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Personalized Marketing

Imagine a customer visits your e-commerce website, searches for his desired product, gets distracted by visually overwhelming design, & deserts your store? So, did you lose a potential customer? Yes… very likely! But is there any way to clear their doubts? Can you crack this nut? Well, that’s what personalized marketing wants you to believe. 

Personalized marketing in one quote is nothing but “bygone is bygone”. Because it’s a method to knock your clients’ door and say “please forget whatever happened, let’s make friends again”. Wow! That’s what we call an amazing customer service. Though we follow other customer service tricks to get back the visitors, personalized marketing is our favorite.  

Personalized marketing is giving personal assistance to your online customers through targeted content. 

Online customers want to be heard— like they are addressed in the brick and mortar business. You can’t allow them to feel they are interacting with the machine. The brands that add a human factor and create personalized-experience have shown high retention and conversion rate. Again, you may ask why personalized marketing is our favorite when there are other methods to drive conversion.

In the above case, if you reach the prospect at the right time & cater personalized content— then you can expect them to come back to you. You only need solid email marketing strategies and some part of crazy execution to digital marketing trends such as live streaming or social media marketing . Once you’re there, you’ll most likely grab the low-hanging fruit and convert him.


Wondering where you can apply personalization? Honestly, there’s no dead-end.

If you think that personalizing at a point or two should do the job— you’re too optimistic with targeted marketing.

The path of purchase in a customer journey involves a lot of interacting points, and you should look forward to applying it at a maximum number of points.

There’s no limit to personalizing your brand for your customers. Apart from serving personalized content on websites, apps, and touchpoints— you can give discount offers, sale alerts, product & service recommendations, timed-shipping notifications, and easy ways to reach you on social media and emails.


Creating a personalized digital experience is no longer a choice. It’s a must-have brand etiquette.

Brand-etiquette, yes! We like to identify personalized-experience as etiquette because if you do not have it, you’re not caring about your customers.

You want to keep up with your Joneses. We mean your competitors! Right? So, why not engage with your customers individually? 

Other marketers are spending 30% more in individualized campaigns rather than spending their funds in batch and blast collective marketing.

Since 8 in 10 customers go with brands that give personalized experience, and 90% of customers like to partner with businesses that offer them relevant offers and recommendations— it’s high time that you’re no longer ‘doubting Thomas’ when it’s about personalized marketing.

And personalizing pays. Here’s the proof:

  • The brands with personalized experience see 19% uplift in average order value.
  • Data-driven personalization gives upto 20% increase in marketing ROI.
  • 78% of customers turn into repeat customers with stores giving targeted offers.

And you know what’s intriguing? 90% of customers don’t mind sharing behavioral data if you’re using resources for personalized targeting. 

So, they are clearly standing at the cliff, waiting to be personalized. Aren’t they? But are you dumping a one-size-fits-all approach and tailoring relevant and unique experiences for the visitors?

Now that we raised your eyebrows, you’ll get some personalization tactics to play with customer psychology and create personalized web experiences for them. 

Wrap your heads around to learn strategies for optimizing personalization for your website.


Personalized marketing tip #1 Start with collecting your audience data

Personalizing campaigns will need you to get the in-depth knowledge of how your customer behaves with your website and other touchpoints. Small or big— valuable customer information will allow you to target and retarget marketing campaigns and bring strategies into fruition.

For your start-up or a small business, go for a natural personal approach. Reach out to your customers individually based on the profile data you’ve established so far. You must have build an email list. Go shoot some relevant emails to get their attention. You might even want to follow email stratagies that work for personalization.

However, the same approach could get complicated if you hold extensive business data profiles. For this, you need automation tools that let you segment customer groups and provide a generic, yet smart support to them.

Before you handpick any personalizing data collection tool, make sure that they meet specific criteria. Our central idea of collecting data is to segment our audience based on: 

  • demographic
  • preference 
  • RFM (recency, frequency, and monetization)
  • gender
  • age
  • behavior

Select the tools that give solid, reliable, and valid information on these elements and target dynamic and personalized content on email.

For example, add dynamic images of tennis racquets for tennis lovers and badminton racquets for badminton lovers in personalized email marketing.

Tools for email automation, data collection, & segmentation: Sendinblue, AWeber, ConvertKit.

Tools for customer behavior: Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, Facebook Audience Insight, Google Trends, Social Rank. 

Social media customer segmentation tools: Facebook segmentation tool, LinkedIn Targeting Tools, etc.

Digital advertisement platform for personalized ads: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat

Since you might use use advertising platforms like Facebook to send personalized ads to your target audience, you may also want to

Personalized marketing tip #2 Create a semi-archetypal persona of your customer

This process is about thinking who your audience is and developing a persona to tailor personalized content, products, messages, sales and offers, services, and many more.

You can create an individual profile based on the data and research you have done, and target the persona with keeping likes and dislikes in your mind.

Brands use company forms to gather insights on the following attributes of the data:

  • Persona’s name.
  • Background— Job, career path, family
  • Demographics— gender, age, income, location
  • Objectives— the primary and secondary goal that the persona wants to achieve
  • Problems— facing primary or secondary challenges with existing products or services


Based on all the above data, strategize what you can do with the persona’s challenges and objectives. Try putting your marketing messages and elevator pitch to hammer the final nail.

Segmentation and persona development are quite different. While you segment your audience group with data segmentation strategies and tools, persona development is more of an individual-identification of your customers. 

Tool for creating a semi-fictional persona: Hubspot Buyer Persona.

Personalized marketing tip #3 Give welcome offers to your first-time visitors

The first impression is the lasting impression. You want to be an excellent host to your first-time visitors.

To achieve this— you’d like to start personalizing as soon as they step on your website or interact with your brand for the first time. We know it’s a tad difficult to see how users interact with your website and whether your personalized marketing is paying fruits. But you can incorporate tools like Heatmap to visually analyse how your users engage with your eCommerce.

Of course, analysis part comes after the campaign, but don’t forget to set up this visual analysis tool before you’ve started the personalization campaign. Begin with offering welcome coupons or sales discounts on selected merchandise or unlock special bonus offers.

To give them a more engaging experience— you can pop-up discount wheels or cater discount quizzes.

You can also set-up a free-trial campaign for weeks or months by asking users to input data in the subscribing form. Create a persona with this detail.

Studies show that if you place a discount and sales code, visitors feel satisfied and personalized by 4%. And when 57% of visitors say that they wouldn’t have converted had they not received the offer— you have no option than to personalize on the first-go!


Personalized marketing tip #4 Recommend personalized products and services on check-out

Remember getting interrupted and elusively attended by the shop owners when you’re up for check-out at the traditional stores?  

They steadily learn your shopping mood and suggest offers and hot-shot deals. You need to replicate it for online visitors.

Web customers love it when you serve relevant products on a platter. And what’s a better place than serving them on the check-outs?

First, they discover new products without having to search. Second, sections like ‘frequently bought together’ save them a good number of dollars. 

Recommending personalized marketing items and services on the check-outs and notifications sharpens the purchase decision-making process and increases average order value. Who’s the ultimate beneficiary? You!

One of the studies demonstrates that personalized recommendation increases AOV by 369%. That’s huge considering you’re looking for early ROIs and larger store purchase orders.



Personalized marketing tip #5 Target them based on visitor’s location

There’s something about humans. We like to live in cultures and communities and associate ourselves with locations and demographic identities.

Identifying geo-location of your customers will give you background data of their culture, language, ideologies, and a lot more finicky information.

Use these data to create and serve relevant content so that they feel localized and develop trust over your geo-friendly marketing campaigns 

Start with redirecting them to their location-specific stores, and allow them to consume content in native-language. 

You can also crack down the details of the weather and political mood of the location and keep them interested in relevant content. This will suit-them up for what seems a perfect buy then.

For example, target sweaters campaigns in winter or ACs/coolers in scorching Florida.

US marketers might spend 38.7 billion dollars on geo-targeted campaigns. The whooping numbers should compel you to add geo-location marketing campaigns in your bucket-list.


Personalized marketing tip #6 Solving half-the problem with interactive content

Why would you want to make it harder for your customers to make purchase decisions?

Instead of copy, content, and product meandering— you should look to solve paradoxes of choice problems for them. 

This method is like arranging a personalized salesperson for your customer that helps them separate wheat from the chaff. Limit their choices and give them free space to breathe. 

Make quizzes, copies, and content that compel them to take action. Some brands use a set of questions to help customers filter out the products.

Size and gifting quizzes have been really successful in pushing the customers in the sales channel. For customizing quizzes and content designs and question types— you can use online tools and templates.

Tools for quiz set-up: SnapApp, ClearSlide, Ceros, Outgrow, LeadQuizzes. 

You need them all the more reason because interactive content sweeps 2X conversion more than passive content.


Personalized marketing tip #7 Pull your customers back with Exit Intent Pop-Ups when they’re about to leave

Is your visitor lurking around for some time now but not quite sure about buying the product? You have to give him a strong reason to convert. 

If he is planning to leave the site or is moving outside the upper page boundary— try sweetening the deal by offering exit discounts and offers using the exit intent pop-up windows. Take a look at how Neil Patel uses exit overlays strategies for conversion in one of our blogs.

Create urgency using the scarcity trick and give him a limited-offer period—for example, discounts on cart-items or free-shipping for the next couple of hours.

It’s getting into your visitors’ heads before they leave. The technique works brilliantly with strong testimonial and actional copies.

Cheers to one of the studies which reveal that exit-intent pop-ups can recover (retain) 53% of the visitors. Some brands saw a jaw-dropping rise in conversion— as massive by 500%— using this personalization technique.


Personalized marketing tip #8 Keep the user bang in the center. Allow their hands to reach data.

A good customer-experience may or may not have a good personalized-experience, but a good personalized-experience will always have an excellent customer experience.

It’s because users simply love it when you put them as the central theme of your business, and when everything revolves around them. Especially what they’re doing with your website.

Customer-focused web-designing and placements can help you win personalizing points. The homepage should have easy access to the order history and customer support that shortens their purchase journey and enhances your conversion journey. 

Just a tap of a button and they should get all the necessary information on their orders, shipping, refund, and status of transit. The easier their hands reach data— the more problems you address personally!

The fact that 37% of the visitors feel annoyed with poor web usability should force you to tailor a much-personalized web-experience. We know making a personalized web design is way too hard. But that shouldn’t stop you from keeping your customers at the top. We think web design trends might help you create personalized website. 


Personalized marketing tip #9 Display the track of recently viewed product 

You have to convince your customers that you are on their side— no matter what. 

They spend their time jumping from one product to another until they yell— ‘yes, this is it.’ But while rummaging among plenty of products in the line, they sometimes feel lost and lose track of the searched products. 

A lousy design wouldn’t take much time in snatching their little bundles of joy. You want to keep reminding them about what they have searched and what they missed! 

To resolve this— display recently or previously searched items and suggest colors of the same product. It gives them a notion that you’re with them in the search process and are ready to assist when needed.

Try recommending a product based on past searches and notify the price drop to show the might of personalization.

Bonus tip: Finally, you can use micro moments by Google to understand your customers more sharply. And once you know them, you have the ball in your park.

Why personalization could be challenging for you?

Well, personalization needs pre-planned strategies, detailed eyes, and most importantly time. It may happen that you’re shooting blank guns in the sky and you see no results in months.

Plus you also need to measure all your efforts, which we suppose is not easy. One wrong analysis can pull down the campaign weight, although we expect the best for you. So this is why we recommend you to leave work to the experts. You’d want to partner with our digital marketing services for personalizing your marketing campaigns.

Why you should care?

Personalized marketing is not a one or two man show. You need team members working in senergy. While one would create digital marketing strategies, the other would market your personalized landing pages through paid ads. Don’t forget the social media team to engage with your audience personally. Everything you do on the web is personalization. And sadly, it needs a lot of helping hands.

And here’s why you should be happy about it.

We have:

So good luck if you want to do the heavy lifting. But make sure your store doesn’t suffer 🙂

The closing lines— better get going with personalization

Now that you know how to treat your customers as customers and embed digital experiences in a capsule of human-touch— all you have left is to implement it. Your empathy towards customers count! You already know which chord to play when a visitor lands your website. So, you better head up towards reading your customers’ minds and building a personal atmosphere around them.

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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