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Web Design & Development

web design trends 2021

Everyone wants to know what the futuristic website design trends will be. Because the front has always mattered and always will. But is web designing all about the website’s appearance? We think not. Give web designing a try if you want to know it.

The entire user experience depends on the design’s feasibility, features, and flow. Web Designs have had a complete makeover in the last few years and there is a lot that can still be done to enhance the performance of digital business fronts with apt visual technology.

Our entire custom web designing team had an analytical meeting about how this year has been for them,
how they have adopted contemporary designing trends and the futuristic approach for 2022.

Here are the Biggest Web Design Trends for 2022:

  1. Massive & Eloquent Typography
  2. Dark mode
  3. Flat Design For Mobile
  4. Augmented Reality
  5. Eye-catching illustrations 
  6. User-triggered animations
  7. Retro & Vintage-inspired themes
  8. Hero Video Headers
  9. Scroll-triggered web pages

Futuristic website design #1: Massive & Eloquent Typography

Typography reckons for 90% of website design. 

The main reason that people visit a website is to read the text, whether it be to acquire information about the company or to read quality content. The statements on a website matter, so, the way in which you represent them holds equal significance.

I don’t know about other people, but fonts are extremely important to me. 

Even as a reader, if the content seems worth reading but the fonts are irksome, it is difficult for me to push that aspect aside and continue reading and I’m sure there must be many who care about Sans or Serif, Gothic or Modern, etc.

A trend making its way into 2021 is enormous typography that can be read from across the room.

The ever-increasing typography is what makes a more prominent impact that gets right into your face and tells you what you need to know.

Example: Take a look at the massive typography of Story & Heart almost fills up the view port of their homepage. 

Story & heart typography


Also read: Agile web development

Futuristic website design #2: Dark Mode- Dim the Lights & Relax Your Eyes.

The internet never sleeps, staring at brightly lit screens at night or day ought to put some strain on the eyes, making it difficult to focus on your monitor for an extended duration.

To ease that strain, dark mode has been proven as one of the most effective solutions and one the biggest upsurge in design, and many well-known marks around the world such as Facebook, Apple, Instagram, Google and Whatsapp have implemented the dark or night mode in their interface.

Instagram dark mode UI via Later

The dark mode is a dark shade theme, usually black or a shade of gray,  that uses a deficient-light user interface. 

It is basically the opposite of the bright and white interface that designers have worked with for ages.

While this mode has started gaining traction with the apps and popular browsers, it’s just so new. You will likely come across very few websites that have implemented the dark mode or dark color schemes.

With so many users opting for “dark mode”, it’ll be no surprise that more websites will be creating designs with a dark aesthetic or light to dark switchable mode.

Jack denials typography

Website dark theme : Jack Daniels

Also read: How to develop an eCommerce website— designing dark modes as well

Futuristic website design #3: Flat Design For Mobile

There is nothing that can permanently replace simplicity, especially when it comes to designs. Of course, there can be trial and error in creative dimensions, but flat designs have taken simplicity to altogether a new level.

Why flat? What makes it such a popular option when it comes to mobile design?

Because it works.

Because of the smaller screens (although they seem to be getting larger, elements such as space and contrast are of utmost concern.

Flat design most typically employs scalable vector graphics that are quickly and easily resized by browsers, making sites more efficient for mobile device usage. Flat design minimizes browser performance issues with fewer features that need resizing for mobile use

2022 has been a prominent time when web designers tried going crisp, simple, and elegant with flat designs for Mobile devices. These designs are not necessarily two dimensional but its minimalist appearance can make you feel all the space around you.

Bright monotones with crisp edges, simple and elegant logos, intelligent illustrations, lots of white space, etc. have helped us to eliminate clutter from the designs which was not only taking a lot of web space and loading time but was also the reason for bad user experience.

Also read: Agile eCommerce

Futuristic website design #4: How Augmented Reality Is Changing the Way People Buy Things Online?

Ever since Pokémon Go brought Augmented Reality in the line of sight, online businesses have been looking for methods of adding this oomph factor to their sites for their own purposes.

E-commerce Web designers have commenced equipping AR technology in this modern age, making the most of smartphone cameras and webcams to assist customers to select their products.

banner of katrina

lens cart Gif SRC: Lenskart

From shopping minimalist things like glasses and makeup to lifestyle-oriented necessities like
furniture are being sold online effectively with the implementation of 3-D rendering and AR technologies.

Also read: eCommerce website development — develop a website with AR techs.

Futuristic website design #5: Eye-Catching Illustrations

An illustration is a resourceful way of divulging a message. Used in websites, illustration assists in layout visual aid.

While Illustrations have been gracing the sites for ages, there’s a booming demand making its way in 2021 of having custom and eloquent illustrations that convey the brand’s message.

Let’s have a look at what it means to use attractive and meaningful illustration in website design:

example of illustration in websiteImage Source: Ouch!

Image source: awwwards

Also read: Scrum web development

6. User-Triggered Animations

Anything on your website can be animated – from the button, image, text to titles, and everything in between.  Whether you go for images in motion or subtle hover effects, a gist of animation will add a stellar touch to your site.

Typically when we think about animation, we visualize them as independent entities, happening on their own no matter what the user did on the page. 

This blooming need in web design, however, is utilizing animation set in motion by some type of
input or action from the visitor.

The best way to make an impact in mere seconds is by providing a good user experience with the help of this trending attribute.

Example: Take a look at this fun user-triggered animation of ITG.Digital

example of Animation

Also read: Agile web development solutions

Futuristic website design #7: Retro & Vintage-inspired themes

For centuries, we’ve been thriving upon trends from prior eras to assemble new designs. 

Take the White House, for instance, the 18th-century American architects got their inspiration from Greek architecture.

Although many call vintage and retro a new movement, we’ve been doing it for a long time.

“Vintage & Retro designs are immensely emotional cause they’re associated with the history of each of us. These designs summon nostalgia in users of all demographics.”  

Mitin, a huptech web designer

Example:  The website layout given below is a great example of using a vintage-influenced font with a vintage and retro-inspired color scheme (earthy, but bright).

Img Src: Hubspot Blog

Also read: B2B Ecommerce website development

Futuristic website design #8: Hero Video Headers

Newspapers always put their biggest stories and important information “above the fold” to capture attention. The site equivalent to this is at the top of the web page which is referred to as the “hero section” .

The trend of hero header images can be summarized as massive eye-catchy headers. 

Typically these images directly relate to the content or message. But designers have been drawing innovation by using videos.

Ux design

Img Src: Just in mind

In the web design industry, video backgrounds are accounted for as one of the most gripping ways to convey a company’s vision, services, and mission. What a better way to capture attention than a video? I mean, People love videos! Videos are engaging! 

Example: Take a look at the massive hero background video of BeTheme’s County

video headers

Also read: Features of eCommerce website— design accordingly

Futuristic website design #9: Scroll-Generated Websites

90% of the world’s web pages are static. What you see is what you get.

However, Scroll-generated web pages are a divergent bunch. Here the act of scrolling itself adds visual stimulant for the user, fabricating a dynamic experience.

Landing pages like this are supposed to be appealing. It’s not targeted towards those looking for just raw specifications and information and (which, by the way, is very accessible through the header).

A web page like this is expected to present a product and its key points in a reassuring way. 

Example: Take a look at this scroll generated web page of Apple’s AirPods.

What Apple🍏 aimed to portray here is to present the product as premium and special as it feels like using in real life.

The freshness of the notion is enough for them to be easily noticeable and to fabricate a wow-effect 😲

The Huptech designing team has proved its efficiency by incorporating the latest trends in this year itself which are also considered to be the trends to try in 2022. 

If you are stuck with badly designed websites that are not yielding enough results then it’s time for you to try these trends. 

The business front should be communicative and these designing trends are the perfect way to do that. We are right here to take care of everything that’s Designs!!

Also read: Improve your Christmas SEO

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  1. Customized web development
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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

20 Responses

  1. Lots of good tips again.

    I like the font section and fields a lot. From web performance perspective you need to be careful using external fonts because they usually cause a Flash of Unstyle Text (FOUT), which is a sad sibling to Flash of Un-styled Content.

    1. Thank you for the tip, Moshe. I appreciate you adding your expertise to this article. 🙂

  2. Lots of good tips here.

    I especially liked the dark mode and font-related tips. From a web developer’s perspective, I think its important to be careful fonts.

  3. Wonderful information about the website design trends. Your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. I wonder if we can gather such practical information about it, a great post definitely to come across.

  4. Heya i am for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out much.

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