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e-commerce recommendations to increase sales

The month of April will usher in yet another beautiful Easter period, and this one in 2020 is going to be more competitive. So you need to ramp up your efforts early to reach shoppers ahead of the competition. Only the best ecommerce marketing practice can help you maximize every dollar you can that would be available from the increase rate of shoppers during the period.

You need to take proactive steps and allow your online business to benefit from the Easter celebration.

So, here are 5 incredible ecommerce recommendations you can try this Easter to increase sales.

Creating the main Easter landing page is a must with an ecommerce website. You can have the landing page graphically themed and should serve as a hub to every one of your business Easter-related deals and products. A well-tailored Easter landing page is one of the best ways to establish an ecommerce online store.

One convenient way you can achieve this is to organize this page as a separate and unique category on your website. Then assign products bearing a special tag “Easter” in that category. As much as this landing page is a concern, the main task is to design and organize this page the way it will sell your Easter products and services.

Think about the products that will fit this page such as, baskets and stuffers, candies and chocolates, kitchen and dining goods, clothing and jewelry, books and CDs, toys and costume, and more.

Make sure your Easter hub-landing page isn’t cluttered when designing it. Always use categories so users can easily navigate through the products.

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The competition, just like with every other holiday, will be fierce around the Easter, so consider how a well defined and promoted discount might give your business an edge. People always like products that carry discounts, and offering discount is one essential Ecommerce marketing recommendations you should try this Easter.

Try to picture what your customers would be doing during the Easter holiday period: meeting friends and relatives, preparing for family dinners, spending more time at the gym, attending to unfinished projects, or just chilling on the couch.

Then try to picture which products or services they might consider in these situations. Also, consider other necessary things they might need during the spring, then offer them in a special discount package. 

One digital marketing technique you might also want to consider during Easter is to create a sense of urgency with your products and services. While the discount is one sure way to do this, experimenting with different types of sales each day during the holiday/Easter period can help you to clear out last season’s products.

For instance, you can perform a campaign encouraging shoppers to buy sooner than later. A shopper that buys sooner will get to save more for that day, compared to when he or she buys at another different day. For example, you can offer “Free shipping for Sunday shoppers with 25% off”.

You can take your E-commerce online store to the next level by using social media to your advantage. With a perfect social media giveaway, you can achieve a lot with minimal effort. Start your social media giveaway by asking your social media followers to name someone or a loved one that deserves the prize. Another thing you can do is to use guessing games for the giveaway prize.

For instance, for this Easter holiday shopping spree, you can ask your followers to participate by guessing the weight of the candy or chocolate. Furthermore, you can apply a similar concept to any of your product. For example, “guess how many beads are in this necklace. “Guess where this picture was taken, etc.”

Email remains one of the best Ecommerce marketing strategies of all time. It is an essential means of reaching a wide range of audience online. Design and customize an email featuring the best of your Easter promotions and offers. Don’t forget to use an attention-grabbing subject line. This is important because your email might likely not be the only one in your customer’s email inboxes, and it’s only the one that stands out that will grab the customer’s attention. So, spend time on designing that subject line and make sure you get it right.

Take your email campaign further by creating a sense of urgency in every email you send. Get your subscribers to rush over to your store and grab your offer before they are too late. In the end, you will boost sales.

While performing these wonderful tips to boost sales during the Easter holiday, remember not to run out of stock for important products. Make sure your inventory is stocked to the brim and can cope with demands for Easter specials. All things being equal, be ready to smile to the bank in the end.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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