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Best Adwords PPC Strategy

Talking about the ecommerce business and not considering PPC is not just happening!

PPC is an essential aspect of every business that has its presence online. Even if your company operates offline, you must have a winning PPC marketing strategy that supports your business to grow higher.

A PPC strategy that doesn’t add a burden to your pocket is necessary because who wants to burn their cash on the ecommerce PPC strategies that don’t benefit their business!

A report by Statista says that Ad spending by the Search Advertising segment is projected to reach US$ 202.40bn in 2022.

That are huge numbers!

So knowing the importance of a good PPC strategy, in this article, we will discuss every aspect you should know about PPC and how we can create a winning PPC strategy.

What Is PPC Marketing?

PPC is an abbreviated form of Pay-Per-Click.

Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC, is a method of online advertising when advertisers charge each time their ad gets clicked.

So here, you “only” pay for what the people are clicking for and not for just putting your ads on the internet, regardless of it played multiple times.

Sounds interesting, right?

Yes, why not will!

Here PPC ads are a great way to promote your products as it allows greater control over your marketing budget rather than just draining your cash.

Businesses use PPC ads to promote their product offering over the virtual marketplace. Ads are visible on search engines like Google, Bing ads (known as Microsoft Advertising), etc., and on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, websites, etc.

PPC advertising allows businesses to drive high traffic to their website. It will enable digital marketing agencies to create an effective e-commerce PPC campaign for businesses to rank them in the best positions to appear on SERP results. Along with their effectiveness, they’re also scalable, so PPC campaigns are profitable and will benefit businesses.

Choosing the Result-driven Google Ad types For Your Ecommerce PPC Campaigns

#1 PPC ADS: Search Ads

Search AdsYou can see Google search ads on top and bottom of the SERPs. You can see Your business when shoppers search for products and services by targeting specific keywords or search terms that correspond to the buyer’s intent. The bid price will determine where your ad campaign appears, either at the top or bottom of the SERPs. So higher your bid for your search ad, the greater your visibility.

#2 PPC ADS: Display Ads

Display Ads
Display ads are image-based ads that allow you to reach users who may be interested in your products but aren’t actively searching for them. You can see the display campaigns when you browse through your favourite websites, and it is possible, however, for them to appear in your Gmail account, apps, and videos. Display Ads are a powerful way of introducing your business to specific target audiences that are much more likely to be interested in buying your offerings. This lets you reach as many as people rather than just making use of search ads.

#3 PPC ADS: Video Ads

Video AdsIn today’s market, video advertising is one of the best ad formats because it has a high return on investment, making it highly desirable for companies with a reasonable marketing budget to go for it. Video formats can include short or lengthy videos. Advertisements related to your video campaigns appear before, during, and after YouTube videos and in the search results. They let you reach your ideal audience by using demographic targeting in video ads based on age, gender, and interests. Combining this ad format with display advertising will maximize the impact of your PPC campaign.

#4 PPC ADS: Shopping Ads

Shopping AdsGoogle Shopping ads one of the usually preferred for the growing Ecommerce brands. Shopping Ads are product-related ads that appear during a search for products on the search engine. Compared with search ads, shopping ads feature product images along with product titles, prices, store names, and reviews. They provide consumers important information about products before entering an online store.

#5 PPC ADS: App Ads

App AdsApp campaigns don’t require you to create personal ads, unlike other ad types in Google Ads. Instead, your ad templates will be created automatically by Google. To begin, you will need to provide some text, a starting bid, a budget, and the language and location for your campaign. Adding HTML5 content to your website is also possible if it’s relevant to your business. This information will then be adapted for various formats and networks across Google PPC.

#6 PPC ADS: Discovery Ads

Discovery AdsFeaturing visually engaging ads and personalized content, Google Discovery ads are displayed in Google’s feeds on YouTube, Google, and Gmail. These campaigns are designed to reach audiences just as they’re ready to explore new products and services.

#7 PPC ADS: Performance Max Ads

Performance Max AdsPerformance Max ads are types of ads campaigns that allow performance advertisers to manage all of their Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. Using a single campaign, advertisers can access all of Google’s advertising channels, including YouTube and other features of Google such as the Search section, Discovery section, Gmail, and Maps.

Not underestimating the potential of Google shopping

Google Shopping is one of the most essential features of Google for effective PPC management, just as Google analytics and many more tools of Google are for other uses. For the success of a PPC ad campaign for any ecommerce business, the Shopping feature of Google must be utilized well. Following are the things you should consider adding to your advanced PPC strategies for the success of your ecommerce business.

Keyword Research

A good ecommerce PPC strategy involves developing a keyword research strategy using all types of keywords related to the products and industry you offer to your customers. Including short, precise keywords in your keyword list and long-tail keywords that closely match your industry’s searches is essential. By doing so, you not only bring traffic that’s looking for what you provide, but you also attract buyers.

Google Shopping Ads

An essential type of PPC advertising is Google Shopping Ads and ads on social networks and Google AdWords. A user typing a keyword related to a product will see the ads at the top of a search engine result page. Like other advertisements on the Google platform, these product ads can be monitored and improved, which means that you should continuously manage your Shopping Ads.

Consider Adding Negative Keywords

Just as adding appropriate search terms or relevant keywords are essential for the ecommerce PPC campaign, adding negative keyword is as important.

But what exactly are negative keywords?

Negative keywords are those that you will not don’t want your ecommerce brand website and PPC to rank for. This is an ecommerce PPC campaign strategy that many people miss on or do not consider significant for their ecommerce PPC strategy.

Here you essentially build a negative keyword list which includes all the keywords through which you tell Google not to show ads for that specific keyword.

Suppose your ecommerce brand focuses on selling only Men’s footwear, then the negative keywords will be “Woman Footwear”. In such a way, you will be able to rank for the most relevant keywords and have higher chances of getting increased conversions.

Targeting keywords with the highest purchase intent

Targeting keywords with the highest purchase intent

High-Intent Keywords

Ideally, keywords and intent must consider when you’re targeting ecommerce PPC campaigns. Optimizing your ecommerce PPC campaigns is mainly about optimizing performance per search term. There are three main categories of audience intent:
1. Transactional
2. Informational
3. Navigational
To encourage purchases and increase conversion rates, ecommerce businesses target transactional keywords primarily. This type of keyword is usually used by consumers near the end of the product buying process; they have already done their research and decided which product they want to purchase.

Incorporating the Best Bidding PPC Strategy For Ecommerce

Best Bidding PPC Strategy For Ecommerce

Bidding strategies are one of the fundamentals of good ecommerce PPC campaigns. For successful ecommerce advertising, selecting a good bidding strategy and campaign is necessary to make the most of your PPC efforts. To bring to your notice, bidding strategies are quite complicated, so it can tricky for you. Although for your convenience, we will list some of the bidding strategies for you to set up an effective ecommerce PPC advertising for your ecommerce site.

Maximize Clicks

To increase traffic to your website, the Maximize Clicks strategy aims to optimize your user clicks. You can set a budget, and the strategy will place the bids according to it. Maximized clicks used for either single PPC campaigns, ad groups, or keywords, as well as for portfolio campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. This is best to use when you have a build-up of a high converting funnel or sales landing page and have chances of getting leads and want as many as possible visitors to come to get more sales.

Target Search Page Location

Your Target Search Page location automatically sets bids to increase the chances of your ad appearing in the top position of Google or on the first page of the search result. This bidding type will be helpful for the ecommerce brands who want to rank at the top of the Google searches.

Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA)

Automated bidding can be controlled more easily with Target CPA. By using this strategy, Google automatically adjusts its Display or Search bids to achieve your cost-per-acquisition (CPA) target as often as possible. Depending on the conversion, the cost may be higher or lower than your target amount. In case you are looking to set up multiple campaigns, it is advisable that you should choose to go with Target CPA for your PPC advertising.

Enhanced Cost-per-click(CPC)

Enhanced Cost-per-click(CPC) is one of the most competitive bidding strategies. With Google’s automatic bid adjustments, you can increase conversions and keep control of the cost-per-conversion while increasing conversions and reducing your manual bids. It can be used as an optional addition to Manual CPC bids or as a portfolio bid strategy.

Target Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

With Target ROAS, bids are automatically set. That’s why you will receive a good conversion value at a set ROAS. The return may differ depending on which conversion you get. A target ROAS strategy is an access for both standards and portfolio bid strategy. This pay per click advertising strategy works effectively for those who want to achieve high value for their conversions.

Maximize conversions

This strategy automatically sets bids to ensure that you spend your entire budget but still receive the most conversions. Accordingly, Google optimizes for a higher volume of conversions with this strategy. Maximize Conversions is available for campaigns as a standard bid strategy but not a portfolio bid strategy. This is suitable for you if you want to get more conversions, have a large budget, and want to automate your ads.

Enhancing Brand Recall Value with Retargeting Ads

Enhancing Brand Recall Value with Retargeting Ads

Haven’t you heard of the phrase a repeated customer is better than a new customer?

This phrase ultimately implies here too. We usually see most ecommerce businesses spend a lot of their marketing budget on acquiring new customers. Although acquiring new customers is essential, what’s more important is to be able to retain customers and also it is profitable to do business this way. This process of retaining the existing customers call as customer retention.

A brand that has good reputation, high brand recall and is able to connect with them is usually able to retain their customers.

For customer retention, people say that the strategy of retargeting ads works effectively by developing dynamic targeting campaigns as part of your PPC model. Below are how retargeting ads help you.

Increases Brand Awareness

Any customer journey begins with the crucial stage of brand awareness. Your audience already knows how you are as a brand and are buying or have already bought from you. Your users must understand and grab every information you’re trying to provide them to get convinced by your brand. They should be able to repurchase your products. You can achieve this with retargeting ads.

Improves Customer Engagement

Engaging your customers is crucial for driving traffic and increasing conversions. Your brand and products will be more engaging to prospective customers if you retarget ads. Thus, your brand will be more engaging to customers.

Gets Your More Conversions

One of the significant objectives of retargeting ads is to be able to get more and more conversions. Following your customers everywhere they go can increase conversions because your customers will appear more interested.

Good Brand Recall Value

A good brand with high brand recall value can retain more customers. Using retargeting ads, a business can increase its brand recall value by reaching customers who have already purchased. Here the chances are that they can be your repeated customers as they will be able to instantly recollect the name of your brand when they see the ad for your product or your services.

Wrapping Up The Context

So here we covered how a PPC Strategy can be effective enough to boost the sale of your online business. What are your thoughts on using PPC for your business? Looking for someone to help you manage your PPC campaigns effectively? In that case, we at Huptech Web can assist you. With our help at Huptech Web, you can scale higher as our digital marketing team has a deep understanding of all PPC technicalities, which will help you set up effective ecommerce PPC management strategies and help you boost your sales online.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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