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ChatGPT is a hot topic on the internet today, and you must have probably seen everyone talking about it today! Most of the marketers and content creators you follow on the internet can talk about what wonders it can do by sharing their experiences using the newest language processing model.

Well, language models or AI platforms are not a new concept today as one of the most common examples of such kinds or models is “chatbots” that produce machine-generated responses to the queries generated. But it is completely different when we talk about the newest language model -ChatGPT. It is due to its features or the powerful impact it has had in discussions among marketing experts.

Now, coming back to the main topic of discussion, we are going to understand whether ChatGPT is just like other AI technologies adversely affecting SEO or whether the use of AI in SEO can be fruitful to marketers of SEO professionals to support the efforts of SEO to drive more traffic organically. So keep reading as we understand more about the use of ChatGPT for SEO and also look at its benefits and limitations.

What is ChatGPT?

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. It’s a generative language model optimized for conversational chat. ChatGPT is designed to generate a coherent, engaging response to a given prompt. Instead of a classic single prompt that most generative language models are built on, it’s possible to have a conversational chat and ask ChatGPT to adjust or elaborate on the answers it provides.

While there are already language models, one may wonder what makes ChatGPT so different from other language models. The ChatGPT is an interactive language model that generates responses for us in response to the input we provide. Hence, ChatGPT can generate more related responses based on the previous input received. Unlike other language models, which respond to a single query without considering earlier inputs.

Potential Impact of ChatGPT on Marketing

In the above paragraphs, we understood what ChatGPT is, how it works, and what model it is based on. But is capable enough to create an impact and provide good outputs from a marketing perspective. To know the potential impact and understand the uses of ai in marketing, we tried using some prompts and checked the outputs.

At first, we asked ChatGPT to write a social media plan for a Web Development company, and you can see what outputs it generated:

ChatGPT Output 1

The suggestions we received in points for the prompt were quite lengthy, so we asked ChatGPT to reduce the length of the points, and we received the following output:

ChatGPT Output 2

Perfect! Just the way we wanted: short and crisp. You can even ask ChatGPT to provide more information or give more detail on any of the points.

Let’s try something else. Now we will try to generate a blog outline for a topic.

ChatGPT Output 3

Also, check out the outputs we received when we asked ChatGPT to suggest top-ranking keywords with high-traffic volume.

ChatGPT Output 4

We also tried our hands on long-tail keywords.

ChatGPT Output 5

Also, check the output we received when we asked ChatGPT to provide inputs on link-building opportunities:

ChatGPT Output 6

That was an amazing experience, and we hope you’re amazed too!

How ChatGPT Will Change The SEO?

Understanding and predicting how people search for information online is one of the biggest challenges of SEO. When people express their needs through complex, multifaceted language, search engines’ algorithms cannot deliver the most relevant and useful results for their queries.

We saw above how ChatGPT provided suggestions for our prompts related to SEO based on what we gave it. ChatGPT works on the prompts that you provide. More specific and exact your prompts, the better answers you will receive as outputs.

ChatGPT can boost search algorithms’ efficiency and accuracy by understanding and respond to natural language queries. Using ChatGPT, search engines can better understand a user’s intentions and provide more relevant and useful results based on their provided queries.

Since ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of text data, it understands the subtleties and nuances of human language, allowing it to provide more relevant, useful results while better understanding what the user is looking for.

ChatGPT could also be a valuable tool for content creators since it can generate high-quality and engaging content that ranks highly in search engines. By generating better content than their competitors, businesses can gain an edge over their competitors on search engines.

Benefits of ChatGPT For SEOs

Creating Content

ChatGPT can support you by generating ideas and helping you create high-quality and unique content effortlessly. You will also be able to create SEO-related content such as blog posts, product descriptions, etc. However, you shouldn’t completely rely on generating content like blogs and articles. Google Algorithms can easily detect the content generated through AI and penalize your content by considering it spam.

Keyword Research and Analysis

We saw earlier how useful ChatGPT is in helping us generate keyword suggestions and phrases related to a topic we asked for. However, we insist you try using other tools that can help you provide keywords suggestions that can be later taken into consideration with the keywords suggestion provided by ChatGPT. This way, you will be able to gather a good set of keywords related to your topic.

Outlining Marketing Strategies

Most of the time, it becomes difficult for marketers to outline or develop marketing and content strategies based on certain topics and industries that they aren’t familiar with and don’t have prior experience with. With the help of ChatGPT, marketers can now effortlessly create outlines to develop marketing strategies and plans for related industries.

Generating Good SEO Titles

Generating titles that can help to generate curiosity among your audience to read and also help your blog to rank high on SERPs is a challenging task. Creating a title complements your blog and helps you grab your reader’s attention. With the language processing model, you effortlessly generate good headlines for your blog, and it also lets you create search engine-friendly titles for your content that are catchy and informative.

Limitations of ChatGPT For SEOs

Not Fully Trustworthy

No one can assure you that OpenAI’s language processing model is reliable and trustworthy. Hence, you may need to rethink using the output in the content you publish. Fact-checking and verifying are among the best ways to ensure the accuracy of any output generated by the model. Make sure you’re not relying on any health-related suggestions provided by ChatGPT. Even if the platform suggests it, consult a health professional before making any health-related suggestions.

Timely and Limited information

ChatGPT only provides limited information and is taught on a dataset that does not contain the most recent information or current events and is trained on a dataset that identifies a specific cut-off point for knowledge. It supports and provides limited data on world happenings after 2021, which means it cannot provide knowledge on events after 2021.

Can Lead to Duplicated Content

Google does not rank duplicate content, and even the slightest hint of it can cause Google to punish your site, meaning your content will not rank well. Using the same tool will result in getting the same answers every time, which will eventually upset Google and its users.

Paying A Huge Amount For Paid Plans

Recently information rolled out on the internet regarding OpenAI soon launching its new plan, which will offer users access to enhanced benefits like faster responses with the paid version. Although the free plan allows you to continue using ChatGPT as before, the paid plan will increase the functionality with quicker reaction times and priority access to new features. OpenAI’s language model currently has a waiting list for its premium plan on its discord server for $42. In a statement, OpenAI’s founder Sam Altman stresses that the company is not providing paid pro access generally at this time and that the program is an early experimental initiative.

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT has great potential, and after reading this blog, you must understand the importance and uses of AI in marketing. Still, when we talk about the importance of content from an SEO perspective, nobody knows what the future holds. Still, when we talk about the current scenarios, nothing is difficult for AI-generated content to beat humans’ unique, high-quality content.

The best way to use AI in SEO or other ChatGPT-like models is to combine it with human efforts to take advantage of artificial and human intelligence. They can, however, be a great assistant to marketers and SEO professionals with valuable insights and important data, along with complimenting their work through which they may work to enhance their content and strategies.

So as you have understood that humans are still important for assisting with your SEO strategies, so if you’re looking for some assistance to manage your SEO activities that can drive more traffic to your website, Huptech Web’s SEO specialists are all that you need. Get in touch with us to access top-notch SEO specialists who can help you drive more organic traffic to your website, through which you can generate high revenue online!

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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