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A Comprehensive Guide To-Shopify Online Store

Shopify Online Store 2.0—Introduction

Shopify reminds us of one of our old classmates who pretends to know nothing but performs surprisingly well in the exams.Shopify has evolved from being a dark horse to the front-runner in the online space due to substantial technological advancements and a burgeoning need for online shopping.And the platform continues to grow.Being one of the leading eCommerce platforms enables businesses to open an online store and sell products online, in-store, and via third-party channels.
Shopify has big ambitions to grow even further, using the Unite event to unveil a slew of new functionalities aimed at helping small and large businesses alike.Moreover, it continues to address the needs of its clients by providing new and innovative services aimed at optimizing merchants’ selling experiences.Take a deep breath! We’re going to bombard you with additional facts!In 2020, Shopify’s partner network produced $12.5 billion in sales. This figure increased by more than 84% from $6.8B in 2019. 

By the end of 2020, Shopify has processed over $200 billion in sales. The rest is history!Shopify is adept at playing the intention game. However, with the 2.0 update, Shopify inadvertently or purposefully leaves some areas for improvement open for partners to exploit.Here is an overview of what Online Store 2.0 entails for you.

Shopify Online Store 2.0—Overview

Shopify Online Store 2.0 was launched at its Unite Event on 29th June 2021, as promised.Online Store 2.0 has entirely revamped the store experience by introducing a completely new set of developer tools. It now enables developers to create a plethora of themes and apps for Shopify merchants.Users can now centralize all available functions, build storefronts from the ground up, connect theme extensions, and manage applications within themes with the new editor.Shopify’s new updated online shop 2.0 increases the platform’s visibility among developers and technology titans. A move indicating this was Netflix’s early access to Store 2.0.To begin, the redesigned online store will make it simple for developers to customize their storefronts. Netflix gained early access to this platform and utilized it to launch —the company’s first eCommerce store.The reference theme Dawn, developed as the new benchmark storefront theme, will be 35% quicker than the existing default theme. Shopify stated that the new theme would be open for developer submissions beginning July 15, 2021.Shopify also announced that it would reinvest its infrastructure and developer tools. This update will benefit you as a merchant as it lets you avoid the hassle of re-platforming and create headless commerce storefronts or personalize your storefronts.With the new store, everyone on Shopify can now establish, personalize, scale, and monetize a business.In this article, we’ll examine these new tools and features in further detail to better appreciate their influence on your job and the opportunities they bring.Additionally, we’ll discuss the prerequisites for upgrading your themes and applications to Online Store 2.0 standards.

What Is Shopify Online Store 2.0?

Simply put, Shopify is a platform for creating an online store.Due to its browser-based architecture, you can use it anywhere with an internet connection. In other words, you do not need to install any software to utilize it, and because it is a ‘hosted’ solution, you also do not need to purchase hosting.The Shopify unity event showcased updates and enhancements to the eCommerce platform to enhance the shopping experience for Shopify stores.Shopify has worked hard to overhaul the online marketplace experience and introduce new developer tools that will assist developers in creating exceptional experiences for companies and customers.
It has primarily redesigned four components of its online store:

  • Themes
  • The Online Editor
  • Store Content
  • Developer Tools

The bespoke storefront with CMS enhancements and the online editor will have a more significant influence on non-developers.The overall change will provide developers additional authority through developer tools and a 0% revenue share on Shopify.Consider the following new tools and features in greater detail to discover how they affect consumer experiences on Shopify Stores.

New Tools & Features

App Modularity

In Shopify 2.0, application modularity allows you to add and delete user interface components using a theme editor without viewing the source code.With Shopify 2.0’s easy-to-use interface, you can effortlessly manage, work, and host an app’s supporting assets for your app.

Better Checkout Experience

On Online Store 2.0, the checkout will be substantially faster, permitting any store to process 1000s of transactions every minute.
Due to the forthcoming Checkout Extensions, developers will safely connect Shopify apps within Shopify Checkout. Furthermore, these checkout modifications will also work with Shop Pay, providing shops with another distinct brand interface coupled with the internet’s fastest payment mechanism.
Shopify will soon enable shops to provide additional payment options, resulting in a more localized shopping experience while increasing merchant conversion rates.Additionally, the purchase now, pay later option is included to enhance the purchasing experience on your online business.

Buy Now, Pay Later

The concept of buy now, pay later has gained a lot of popularity of late. It enables shoppers to pay less upfront while increasing conversions and average order values for merchants.With buy now, pay later, customers will have the option to pay in full now or later in four interest-free installments.With a plethora of Shopify apps, retailers frequently struggled to find one that met their requirements. This issue is addressed in Online Store 2.0.

Customizable 404 Pages

This is the page that customers are directed to when they click on a broken link on your site. Traditionally, this has consisted of some text that reads, oops, we couldn’t locate that, and a button to continue shopping.

To make that a shoppable page, you need to change your theme’s code to include products or categories. Then, you can add sections to that page just like you can everywhere else with Online Store 2.0. It’s simple to have an area of your best-selling products, as well as links to your most popular collections.

Customizable Online Store

The new upgrade will provide merchants with the additional creative freedom to build their Storefronts without the need for “coding” knowledge to get started quickly. Developers will benefit from more extensibility and customization due to the “max code” access. With sections and blocks, you may soon add and change the information on your webpage. 

Moreover, the Online Store 2.0 will enable retailers to promote their products impressively by giving additional product information.

Changes To Metafields

With Shopify 2.0 update, merchants can add meta fields and attributes using the new theme editor without needing APIs or any type of coding.

The update provides you the freedom to add any content to the product page, including additional information that may be helpful to potential buyers. Moreover, you can also modify the data unlikely to appear in the store editor using meta fields.

Another feature embedded within the theme is the product warranty and sizing chart. This file selector’s intuitive user interface makes it straightforward to select a particular file from the store.

Files API

The File API can create, update, and delete generic files with the latest 2021-07 version, enabling merchants to reuse many apps. In addition, the GraphQL API introduced in this version simplifies uploading or selecting existing media files via settings/files. 

This section also allows applications to store data and images that aren’t directly linked to a brand.

Flexible Store Content

Merchants can now add meta fields and properties without using APIs or writing code to their themes. It means retailers can add the content they require to the product page, such as a section for purchasers to insert a sizing chart or ingredient list. Additionally, meta fields can also include uncertain things to be shown in the main store editor.
Metafields now provides the ability to store media such as photos or PDF files. In addition, the upload and choose media processes on product pages are simplified.

If merchants desire to put a product warranty or sizing graph on their product page, the file picker makes it straightforward to choose the relevant file and place it where their theme’s file meta field is positioned.

Developers can use this GraphQL API to upload or choose media files from the Settings/Files directory.

It enables apps to utilize this space for files and pictures unrelated to a specific product, such as images used in themes. Additional information about the Files API is available in the Shopify documentation.

Liquid Input Setting

Users can now add liquid code directly to pages directly from Shopify’s editor, thanks to the liquid input setting in the 2.0 update.

The Liquid property is identical to the HTML property, with the only difference being, liquid variables are now accessible. Thus, merchants have both global and template-specific Liquid objects available to them.

This feature will eliminate the obligation for merchants to manually alter any theme’s code when adding code for applications that use the liquid. As a developer, this lets you make store decisions while also freeing up time to focus on innovative integrations and solutions.

Consult the developer from Huptech Web for guidance and support.

More Product Information To Attract Customers

Previously, you had to modify your code to include more data about product items, clients, or transactions, which was cumbersome.
With this upgrade, you’ll eventually be able to update and alter meta fields directly from the Shopify dashboard without touching your code.
It is easy to complement your product information better with this feature. For instance, you might include particular care instructions on the product page for your buyers.

Additionally, the new Shopify save will enable you to store additional data about your products, customers, and orders within your Shopify account. With the addition of more information to your product page, you can now attract more customers. In addition, the new function enhances their in-store checkout experience.

New Developer Tools

Shopify 2.0 update will enable you to create new apps and test, develop, and deploy new themes.

The Shopify GitHub integration simplifies the process of using the Shopify command-line tool and theme check. Both these tools let you speed up the development process with test themes in a sandbox environment.

Personalized App Recommendations

Finding an exact fit for apps in the older version proved challenging.

However, in Online Store 2.0, the Shopify App Store will give tailored app suggestions for comparable companies. This tool will save you time by allowing you to identify the best match app for your shop quickly.

Shopify Checkout

Changes to Shopify Checkout were also demonstrated at the developer conference. Custom storefronts have also been modified, allowing customers to gain more from Shopify’s improved infrastructure, reflecting changes to dedicated servers and how API calls are handled.

Furthermore, Hydrogen is a new React architecture that aims to make it easier for developers to create their bespoke shops. Another new tool is Oxygen, which Shopify claims will be its upcoming hosting platform, significantly enhancing efficiency.

Additionally, meta fields and custom content are identified as areas for improvement. Products and product variants may be rapidly added to store designs. The increasing usage of meta fields will provide Shopify users more excellent choices in the content formats they employ.

Shopify Github Integration

The new interface with GitHub significantly simplifies the tracking and management of new theme development and maintenance. Connect the online store’s GitHub user account to the GitHub user account.

The Shopify GitHub integration establishes a connection between your user account and the Shopify admin and links Git branches and store themes. In addition, Native version control support lets you create, track, and manage changes to the theme code.

The GitHub integration with themes enables developers to collaborate safely on themes using native version control capabilities. With version control capability, the integration allows developers to engage in theme editing. For example, developers might design workflows that require theme modifications to be evaluated and merged on GitHub before applying to a live theme when developing a merchant store.

Shopify CLI

The Shopify CLI tool has been updated. Previously, developers used the CLI tool to make Node.js and Ruby on Rails applications, but developers may create custom themes using the CLI with the recent updates.

Shopify CLI lets you create, evaluate, and test modifications to themes contained within development themes. Additionally, you can make a new theme project, push and publish themes, perform theme checks, and use the theme to fill test data for items, customers, and draft orders.

Development themes are hidden themes that are temporarily connected to the Shopify store for development purposes. Because the development themes are not displayed in the admin area, you need not be concerned that store visitors will see your site.

Development themes enable you to monitor the progress of a theme as it is developed locally in real-time, interact with it, and customize it using the theme editor. Thus, the new CLI tool provides extensive control over the appearance of the final theme.

The ‘Dawn’ Of Online Store 2.0

Dawn, a fresh new shop theme that is 35% quicker than the existing default theme, will accompany Online Store 2.0.

The default open-source theme has been optimized for speed, adaptability, and ease of use. The new style uses all capabilities available in Online Store 2.0, including app blocks and sections.

The new Dawn standard theme and added functionalities will allow theme designers to create new theme designs.

Theme Check

Another vital component of Liquid and JSON is Theme Check, which examines the themes for problems. Following the scan, the tool recommends best practices for the Shopify platform and the Liquid programming language.

The functionality highlights code errors by connecting with Visual Studio editors. The best part about theme Check is it comes pre-installed with the Shopify CLI tool.

The New Theme Architecture

Merchants had a limited number of blocks accessible in the previous online store version. Previously, stores had distinct templates that corresponded to specific products. However, with Shopify 2.0 update, you can add sections to each new page.

Each page’s templates can be activated using a JSON template file that describes the page’s settings. This allows you to list all the sections, collections, custom pages, and blog entries.

Moreover, you can also configure the sections appearing within the JSON template files that specify which section displays by default and in what order on an installed theme. Once the template is applied, you may use the theme editor to add dynamic parts as theme presets.

Theme App Extensions With App Blocks

In the older version, you could not integrate apps with themes. As a result, developers were required to write integration logic for pre-existing themes. This necessitated the development of features that functioned consistently across numerous themes. You can use the theme app extensions and app blocks to add new features and extensions.

Zero Percent Revenue Share

Shopify introduced a developer-first business model for the Shopify App Store and Shopify Theme Store. Shopify 2.0  will charge no commission on the first $1 million in the annual income generated by Developers on Shopify. As a result, Shopify’s revenue share will decrease to 15% after $1 million in sales, from 20% previously.

With this revenue-sharing arrangement, Shopify developers will be driven to produce additional applications and themes.

Although the firm will charge a registration fee for apps beginning August 1, 2021, the new revenue-sharing model incentivizes developers to create Shopify apps and themes. Additionally, it may be attempting to avoid some of the app-store friction observed in mobile, such as the current lawsuit between Epic Games and Apple.

Shopify Online Store 2.0 Additional Benefits

One of the key factors that make Shopify beat the giants like BigCommerce is its amazing community. The community is an open ecosystem full of app developers, digital and service partners, theme designers, affiliates, photographers, and graphic designers.

Multi-admin multiple stores— easing up handling multiple eCommerce stores.

Since Shopify got into the eCommerce space, it’s been claiming to ease up the merchant side’s eCommerce experience. Nothing more than a multi-admin multiple-stores app from Shopify stands true to its motto.

// Let’s say you manage three Shopify eCommerce stores for different types of products. Unfortunately, handling all the three stores through separate panels takes some serious mental-beating. It constantly keeps you busy, making you lose the pulse. 

So, what do you do to shrug off the frustration? You sync off all the stores! How? Well, Shopify lets you sync all your stores with the help of its multi-admin multiple store app. 

This way, you can manage multiple stores from a single interface. The feature also syncs all the collections and products from all the stores. Further, it allows inventory sharing and order-fulfilling across the multiple-stores. Should you need a customized multi-admin panel, ‘Multify’ lets custom integration.

Abandoned shopping cart recovery— the best of Shopify’s genius

Do you know almost 70% of the customers don’t finish the purchase? It means that seven visitors out of 10 abandon your store. Think of this: converting 50% of these visitors could truly help you accomplish your eCommerce goal. But how to convince the gones? More importantly, how to have the details of these users?  

Shopify has a strong solution to recover these users. Its abandoned cart recovery app prevents and recovers the gone. By integrating the app with your store, you can access the list of recent deserters, and improvise marketing campaigns with beautiful and personalized emails, Facebook Messenger reminders, and pop-ups.

Send clear retaining signals to your visitors: ‘let bygones be bygones’ and try converting them with reminders and pop-ups. Shopify also gets you across useful customer insight. You can use segmented data to personalize your targeting campaigns.

Dropshipping—no more hassling around the complex inventory 

Managing inventories and shipping orders are the biggest nightmares for any eCommerce merchant. Not willing to own up the massive responsibility? Don’t feel comfortable with these aspects yet want to have a Shopify store?

Shopify dropshipping solution ensures that you’ve no upfront inventory costs, packaging headaches, and shipping logistics. Here’s how you run your store without a warehouse with Shopify’s dropshipping:

  1. Your customer reaches your Shopify eCommerce space and orders a product.
  2. Your store forwards the indent to your partnered-wholesale business, apparently also your dropshipping supplier.
  3. Your drop shipping partner prepares and packs the order.
  4. The dropshipper ships the order directly to your customer.

With a hassle-free dropshipping solution, you can play around various products in your store regardless of whether the previous goods are sold. Shopify eCommerce also notifies your customers about order transit. So, if you’re looking to jumpstart an eCommerce business— Shopify dropshipping is the meal of the deal.

Order fulfillment— setting up a sustainable business for a marathon

Let’s be honest to ourselves; we all want early ROIs, as owning the store without profits sounds like feeding an elephant. So we market our stores aggressively, expecting to have a surplus as early as we can. As sales grow, the challenges in eCommerce grow, especially in order fulfillment. 

It’s one of the loose-ends that dissolve many eCommerce in the sales squirt. Ask yourself, what would you do if your sales grew overnight? How would you fulfill all the orders in time? Shopify lets you answer these questions with automated order fulfillment solutions.

Order fulfillment is a chain that begins with orders from the customers and ends with having your customer’s items delivered. The feature lets you fulfill the order automatically, and it’s marked when paid. Remember that eCommerce stores bring the best results when you know you’re up for a marathon and not a small sprint. The functionality of Shopify makes a sustainable environment around your business.

Quick loading website— the beginning of a robust shopper’s experience

If your website loses speed by 4 seconds, we repeat, merely 4 seconds, you’ll lose sales by 25%. Currently, the average eCommerce page load time is 8.56, which is more than the average attention span of a user on a website, which is 8 seconds. Let alone the product targeting, an eCommerce that loads before the visitors bounce off the website is an achievement in itself.

Worse luck, the eCommerce page load time drops more as the internet gets a tad slower with its overuse in the COVID-19 pandemic. But Shopify SEO management tools help you optimize the store and improve the web performance for imprinting a powerful first impression. Shopify experts promote smooth animations, font swapping, and request to minimize third-party impact to have stores running at a desirable speed.

Customer experience— the shopping-experience beyond expectations

Shopify is brilliant for eCommerce merchants. Agreed! What about the customers? Most eCommerce builders either trade-off customer-experience for easy development solutions or offer complex development solutions for wonderful customer-experience.

But it balances Shopify developer and Shopify customer experience evenly. The platform has over 5000 tools that include the best Shopify apps for managing the web store, customizing the customer-experience, & personalization of the website and campaigns. 

The store uniquely lets you blend the best web designs with new app functionalities to have a beautiful journey throughout the buyer’s cycle. It certainly pushes the buyers through the sales channel much faster.

Brand appeal— striking the right emotional chords with Shopify.

There’s a saying: ‘customers can switch brands if you motive them enough.’ But how do you make them switch to your store? ‘Brand appeal!’ Branding is not just about making a logo and designing a website but interacting with your customers when they truly have a hard time shopping for their favorite numbers.

Shopify eCommerce lets you connect with your customers in real-time and reports professional data to manage your brand image. The online chat facilities, phone, and email support also send a neat message that you’re with your customers through thick and thin.

With Shopify’s feedback features, you can dive into the important insights and traces left by your customers and paint your brand in the color they want the most. Having attractive themes and simulating functionalities, you can appeal to your customers at each point of the sales journey and measure your performance through key metrics.

No hidden cost— what you see is what you get.

As mentioned, eCommerce is sometimes like nursing an elephant— hard to manage, stressful to arrange security walls, and annoying to process supply-chains. But one thing that deters many eCommerce merchants is the hidden cost, especially when branded eCommerce-builders furnish unwanted bills.

Fortunately, Shopify stands for ‘wysiwyg— what you see is what you get.’ You select a plan, and you’re billed exactly for the program you opted for. Before buying any plan, make sure that you go through its commercial tables carefully. Shopify has a series of deliverables with specific plans, and you’ll receive bills concerning it.

Social proof— a powerful psychological eCommerce driver

Social proofs have existed for close to a century. To make it simple for you, it’s the testimonials of your products and services. And most people trust other people’s words more than yours— no matter how much branding efforts you put. If you’re not using these proofs, you’re not only missing a boat but a titanic— once the largest ship.

But Shopify’s social proof apps lets you convert your existing traffic by showcasing reviews, testimonials, recent viewers, reviews, and customer purchases. Since you’d want to put the positive reviews on your store, a strong email copy “we want to make you famous” to your customers shall do the trick.

Having these testimonials and honest opinions, pasted, will enhance your store’s credibility and boost your sales. Shopify’s apps will automatically make customers feel great about your store based on other buyers’ actions.

Product descriptions and specifications— the texts and visuals that sell

Having compelling texts and visuals on the product pages is an uphill struggle, especially when you have a long list of items to display. Plus, you also want to be easing up your customer’s journey! So how do you manage texts and visuals that simulate your visitors and help them buy the most relevant products? 

Shopify store has apps that take your product description and specifications to the next level. Usually, they need to be inviting actions from the customers. But working around so many products across multiple stores can be tiring and time-taking.

The app allows easier to notice and readable product info and description. As visuals have a better impact than texts, the Shopify in-store apps also place visuals and content in a way that can’t go without noticing. Another main objective of a good product page is to leave a good memory in your visitors’ minds. Arranging texts and visuals in an appealing-hierarchy will make your page memorable.

Reliable customer service— a strong Shopify backup

You don’t enter into a battle without any support. Shopify eCommerce ensures that you never do it, not carried away with your craziest adrenaline rush! Instead, reliable customer support is Shopify’s strong suit— the 24/7 assistance that keeps your eCommerce engine up and running.

Think of this way: you care for your customers. Don’t you? So, you set a customer-service desk that helps your visitors have a seamless shopping experience. Similarly, you’re a Shopify customer. As much you care for your customers is Shopify care for you. You have means of entry to their technical desk using phones, chats, or emails. Not just this— you also have access to Shopify help center, Shopify Experts, Discussion Forums, and Shopify Compass to have your business running.

Other Features

Bulk Mutation API

The bulk mutation API on Shopify 2.0 lets you export the bulk data to a store.

Alternatively to the GraphML simulation, a bulk mutation procedure can be used. This is a straightforward method for importing all the data without encountering bottlenecks caused by many files.

Liquid Input Setting Themes

The updated liquid input setting themes allow merchants to easily upload custom Liquid code from the editor like the HTML setting.

Dawn is the new open-source reference theme designed for maximum flexibility and ease of usage. It uses various capabilities introduced in Online Store 2.0, such as JSON templates and app blocks.

When Shopify 2.0 Was Announced And Why?

Shopify 2.0 was announced on 29th June this year at the Shopify Unite event.

The motive to bring Shopify 2.0 into the online world was to enhance the online store experience with an entirely new set of developer tools. As a result, developers can create a wide array of apps and themes for Shopify merchants.

Shopify’s new updated online shop 2.0 increases the platform’s visibility among developers and technology titans.

How To Migrate A Theme To Online Store 2.0?

Now that we have learned about Shopify 2.0 and its features, it’s time to learn how to migrate a theme to Shopify online store 2.0.

Do you know, numerous elements of Shopify online store 2.0 rely on JSON templates. 

When migrating your theme to online store 2.0, you can integrate the JSON capabilities by following these two easy steps:

  • First, convert a Liquid template to a JSON one.
  • Second, relocate necessary Liquid code into the new JSON template’s parts.

Sections on every page

Shopify online store 2.0 lets you add, modify, and delete new and existing sections directly within the Shopify theme editor using a JSON template format.

This feature enables merchants to customize many additional parts of their business without relying on a developer. Additionally, it allows developers to create more maintainable themes through the use of modular components.

Dynamic sources

Merchants can link dynamic resources to theme settings. An active source is a property that changes in response to its context. It can be an attribute on an object or a custom meta field.

Additionally, you can incorporate standard meta fields into your theme as default defaults. By utilizing standard meta fields, you may increase the flexibility and reusability of your components and provide standard templates for various business segments.

App blocks

Using this new architecture, you can design themes and add app blocks created with theme app extensions

Furthermore, this app development framework allows you to add or upgrade an app without changing the store’s theme code.

Modular app blocks are used for packaging the code, which merchants can customize via the Shopify theme editor. When a merchant uninstalls an app, the merchant also removes the program’s code.

Before You Start

Before you begin, the following steps should be taken:

  • First, determine the theme to which you wish to migrate.
  • If you want to transfer your theme using your local development environment and the Shopify command-line interface, follow these steps:
    • First, install the Shopify command-line interface.
    • Ascertain that you have a collaborator or staff account for the business you wish to work for or that you are the store’s owner. If you have a collaborator or staff account, you must have the shop’s Manage themes or Themes permissions. By default, store owners have these permissions.
    • Make a note of the URL of the store on which you wish to work.
  1. Theme Back Up

    Create a duplicate of the theme on which you wish to work.

    Duplicate the theme if you’re altering it with the code editor. As you edit the theme, ensure that it is unpublished. This is because you will be deleting files from the theme, which will affect the live storefront. Additionally, you may require a backup copy to refer to or revert to in the future.

    Note: Use the Shopify theme command if you’re modifying the theme with Shopify CLI.

  2. Identify And Remove Section References

    Find and remove any %section% tags before converting your Liquid template to a JSON template.

    Note: Don’t forget to remove the references before moving the code’s remainder into a section file. Moreover, references to other section files are not permitted in section files

    Open the theme in the code editor or local development environment.

    1. Locate the /templates/product.liquid file.
    2. Search any percent section percent tags that include sections. Take note of their names and locations.
    3. After locating and noting the location of any percent section percent tags, delete them from the product.liquid> file.
  3. Move Code From The Template Into A Section

    Select a space to relocate section tags once you have removed them from the template code.

    You have two options: copy and paste this code into an existing section or create a new one.

    Option 1: Include code in an already-existing section

    You may already have a section that renders a significant chunk of a page’s code. For instance, in Debut, the product template section includes a portion of the product page’s code.

    1. Open the file containing the portion to which you wish to add the template code.
    2. Copy the remainder of the code from the product.liquid.
    3. Paste the code in the section file.

    Option 2: Create a new section and add code to it.

    If you don’t find the theme’s current section file suitable, you have the option to create a new section that can keep the Liquid template code.

    1. In the sections directory, create a new file.
    2. Copy and paste the remaining code from the product.liquid file into the new section file.
  4. Delete The Liquid Template File

    Once you copy the code from the <product.liquid>, delete it from the templates directory as it cannot contain both a <product.liquid> and a product.JSON file.

  5. Create A JSON Template File

    Create a replacement JSON template once you have deleted the <product.liquid> file. Follow the following steps:

    1. Create a new file called product.JSON in the directory:

    If you do so using the code editor:

    • Select the “Add a new template” option.
    • The drop-down option for ‘Create a template’ allows you to select ‘Product.’
    1. Create a new file named “product.JSON.”
    2. Keep the newly created file in the templates directory. It will help you edit the theme locally.
    3. Replace any default code within the product.JSON file after it is created. The type property should refer to, for instance, the name of the file into which the markup for the product template file was transferred in step 3.
    4. Save the document.
  6. Test The Template

    Open the newly created template in the theme editor to verify it renders appropriately.

    Follow the below mentioned to use the Shopify CLI:

    1. Type Shopify login in the store domain in a terminal.
    2. Click on the link and complete the login process
    3. Navigate to the theme’s working directory
    4. Type Shopify theme serves
    5. Navigate to a product page
    6. In the left sidebar, a button labeled Add section will appear.

    All inaccessible sections will now appear in the “Add Section” menu.

  7. Add References To Sections

    If the original <product.liquid> template file included references to different sections, such as a section for product recommendations; you can describe these in the product.JSON file and then select their placement.

    1. Product.JSON should now be open. Currently, the file only refers to a single central part containing your transferred code.
    2. Utilize this structure to create more parts. For instance, you can include a reference to a section on product recommendations.
    3. Define the order of the sections.

    Provide recommendations regarding where you should place the section within the order array. For example, the section should be placed beneath the existing main section in this situation.

    When you browse the theme editor and choose a product page, the product recommendations area should display below the product template section.

  8. Add Support For App Blocks To Sections

    If you want merchants to be able to add app blocks to your theme’s sections, you must make the following adjustments to your section code:

    • Include the required schema.
    • Render the content of the block
    • You must make these adjustments for each area in which you wish to include app blocks. Discover how to incorporate app blocks into your theme.

    Note: Theme app extensions are used to create app blocks, which are presently only available as a developer preview. You can verify your revised section code by adding the sample app for product reviews.

    In the section schema, enable app blocks.

    Due to the absence of blocks in this part, you can add a new blocks node following the schema’s settings node.

    Create application blocks

    Don’t forget to check for the appropriate type and render the block using the %render block% tag to render an application block in your theme.

  9. Repeat

    You can repeat the process mentioned above on all your theme sections.

Next Steps

Consider upgrading your theme further after producing new JSON templates based on your Liquid templates:

  • Modularize your template – You can break up the actual template code into parts and blocks. For instance, you can translate a checkbox labeled Show vendor into a block representing the vendor. 
  • Link the theme with dynamic sources – You can modify the default settings of your theme to add dynamic resources.
  • Enhance your theme’s version control – Connecting your theme to a GitHub repository simplifies future theme updates.

What Is The Shopify 2.0 Feature?

Shopify 2.0 is the optimal solution for integrating your Shopify store with your application! With more control over your store, you now have more creative freedom than ever before with your app’s products!

A fantastic addition to Shopify’s already extensive functionality, Shopify 2.0 is a must-have for us. It lets you import goods from your Shopify store and choose how they are displayed in your app. Additionally, you can create custom product collections and include actions such as the option to call in to enquire about the future availability of a sold-out item.

How Will Shopify 2.0 Benefit The Merchants?

Shopify 2.0 online store offers numerous benefits to businesses of all types and customers, including:

  • Increased flexibility when it comes to changing the content of your online store The possibility to create new pages with complicated designs without the assistance of a developer
  • When a developer is recruited to design a new portion, the new block will be offered in all stores, ensuring the investment’s future viability.
  • Increased speeds
  • Access to simple-to-implement theme modifications across all pages
  • App integration made simpler
  • Modification of the checkout section
  • Metafields are integrated natively
  • The network of applications, themes, and services will expand at an exponential rate.

How Much Does Shopify Online Store 2.0 Cost?

With the advent of Online Store 2.0, Shopify and Shopify Plus’s versatility is completely revolutionized. From full-page editing to native Shopify meta fields, an improved editor UI, and much-needed development tools.

As long as your Shopify store is operational and you have a premium plan and a compatible theme, online store 2.0 is free and included in your plan. Rather than being an add-on feature, online shop 2.0 is designed to take the role of Shopify stores.

How To Build A New Website With Online Store 2.0?

Shopify has worked hard to overhaul the online marketplace experience and introduce new developer tools that will assist developers in creating exceptional experiences for companies and customers.

At Huptech Web, we hold the expertise to design any online store that will adhere to the Shopify Online Store 2.0 criteria. In addition, we can help you optimize your website if you’re considering developing a new website with Huptech Web.

How To Get Access To Shopify’s Online Store 2.0

You’re undoubtedly wondering how you’re going to get your hands on this! That varies. At this recording, the only method to gain access is to create a new Shopify store. Dawn, the new default theme, will now be included with all new Shopify stores.

However, if you already use Shopify, you’ll need to wait further for theme designers and developers to rebuild their themes on this platform.

What Should Be Done Before Making The Switch To Online Store 2.0?

Before you rush out to create the update, let’s discuss how this should be handled.

If you consider Shopify online store 2.0 or have already begun a theme update, you have to wait a little longer or until the latest version of your theme or Dawn is released for all merchants. 

Shopify stated that Dawn would be open to all merchants in the coming months and that theme developers must update their goods by the end of the year to be eligible for inclusion in the Shopify theme shop.

Changing themes can be a significant undertaking, much more so with all of these additional features. 

Unless you have a dedicated staff capable of migrating without interfering with your normal day-to-day operations or preparations for Q4, it does not make sense to do so now. And that is dependent on the timeframe for the publication of the new version of your theme. 

Of course, you can change themes totally if you choose, but in either case, we urge you to assess the time commitment and whether it is practical for you.

How Will My Store Work On Shopify 2.0?

Shopify is not ending support for the current method of creating themes; nonetheless, the appearance of the theme editor has altered slightly. On the other hand, you will not access new capabilities if you use a legacy theme.

A new JSON template format is available in Shopify 2.0. The updated template lets you add, modify, and delete new and existing sections directly within the Shopify theme editor using JSON template format. 

This feature allows merchants to customize many additional aspects of their business without relying on a developer.

Shopify Unveils Its Vision For The Future Of Ecommerce

At its Unite 2021 event, Shopify unveiled a slew of innovative features and enhancements to its eCommerce platform’s capabilities. Shopify has launched substantial initiatives with product upgrades and new software capabilities, giving retailers an advantage irrespective of which eCommerce platform they choose.

Shopify 2.0 update includes themes with sections on every page, app-powered blocks, configurable data storage, and robust developer tools that are more accessible than ever. In addition, extensibility allows app developers to build merchant connectors and showcase their solutions directly in the online shop.

Shopify’s revised template language features an in-house editor similar to WordPress’s Gutenberg. This brings it more in line with the page editors available on platforms such as Squarespace and Wix.

The editor may easily be used in many Shopify apps, including the widely used Shogun page builder.

The new editor enables small and medium-sized businesses to design new page templates and populate them with data without writing a single line of code by leveraging Shopify’s built-in page sections and blocks.

Finally, the content management system has been redesigned and enhanced with new capabilities. You’re going to gain all-new custom content typing with the next version. Create content once and distribute it across all of your channels, including your eCommerce site.

Update your themes and develop theme app extensions for your apps to exploit these updates and continue growing for merchants worldwide fully.

Hire Shopify 2.0 Developer

Hire Shopify Developers from Hubtech Web, who have thorough expertise in eCommerce and can create a fully functional eCommerce store that your consumers will adore.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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