’t go for eCommerce as you’ve to compete with 20 million eCommerce websites globally. We say— slay on the eCommerce front as you’re competing with infinite brick & mortar businesses. 

 If you dropped-off the idea of eCommerce website development because an ill-informed, half-baked knowledgeable friend told you to do so— you need to fix your priorities straight.

Yes, the best time to have an eCommerce website was a decade ago, but the second-best time to have it is now.

The crazy stats for eCommerce website development

With more than 20 million e-commerce websites in 2021 and 2.14 billion people expected to make online purchases in 2022— you should chart out an online path so that everyone throngs to your store, and you get to capture a considerable market pie.

And if you have finally decided to take up on your business rivalries with eCommerce website development, we’ll help you develop one with our detailed guide. 

So, let’s generate endless business opportunities by setting up an eCommerce website in 2022 from scratch.

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Start with defining your eCommerce website type. Know which type is ideal for your business. 

Are you a wholesaler or retailer? Whom do you wish to cater business to— end consumers or other businesses? Your objectives decide an ideal eCommerce type for your business! Here’s how we can categorize eCommerce in three varieties:

  • B2C Online Stores:

    Is your product specially streamlined to meet the needs of individual end-consumers? Then you need to dedicate this type of eCommerce website to display, promote, and sell your products. Example: Amazon, Alibaba, Flipkart, etc. to name a few.

  • B2B Ecommerce Platforms:

    Are you eyeing to promote or sell-off your business products and services to other businesses? You should have a B2B eCommerce platform to increase your reach in a particular demographic using other established companies in the locale. Example: Amazon Business, Alibaba Wholesale, IndiaMart, etc. 

  • Consumer To Business (C2B)

    C2B e-commerce works in the opposite direction of traditional ecommerce in that individual consumers sell their goods or services to business buyers. As a result, consumers contribute products and/or services to businesses, collaborate on initiatives, and ultimately assist firms in increasing their profits.

  • C2C Ecommerce Stores:

    Do you want to offer a platform to a private individual to facilitate commerce with other private individuals? You’ll need a third-party eCommerce website development that allows users to promote and sell their products on your platform while you stuff your pockets with the commission and ad models. Example: eBay.

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Take guards before development. Prepare all the necessary data before jumping to implementation.

Don’t mindlessly jump into eCommerce website development. It’s necessary to understand ‘what is eCommerce website development’ before dissecting its how’s and when’s. Here’s the three most important thing to know before diving into development phase: 

  • Budget:

    Your eCommerce website can be over-taxing if you don’t have a budget strategy in hindsight. You should look forward to having an optimal delivery with budget constraints. Not that you always have to spend millions to meet your eCommerce objectives. A smart-budget allocation and investment on astute tools are enough to get you sales, required R.O.I.s, and facilitate growth. 

  • Market study:

    E-commerce trends are volatile. What’s working today turns stale tomorrow. Before you move a step ahead with developing your store, make sure that you study the market, learn about web design trends, understand what works as eCommerce customer services, and avoid what might take a toll on their buying health. Organize surveys, meet-ups, events, etc. to have an eCommerce guide right from the customer’s lens.

  • Competitor analysis:

    Aim to reduce the gap between you and your competitor by reading & analyzing their performance, market reach, customer interaction, marketing & SEO techniques, and a lot more. Online tools like SEMrush, M.O.Z., Google AdWords, etc. let you knock into competitors’ doors and take do’s and don’ts lessons from them.

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Choose the best suitable platform for building your eCommerce store.

Once you have selected an eCommerce model that fits your business needs and gathered all the necessary data for seamless movement forward— pick the best eCommerce building platform.

Different eCommerce solutions attract different online store nature, needs, and business objectives.

You would want to consider a list of criteria to select the best eCommerce solution and shape up your online store. Here’s what you should look before settling on with any platform:

  • The pricing of the builder that sits well with your budget.
  • Payment convenience for your customers.
  • Ease of integration with other plugins and tools to run your business.
  • Seo-friendliness for ranking your store in the search results.
  • Mobile-oriented web store to convert 60% of the mobile searchers.
  • Customer-service for helping you out of technical hiccups.
  • Robust firewall for protecting your site credibility and visitors’ data.
  • Ease of scalability when you want to go big.
  • Simple to use and deploy.

To mellow down the selecting headaches— we have handpicked some of the best eCommerce platforms with their features for your store. Here’re the seven most popular eCommerce designing platforms:


Perhaps easiest of the lot— Shopify-based eCommerce stores are easy to create and customize. Experts or beginners, it offers an unbiased seamless developing experience to everyone. Currently, there are more than 500,000 Shopify stores, and the numbers are expanding— thanks to its complete eCommerce solution.

Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform that debuted in 2004. This platform has variable shipping rates, automatic taxes, over 150 payment channels, a user-friendly and intuitive interface, and dozens of themes. The new Shopify online store 2.0 allows merchants to create their own eCommerce stores with much ease.

This product will be most useful to small businesses looking for an all-in-one ecommerce solution.


  • Fully customizable website, online store, and blog
  • Unlimited bandwidth, product inventory, and customer data
  • All popular payment gateways are supported
  • Automate your fulfillment process with 3rd party shipping apps

Related blogs

  1. Best Shopify apps— best app features for your eCommerce
  2. Successful Shopify store— list of Shopify stores to get inspired with

Related service: Hire Shopify Developer

WordPress & WooCommerce:

A self-hosted and open-source platform where WordPress gives you control over the eCommerce design and WooCommerce over the payment. Arguably the platform with the highest numbers of themes and plugins fancy an excellent eCommerce website development opportunity. With over 3.3 million WooCommerce live websites, WordPress has converted many business dreams into reality. You’ll need a little technical background to have a fully-functional store.

WooCommerce is also one of the most popular open-source e-commerce platforms. It includes several themes that are specifically designed to work with WordPress and can assist you in creating a unique online store. In addition, you will receive an infinite number of products, personalized marketing freedom, order management, and free shipping, among other benefits.

This plugin will be most useful to small businesses that have a WordPress-powered website.


  • Seamless WordPress integration
  • Open source development platform
  • Extensive theme options
  • Smooth integration with your marketing tools
  • Built-in blogging feature

Related blog:

  1. Shopify vs WordPress — what should you choose?
  2. Questions to ask wordpress developers— shoot these questions before you hire a wordpress developer
  • Magento:

    Unlike Shopify and WooCommerce— Magento needs technical expertise and skills to build a site from scratch. The open-source Magento is a little challenging if you want to update or manage something; however, it allows an ocean of customization if you’re going to structure and tailor a very customer-centric store. Magento upwards 250,000 live stores on the internet. Go for it if you have the skills to create anything you imagine.

    Magento is a highly adaptable ecommerce platform for growing medium-sized businesses. Magento provides a comprehensive set of advanced ecommerce features, a content management system, and consumer segmentation tools.

    Many people consider Magento to be a complex ecommerce platform, but it helps clients by maintaining an active community of Magento developers and professionals eager to help newcomers with the upkeep of their online store.


    • Control multiple websites and stores from one administration panel
    • Define roles and permissions to control access to administrative features
    • Save unpurchased items for the shopper’s next visit
    • Easily manage inventory with support for backordered items
  • Prestashop:

    Easily one of the most feature-rich open-source e-Commerce solutions, Prestashop boasts free online store development. It offers complex-modules in the ‘freemium’ version while you have to spend quite a bit on other premium platforms. Powering over 300,000 eCommerce stores on the internet— you’ll love it if you want to go up and running in a short time and budget.

  • BigCommerce Ecommerce Builder

    BigCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms. However, while BigCommerce and Shopify both have similar out-of-the-box functionality, BigCommerce’s functionalities and features are more simple and sophisticated.

    BigCommerce’s customer service is available 24/7, and they help merchants migrate from other platforms. Using the platform’s multi-channel ecommerce capabilities, merchants can also sell on marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay.


    • Personalized site audits and tailored advice from BigCommerce experts
    • Community forum for webinars, tutorials, and guides
    • 24/7 Global live BigCommerce support
    • Seamless path to purchase and advanced marketing tools
  • SquareSpace Ecommerce BuilderSquarespace is excellent for building an ecommerce website. It has the highest quality designs and features in the market, and while it may take some time getting used to, the end results are well worth the effort. This website builder provides 113 templates that are easily adaptable to mobile devices. The builder also has robust customer support and live chat service.


  • Stunning templates optimized for desktops, tablets and mobile devices
  • Squarespace mobile apps allow you to edit pages and blog posts

Ability to restore deleted posts and pages for up to 30 days

  • Volusion Ecommerce Builder 

Kevin Sproles founded Volusion in 1999. Volusion offers a completely cloud-based ecommerce platform. The company provides all of the basic functions required to run an online store, as well as some unique features that set them apart from the competition.

Volusion has recently been updated to ‘V2,’ a new operating system that includes some UX (User Experience) enhancements. In addition, it offers a wealth of useful data, analytics tools, and payment methods.


  • Responsive Themes
  • Rich Content Editor
  • Product Display Customization
  • Tax Rate Calculator
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Select the eCommerce website development hosting platform.


Now that you have chosen a suitable eCommerce platform to build your store, make your store accessible to the customers or other businesses on the internet. The process of publishing your store online or going live is called eCommerce web hosting.

Again, you’ll have to go through the selection headache from the pool of hosting platforms. Checkmark these criteria to select the best web host: 

  • Cost is probably the most apparent criteria. Most web hosting platforms provide their services at reasonable prices.
  • Pick the one with low-performance woes and better page load speed. Non-responsive pages cost 500 billion dollars to the U.S. e-Commerce industry every year.
  • Host on the platform that gives an easy option to scale when you want to go big nationally or internationally.
  • Select the one which allows high uptime so that you get to access your store 99.99% of times.
  • Go with a reliable customer-support hosting option.
  • Choose the platform based on high volume receivable data or the bandwidth that it can handle.
  • Opt the host, which gives high storage, requested domain name, mobile capabilities, and security compliance.

 Famous eCommerce hosting platforms: GoDaddy, SiteGround, iPage, Bluehost, etc

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Give a strong first impression by designing a visually-appealing e-Commerce layout.

Customers barely care about your eCommerce building & hosting platforms— they have nothing to do with your business profile’s abstract data. 

They want visually-arresting designs, ease of navigation, psychologically-triggering elements, actionable placements, & most importantly— hassle-free purchase experience. 

All these faucets are vital when they visit your store for the first time. You want to behave as a good host by producing a lasting experience. And that comes with responsive web design.

Here’s what you need to build an eye-catching e-commerce design:

  • Every single detail in your eCommerce affects the user’s buying decision. Keep them in mind while designing.
  • Don’t overwhelm users by blasting designs to their eyes. Make a minimalist website design to solve paradoxes of choice.
  • Have minimal yet effective branding of your business across all the webpages. Don’t distract users with over-bombing logos and color pallets.
  • Simplify purchase journeys and personalize customers at each step of the buying cycle.
  • Use breadcrumbs so that users don’t feel lost on your website. Display the home button clearly when they want to get back to the homepage.
  • Blurry images and themes are the biggest pain point. Allow the customers to see the fine details.
  • Add a 360-degree panoramic view of the product image and video for tangibility.
  • Allot a designing section for reviews and testimonials.
  • Use brief and compelling copies on the homepage and product description.
  • Keep a concise and straightforward navigation menu. Avoid cluttered and confusing menu bars to minimize sensory overload.
  • Organize your products into different structures and categories.
  • Take away decision-making pain using product filters, sorting, and search bars.
  • Stick to grid-layouts as they have been quite successful with online stores.
  • Easy cart view and frictionless checkout at the final stage of the buying cycle.
  • Contact, shipping & billing details, etc. for clearing last-minute doubts.
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Related service:

  1. Customized web development solution

Don’t miss these essential eCommerce website development elements. They perfect your store.

Some tried and trusted eCommerce website elements enhance the shopping experience and play a key indicator for bringing high-sales. You need to use these factors to up your sales and receive quick R.O.I.s. Don’t miss out on these aspects of the store:

  • Perfect Site Search:

    Allow your users to go through relevant content or product catalog and ease-up their buying decision with fast, proper, and customizable search.

  • Categorize products & services:

    Categorize goods and services for quick and relevant data searches.

  • Use searchable tags:

    Assign useful keywords and phrases to products. Use the ones with high search volume.

  • Optimize to rank:

    optimize your store for better search-engine discoverability and ranking on S.E.R.P.s. That’s done with following the local SEO and generic eCommerce SEO checklists.

  • Apply eCommerce rich snippets:

    Rich snippets are smart ways to beat your competitors in search results. Add a bit of code and help search engines organize & display your product on the top.

  • Use secure firewalls:

    Implement proper security protocols and PCI-compliance to save your brand image and customer’s interest. 

  • Page and speed optimization:

    Several product pages on eCommerce can leave customers in the split. Try optimizing the speed of your website for faster response and hassle-free purchase experience.

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Test your eCommerce store before you go live. Rate yourself with honest feedback.

There’s hardly any second opinion in the industry— the better the site, the better the business. Testing facilitates you to screen your website from the customer’s perspective and lets you make measurable changes.

Fixing a few things— here and there— could play a quintessential role in delivering a top-notch customer-centric online store. You will need testers to generate test cases and check your website performance at the good, bad, and worst cases. Here’s what you should be testing:

  • See that all the links work. There’s no broken link. We use screaming frog to find it out.
  • Neutralize all the website bugs.
  • Make web usability a top priority.
  • Test what factors could lead to cart abandonment and then try to minimize cart abandonment.
  • Look for user-convenience across all eCommerce digital channels.
  • Spell-check all the website content.
  • Check if visitors can navigate forward and backward freely & all-devices compatibility.

Choose an eCommerce online payment solution. Solution(s) for offering choices.

Like any other procedure— eCommerce allows you to choose between dozens of online payment solutions. Go for the ones that meet your business criteria and please your customers. Tick out these criteria to have the best of eCommerce online payment solution:

  • Check the online payment solution’s credibility & reputation. A non-trusted payment solution will bring a bad name to your brand.
  • Some payment solutions can behave tricky with your customers and apply hidden charges only to repel them. Fix on any solution by reading all the terms and conditions.
  • The service that you decide on should be able to adapt future scaling, development, and changes.
  • Hold on to the payment services that your customers-prefer.
  • Settle with the online payment facilities that protect the financial data of the customers.
  • Give your users a choice between selecting multiple online payment solutions.

Pick the web development project model

So before you start developing the eCommerce project, ask yourself— what project do you want to follow? Agile or waterfall? It really depends on the project type and web solutions you want to make.

Here’s why we recommend agile web development. You’d then want to drill down to the agile web solution that works for your website.

Launch your store, and go live.

Once you’re satisfied with all the steps mentioned above, you can start the deployment phase. Don’t wait for it to make it perfect. You can make changes while running your website. Deploy as early as you can to know the buyer’s mood and attract potential customers. Here’s what you should do to avoid deployment disaster:

  • Prepare a rollback strategy if something goes unexpected or beyond your understanding.
  • If you have refurbished your store, think about deployment time. Choose the worst time slot when the least number of customers engage with your website. 
  • Break up one big release into small parts and analyze if any problem arises.
  • Deploy on weekdays. You want to avoid weekend traffic if launching goes wrong.
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Market your brand. Use digital marketing to announce your arrival.

 After you have launched your product— you’d like to announce your arrival to your customers and competitors. Fully-integrated digital marketing services promote your brand across as many digital advertising platforms you want and generate desirable sales and revenues. Focus on these consistent profit-making techniques:

  • Press Release:

    Release press reports piquing the interest of your existence in media and journalists’ headlines and stories. It’s a great start to declare your eCommerce launch.

  • Social media marketing:

    Use social media and their respective analytics to cater to relevant content to your niche audience and build online rapport steadily. Showcase your brand identity with paid social media ad tools like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn ads. You may want social media services to nail this space.

  • Email marketing:

    Target your contact list and subscribing ids with personalized marketing tactics like email marketing. eCommerce email marketing includes several strategies to invoke actions from users. Use ultimate individualized targeting to serve dynamic content and shoot up your conversion rate.

  • Content marketing:

    Create online content such as blogs, graphics, videos, etc. to educate and persuade your customers and market them organically and through paid campaigns. Use blog CTAs wisely to convert users. You can also increase any page conversion with converion rate optimization technique. Here’s one example for about us page conversion for your reference.

  • Viral marketing:

    Make and post controversial content to spread out your words to people. Allow users to share your content organically like viruses and enhance underlying word-of-mouth advocacy. You can say it’s one of the best email marketing strategies.

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Set-up effective return and exchange policies. They are doors to customers’ hearts.

 For the lack of immersive and non-tangible experience, you should give your customers a chance to see your product in person. 

 It’s the reason why many companies set-up effective return or exchange policies. If you can’t give a lifetime warranty on your product, you can still win your customer’s attention by paying for their shipping cost. Take a look at building an effective return policy:

  • A return or exchange policy can be confusing in nature. K.I.S.S.— Keep it simple, stupid!
  • Have a human to human interaction to build trust and gather return insight to improve your products and services.
  • Make your return or refund policy easily accessible.
  • Don’t make complex demands on return policies. Customers may never return.
  • Make sure you and your staff are clear about return and exchange policies.
  • Give examples and photos to assist customers in returning their ordered products.

Grab customers’ eyeballs with jaw-dropping sales and discounts.

Okay, you’ve managed to drive massive traffic on your store & plenty of followers on social media— but are you getting enough conversion? Let’s be frank— your marketing efforts are of no use if you aren’t getting the sale numbers.

Bring your marketing efforts in fruition— serve offers, discount coupons, and promo codes on the platter and grab your visitor’s eyeballs. Here’re some promo ideas that you can implement to convert them:

  • Arrange contests and sweepstakes for giveaways to the winners.
  • Organize short time-bound flash sales.
  • Give free samples of your products for the price of the shipping.
  • Offer multi-purchase deals to upsell or get higher average order value.
  • Display complementary cross-sell products for convincing buy-ready customers.
  • Proffer limited-time coupons and discounts for arising scarcity and urging customers.
  • Get personal with recommendations and up-sell or bundle offers.
  • Free giveaways from the hands of the social media influencers.

You can show them discount codes when they’re leaving the website. It’s one of the good exit overlay strategies.

10 Proven Tips To Make The Most Of Ecommerce Website Development

Even though you have created the ecommerce website, there are many more things you must have to remember, such as adding a separate page for each product, adding a search bar, offering multiple payment options, conducting regular analysis, and so on. Let’s take a closer look at the top 10 ecommerce website development tips.

1. Create A Separate Page For Each Product

When it comes to ecommerce website development, it is critical to create a separate page for each product or service you provide. Dedicated product pages will not only help with SEO but will also allow customers to access the specific product directly from the search engine without having to navigate through the website.

2. Add A Search Bar 

A search bar is an essential feature for any ecommerce site. It allows users to quickly find the desired product among the thousands of similar products available on the website. Make sure that the search bar is in the proper location and is easily accessible. In most cases, search bars are added to both the top and bottom of the page. Also, make certain that the search bar saves the most recent searches.

3. Include A Review Section

Reviews are very important in the purchasing process. Most people will read reviews before making a final decision or placing an order. Positive reviews establish the product’s quality, whereas negative reviews alert customers from purchasing those items. However, you must ensure that competitors do not manipulate each other’s reviews. Here’s one example for you. We posted Huptech review from third-party reviewers like Goodfirms.

4. To The Point & Detail Product Description

Providing a concise and detailed product description is essential because it allows customers to learn more about the products and make an informed purchase. Make certain that the product description is complete and accurate. Include the installation process, warranty period, care guide, and any other product-related necessary information. The rule also applies to the service-related commerce as well. For example, we explained PPC service with detailed description so that every reader understands it. 

5. Include a Wishlist Feature

People do not always have enough money to buy what they want. It is very common for users to add their favourite products to their wishlist and then purchase them at a later date or time. As a result, adding a wishlist feature during ecommerce store development is essential. Also, add a functionality that notify users when items in their wishlist goes out of stock.

6. Incorporate Effective Search Filters

You must include multiple search filters in your ecommerce website, just like a search bar, to ensure that customers can easily find their desired items among the hundreds of items available. However, remember that each product necessitates a unique set of search filters. For example, shoes and mobile phones cannot have the same search filters. As a result, make sure to include product-specific search filters to assist customers in finding the best products for their needs.

7. Offer Multiple Payment Options

As previously stated, providing multiple payment options is a critical aspect of ecommerce website development. The more options there are, the less likely it is that customers will abandon the cart due to an unavailable payment option. Furthermore, if a customer discovers that you do not accept the payment method that he prefers, there is a good chance that he will not return to your online store in the future.

Remember that, credit card, COD (Cash-on-delivery) and UPI are some of the most preferred payment options.

8. Incorporate Product-sharing and Product-comparison Features


People frequently share and seek advice from their friends and family about the products they intend to buy. As a result, it is advised that you include product sharing options so that they can easily share those products via WhatsApp, Instagram, Gmail, or other platforms. This will also enhance your online presence.

Similarly, people used to compare various products in order to select the best one. For example, when you have purchased the latest iPhone or Android smartphone, you must have compared it to phones with a similar budget or features. This is why it is suggested that you include a compare feature as well.

Also read: Create a WhatsApp query button on Instagram 

9. Effective Call-to-action (CTA)

The call-to-action (CTA) is an excellent marketing feature that plays an important role in generating sales and encouraging customers to buy. For the uninitiated, a CTA is simply a button that is added to the websites to encourage users to take a specific action. CTA examples include Buy Now, Make a Call, Register Now, Learn More, Add to Cart, and so on. Increase your sales by including as many CTAs as possible.

Here’s how you can add effective CTAs in blogs.  

10. Regular Analysis & Reports

The analysis is a critical component of any ecommerce digital marketing strategy. After you’ve completed each ecommerce store development phase and made the site user-friendly, it’s time to assess how well you’ve done or how good your website is. For that you can either buy a content management system (CMS) or use a customized software.

Collect and analyse data such as the bounce rate, conversion rate, exit rate, average order value, cart abandonment rate, cancellation rate, new users, return and replacement rate, purchase to return rate, and so on. All of this information will assist you in making necessary changes to the ecommerce site.

So those are the top 10 ecommerce website development tips or best practices. Make sure to get the most out of it in order to make your website a huge success. 

Why Do You Need Ecommerce Websites: What Are The Benefits Of Ecommerce?

Along with all the benefits of ecommerce that we are aware of, such as a convenient shopping experience and a wide range of products, there are plenty others. Let’s take a quick look at each of the major advantages of an ecommerce website.

1. People Spend Money Online 

According to Statista, the number of online shoppers have increased from 1.32 billion in 2014 to 2.14 billion in 2021. In just seven years, there has been a 55 per cent rise! Isn’t this statistic indicative of the ecommerce industry’s bright future? The data also show that people who were previously uncomfortable or afraid of ecommerce shopping are now shifting to digital shopping. This is the primary reason why you, as a seller, should transition to or invest in an ecommerce business as soon as possible.

2. Allow You To Add Infinite Products

Another advantage of an ecommerce website is that it allows sellers to add hundreds of products to online stores, which is not possible in brick & mortar stores due to space constraints. From a customer standpoint, the ability to add as many products as possible benefits them as well. They gain access to more products, are able to compare and analyse them, and select the best one.

3. Easy Scaling

E-commerce is also the best business type for sellers because it allows you to scale your business as needed to accommodate increased customer flow. Furthermore, it is simple and does not incur any additional costs. This means, you can start your ecommerce store on a small scale and then scale it up as needed. For example, if you are starting an apparel ecommerce website, start with only men’s or women’s items and then add children’s or kids’ items if everything goes as planned.

4. Require Less Humanpower

In order to manage and run a successful brick & mortar store, you must have a sufficient number of employees. More human resources inevitably result in higher operational costs. However, when it comes to ecommerce, you require comparatively less human labour because most processes are automated. The lower the workforce, the lower the operational costs and the higher the revenue.

5. Cost Less Than A Brick-and-mortar Store

In the case of a brick and mortar store, you will need to purchase expensive space in a prime location, redevelop it, and give it a fancy makeover to ensure it aligns with the products or services you offer. You’ll also need a large workforce, and there will be several other expenses. In a nutshell, it’s an expensive affair. However, in the case of an ecommerce website, you do not need to spend money on either space or fancy makeovers. This will significantly reduce the budget.

6. Offer 24×7 Availability

Another significant advantage of ecommerce stores or online stores is that they are available 24/7, which is not possible with brick & mortar or physical stores. It’s a win-win situation for both buyers and sellers. Sellers benefit from the ability to keep the store open and available to customers 24/7, resulting in increased sales and revenue, while customers benefit from the ability to visit the store and make a purchase at any time, whether it is early morning or late at night. You can consider it as one of the best eCommerce customer services.

7. Safe & Convenient Shopping Experience

Last but not least, online shopping or ecommerce websites provide a secure and convenient shopping experience. Users can visit the store whenever they want, compare the items on their shortlist, and place their order in no time. It also saves time and money on the commute. You do not need to take a day off from work to visit the website; you can do so whenever it is convenient for you. All of these factors combine to make ecommerce shopping a safe and convenient experience.

These are the primary advantages of an ecommerce store. All of these advantages highlight that you should contact an ecommerce website development company as soon as possible to have your physical business store converted into an online store.

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Too long; didn’t read? Follow this quick 16-steps to develop an eCommerce website

Let us build an ecommerce website in quick steps.

1. Figure Out What You Want To Sell Or Offer

First and foremost, you must decide what you want to offer or sell. Since there are thousands of products available, including cosmetics, clothing, toys, footwear, electronic goods, furniture, and gardening supplies, picking the best product that is right for you is a necessary job.

Make a list of and analyse the products you want to sell. If you have prior experience in a specific industry, selecting those products would be a good choice.

2. Pick the Most Appropriate Ecommerce Model

Once you’ve decided on the products or services you want to offer, it’s time to choose the best ecommerce business model for you. As previously stated, there are four types of ecommerce: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), consumer-to-consumer (C2C), and consumer-to-business (C2B). Choose the best ecommerce model that matches your requirements and capabilities.

3. Select A Website Builder That Is A Perfect Fit For Your Needs

Now, you’ve arrived at the core of the ecommerce development process. It is now time to choose the ecommerce builders. As previously stated, there are various types of website builders available, including Shopify, Magento, Wix, SquareSpace, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, among others. As we have seen, each of these ecommerce website builders has its own set of functionalities and features. Choose the one that can meet your most requirements.

4. Get A Domain Name

The next step in building an ecommerce website is to purchase a domain name. For the uninitiated, a Domain Name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the Internet. Too many technical terms, no? In layman’s terms, a domain name is the address of your website that people type into their browser’s URL bar when they visit.

Make sure the domain name you choose is short, contains keywords, is geographically targeted, and does not contain any numbers or hyphens.

5. Put The Tool To The Test

It is now time to put the tool to the test. Yes, preliminary testing is always advised before moving forward with full-fledged testing. 

Testing before you begin the actual work has several advantages, including finding out how easy the ecommerce website builder is to customise and whether the theme or templates offered by the builder are appropriate for your business type or not. Furthermore, by using the website builder, you can get ideas about other features as well including navigation systems, and other necessary technical aspects.

6. Purchase the Appropriate Plan

You are nearly halfway through the development of your ecommerce website. Once you’ve finalized and tested your e-commerce site development platforms, it’s time to pick a strategy and begin the development process. The majority of these tools provide a variety of features, functionalities, and pricing models. As the price rises, so do the features. Select a model based on your business type, products, and needs.

7. Examine Competitors as well as Successful Ecommerce sites

After that, examine the competitors and successful ecommerce sites such as Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra, and others to examine their website design, functions, and exceptional features, among other technical aspects. This exercise will be extremely beneficial to you. Examine how they have classified the products, what the different categories are, what payment gateways they offer, and what their return and shipping policies are.

8. Choose The Best Template For Your Ecommerce Site 

Choose a beautiful website template based on the results and ideas you get from your analysis. Your ecommerce website’s template or theme must be compatible with the products or services you provide. For example, if you only sell gardening supplies, the primary colour of the theme should be green or something related. Similarly, if toys are your primary products, you should have various colours that give your website a kid-friendly appearance.

9. Create A Layout, Design, And Branding Strategy

After you’ve analyzed and gotten ideas from other online stores and selected a theme, you’ll need to plan the website layout, purchase route, product page design, and branding, among other things. Make certain that the design is engaging, and neat & clean. Don’t overdo it with bright colours or distracting layouts. Use as many solid colours as possible. Also, only use the colour set that corresponds to your theme.

10. Add The Products Along With Description & Categories

Now that you’ve completed the design, it’s time to begin adding content. Begin by categorizing your products and providing detailed descriptions for each. The majority of these ecommerce website builders have a simple process for adding products.

Along with the product name, you should include other matching information such as HD photos, price, variants, category, description, application, weight or related parameter, installation procedure (if applicable), and so on. Keep the product name short but descriptive so that the buyer can get a sense of the product just by reading the name.

11. Add Multiple Payment Option For Minimum Cart Abandonment Rate

After that, include as many online payment gateways as possible on your site to ensure that shoppers have the most options and that no shopper has to abandon the cart due to a lack of their preferred payment option. Credit card, COD and UPI are some of the most preferred payment options. If a customer cannot find his preferred payment method, he will most likely never return to your website.

12. Draft & Add Different Policies – Payment, Shipping, Return

The majority of the ecommerce site development tasks have now been completed. However, there are still some important tasks to complete, such as policy drafting. Some of the policies you must carefully design are the shipping policy, the return and replacement policy, and the payment policy. Include every point, section, and subsection to ensure that there are no loopholes in the terms and conditions that may harm your business or reputation.

13. Carry Out SEO

Once everything is in place, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be your next ecommerce website development task. Use unique title tags for each page, include keywords in headings, reference keywords in all URLs, add image alt text, use rich snippets, and perform on-page and technical SEO, among other things, to optimize your ecommerce site.

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14. Make The Necessary Changes To The Online Store

You should add as much functionality as possible to your website in order to make it more engaging and user-friendly. For example, add the multi-language option, the different currency option, the different time zone option, the customer service address and contact details, the tax and other charges details and every other required details to make the process transparent.

15. Carry Out A Quality Test 

You are now one step closer to launching your ecommerce website. The second and final task you should complete as part of ecommerce site development is to run a quality test. Quality analysis is a critical task that must be completed prior to going live. This practice will assist you in locating flaws, loopholes, and broken links on the website. It will also assist you in analyzing the website’s usability.

16. Go Live!

After you have completed all of the preceding tasks, it is time to publish the website. If you are completely confident in the website’s reliability, you can launch it for all of the states and cities you have decided to serve, else you can launch it in phases.

For example, you can launch it for a specific state or city, then check the stats and monitor performance for a week before launching it for another city if everything goes as planned. Continue in this manner until you have covered every region you intended to cover.

So those are the 16 steps necessary for creating an ecommerce website. Make sure you follow each one in the correct order so you don’t miss anything and everything goes as planned.

The final words— doing the said!

With the cut-throat competition around— you have to nail on every aspect of eCommerce. To fit into all the eCommerce rage today, you have to start with deciding your products, plan all the strategies to take calculated risks, and nail each one. 

You should have a thoughtful move even in as small a task as selecting your business and domain name. Every minor step plays a vital role in giving your customers the culminating shopping experience.

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

48 Responses

  1. What a brilliant article, it does appear from questions I read on forums that many fail to establish a process cycle for eCommerce web development.

    This should be stage 1 reading for any agency or e-eCommerce startups.

    Many thanks for the article it has been a refresher course for me.

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  4. It will be very helpful to understand about eCommerce website development guide. Great post to share, thanks for publishing this here!!

  5. Great article! Thank you! I would also add that if the hosting company has a staging area it is a huge time and lifesaver. 🙂

    Enjoy! 🙂

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