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Top Shopify Apps

You have finally decided to have a Shopify store. But customization is difficult because you don’t understand coding. So you look for the best Shopify apps to ease up your job. Well, to have a Shopify e-Commerce store is nothing less than managing an elephant. You have to spend a lot in feeding it (nourishing), clear the mess which it creates (undo the mistakes), take care of its madness (technical abnormalities), and build a safe environment for people around (providing secure channel).

And you have to do this— EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Although the elephant has grown a bit mature with Shopify 2.0. But eCommerce platforms such as Shopify eases up your day to day task and offers dynamic Shopify Apps to manage your web store.

Moreover, it allows you to add new functionalities based on the current needs of the online market.

It’s the reason why many e-commerce stores rely on the powerful app features of Shopify and are doing exceedingly well in this space.

But as Shopify app store floors potpourri of apps, searching for the right app for your store can be a daunting task— something like finding the smallest star from the naked eyes.

Oh! Don’t go down with sadness.

We have done the homework for you.

Our Shopify experts have filtered the ten best Shopify apps for your store. These apps can prove to be the best Shopify apps of 2022.

So, without any further wait— let’s deep dive into learning ten useful Shopify apps for your business in the coming year.

Best Shopify Apps #1: Loox— the photo reviews which convert

Loox is an impressive Shopify extension that helps you to collect photo reviews. All the responses on Loox attribute to the social proof of your success.

Loox— the photo reviews which convert

The key features

  • Automatically sends the review request to customers via email. Could play as one of the good eCommerce email marketing strategy.
  • Generates a beautiful photo gallery for a quick review check
  • Can offer discounts to the users who produce photo reviews

Benefits to your business

  • Use it to establish relationships with new customers and convert them into loyal force
  • Make use of social proof for boosting conversion
  • Generate more credibility and win the trust of the users
  • Channelize the data for creating rich user-experience
  • Retain-customers with review discounts

Price Structure

Although you can enjoy the 14-day free-trial period, the basic version starts at $9.99 and advanced features at $99.99.

Best Shopify Apps #2: Plugin SEO— rank your store to the top.

Plugin SEO is a complete SEO power tool that ranks and maintains the index position on search engines. Usually you have to manage SEO checklist along with local SEO checklist. It’s a task!! Though plugin SEO doesn’t tickmark all the checklists, but suggest you relevant SEO tips.

It’s like a stairway to the organic traffic for your store.

The key features

  • Discovers ways to optimize your store and rank you in search engines like Google and Bing
  • Drives more SEO traffic in autopilot mode
  • Acts as a complete SEO solution. It includes
    • fixing meta titles and descriptions,
    • adding rich snippets,
    • optimizing content,
    • repairing broken links,
    • and so on

Benefits to your business

  • Use more SEO traffic for better store conversion
  • Get ROI in a quick time
  • Target a global audience with a better understanding of SEO
  • Be visible among fierce competition
  • Stay updated with the latest SEO gimmicks

Price structure

The app supports basic features at zero cost; however, you’d have to spend $20 a month to reap the benefits of advanced features.

Note: Plugins are great helps if you are not an expert. But they don’t necessarily pull out the results for you. Plus they also dampen the speed of your store. So you have to be very careful while choosing an SEO plugin or SEO expert for both SEO services and local SEO services.

Best Shopify Apps #3: Swell Loyalty & Rewards— gift your customers for being loyal.

Swell Loyalty & Rewards is a unique Shopify application that rewards the customers for being loyal to your brand. It comes up with creative conditional clauses to reward customers. You can use loyalty rewards as digital marketing strategies.

The key features

  • Helps in setting up reward and referral programs in absolutely no time
  • Caters an immersive loyalty experience to the customers

Benefits to your business

  • Use referral and reward programs as a vital acquisition tool
  • Floor fantastic loyalty experience to enhance engagement time
  • Earn more from loyal customers
  • Spend less in targeting new customers
  • Have high purchase order value with repeated customers

Price structure

The plan is free for the stores with 100 or fewer orders in a month. The stores that cross the said number has to either choose from the silver plan at $29/month or gold plan at $249.

Best Shopify Apps #4: Exit Intent Popup— drive actions from the customers

Exit Intent Popup is a user-friendly Shopify app. It prompts popup and messages to draw more clickable actions from the customers. You must have used lucky-wheel or scratchcard popup to try your luck with discounts. The application incites the customers to enter their email or Facebook address, which can later be used for retargeting. You can use it as a perfect exit intent overlay strategy to stop visitors from leaving the site.

The key features

  • Builds the Facebook and email list by driving curiosity among customers
  • Recommends other relatable products using popup messages
  • Grants automatic coupon redeem feature with an intent popup

Benefits to your business

  • Make an active list of subscribers for enhanced email and Facebook campaigning
  • Promote special offers to the customers by diving into their prospects
  • Reduce cart abandonment by reading customer behavior and placing well-timed offers.
  • Increase the average cart value by recommending relevant products
  • Display the relevant information to the right audience at the right time

Price structure

The app offers limited features without charging anything substantial, whereas the premium version costs $199 a month. You can also choose mid-versions as per your business suitability.

Best Shopify Apps #5: Push Owl Web Push Notification— knock on the digital doors of customers


Push Owl Web Push Notification


Push Owl Web Push Notification can be used as a vital marketing communication channel that pops-up directly on the customers’ screens.

It’s one of the highly-rated Shopify apps which works towards regaining the lost revenue caused by cart abandonment. 

The key features

  • Reminds customers to get back to the cart and finish the sales funnel
  • Displays the best offer right on their screens
  • Notifies about what customers’ have been missing on sales.

Benefits to your business

  • Recover customers who didn’t/couldn’t complete the purchase
  • Engage your audience with a crispy and savage copy through notification lists
  • Upsell by displaying relevant and related products to the customers
  • Give wings to your email and social media marketing efforts
  • Minimize cart abandonment to have faster ROI and higher profits

Price structure

The app is basically free for 500 impressions; however, for anything beyond that— you will have to purchase a premium version at a paltry cost of 19$ per month.

Best Shopify Apps #6: Tidio Live Chat— stand up when it matters.

The name is self-explanatory— Tidio Live chat facilitates the users with one of the active query points.

This Shopify app lets users shoot queries through automated chatbot channels in real-time. And if you’re a big fan of eCommerce customer service, this app just lives up to the hype.

Live chat ensures that your users are being heard— no matter what time it is.

The key features

  • Combines emails, Facebook messenger, and live chat at one sphere, thereby making itself more accessible
  • Uses intelligent bots to answer queries and generates a sense of 24*7 availability
  • Offers rich widget customization options

Benefits to your business

  • Reclaim abandoned carts by answering queries on time
  • Boost sales as customer tech support increase with it
  • Give ears to your customers when nobody is expected to help them out
  • Thank or greet your customers as all the digital marketing channels are in one place
  • Make use of user-generated data for more customer-centric targeting

Price structure

The basic plan of the app is available to everyone. The chatbot and communicator plans are billed at 15$ a month each.

Best Shopify Apps #7: Kit— your virtual marketing employee

Consider Kit app as your virtual, yet personalized marketing guide.

Based on your data, this Shopify app evaluates your business and comes up with the optimal marketing solutions which are likely to generate profits.

The application works brilliantly for the small and moderate store owners who don’t want to spend too much into digital marketing services.

The key features

  • Analyses your products, audience, and visitors and presents the most feasible marketing gimmick
  • Gives you an insight on possible Instagram audience
  • Builds a look-alike audience so that you target the right audience

Benefits to your business

  • Manage your Facebook and Instagram ads, social media posts, and email campaigns
  • Retarget audiences by making dynamic ads
  • Make watchful marketing moves with automated analytics
  • Drive traffic by optimizing your marketing efforts
  • Shoot up your revenue by letting it handle your marketing

Price structure

It’s completely free to install. You will be billed directly on your Facebook and Instagram accounts if you run an ad through the kit.

Also read: Facebook ad mistakes— when you market Shopify store on Facebook.

Best Shopify Apps #8: Referral candy— rewarding our word of mouth marketers.

ReferralCandy is one of the top-notch Shopify apps for yielding sales through referral programs and tracking them to and fro. Some of the best Shopify stores in the industry use it for referral marketing.

The app is a powerful advocate of the word of mouth sales and has benefited over 30,000 companies in setting up and organizing their referral campaigns.

The key features

  • Permits customized referral designs on the website and give massive control over the customer experience
  • Satisfies customers with automated referral rewards in any desired form (cash, coupon, gift vouchers, etc.)
  • Helps track the impact of referral program on your sales with in-built measuring metrics

Benefits to your business

  • Drill down the details of the referral program and produce more catchy offers for the customers
  • Earn loyal customers
  • Customize your referral campaigns that align with the standard of your store
  • Drive more users into buying your services and products
  • Fasten up the purchase decision making

Price structure

The pricing of ReferralCandy is flexible, as it’s dependent on your sales. 49$ is the least you have to pay to use its service, which goes up as high as $3999 per month in the enterprise version.

Best Shopify Apps #9: Spocket— your dropshipping partner

Spocket is a sturdy dropshipping tool that helps you run your e-commerce without really stashing anything in your warehouse. The business model is relatively new to the online shopping business, where you only have to add items in your shop, and an order form will get generated at the suppliers’ window.

This app could change the way small-scale e-Commerce stores are operated.

The key features

  • Ships the products to your clients in the demography where you don’t have any hold 
  • Handles your inventory and keep everything in check without really troubling you
  • Offers the best wholesale price so that you stand a huge chance in the drop shipping industry
  • The products are shipped to your clients with your logo and branding
  • Tracks real-time status of your order

Benefits to your business

  • You’ll never sell out of stock products as the app takes care of inventory
  • Fast delivery will reduce shopping-cart abandonment
  • A quick delivery service can be used to cater to the needs of last-minute buyers
  • You can deflect your warehouse costing into more productive moves like following digital marketing trends or web designing trends
  • Automate order processing to develop a highly engaging shopping-experience

Price structure

The pricing structure of Spocket floats between zero to 99$ a month. The premium version of the app empowers budding entrepreneurs to convert their e-stores into enterprises.

Best Shopify Apps #10: Form Builder— give your users an actionable component

Forms have been the lifeline of any work you do— whether it’s about enrolling a new student in a school or about admitting a new patient in the hospital.

The importance of forms sticks to e-Commerce as well as you long to have more customer information through these designed templates.

The form builder is one such tool on Shopify, which enables you to build customer-tailored forms so that your customers can reach you, place customized orders, shoot queries, and rate customer experience.

The key features

  • Allows you to set-up an attractive form in one click without any coding background
  • Gives similar experience through multiple devices including desktops and mobile
  • Tracks all the responses in one place and provide a comprehensive idea about the customers

Benefits to your business

  • Try personalizing shopping-experience for users by taking customized orders
  • Set up a gratitude message as per your will
  • Add feedback forms to work more on customer service
  • Catch more eyes with beautifully and not boringly designed forms
  • Get more leads by personalizing the user experience

Price structure

The given app springs out into two versions— basic plan and a premium plan. Both the plans permit unlimited forms. The only difference being dynamic values that the premium plan allows.

The final countdown

The final countdown for 2019 has begun, and we are railing forward to 2022 with more enthusiasm and expectations.

And with that— the necessity to use effective Shopify apps will increase in the coming year.

2022 will be more fun if you use these apps because they will naturally boost your sales, retain your customers, build new links, and dig the best performance of your e-Commerce store.

However, apart from these ten apps— we’d highly recommend you to keep exploring the Shopify marketplace because who knows— the best app is wanting to be in your kitty.

So, what’s your favorite Shopify app? Drop us your valuable views on the Shopify apps which you are willing to add in your e-Store. We may help!

You may also like to read:

Everything about Shopify Online Store 2.0
Top Shopify stores examples

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

2 Responses

  1. Nice, quite a few that I have never even tried.

    My trustworthy duo is Plugin SEO and Swell , I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to try em.

    Thanks for the list and greetings from Nigeria👍

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