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Web Design & Development

questions for wordpress developer

There are many eCommerce building platforms. But more than 25% of the websites are based on WordPress. If you are already selecting this platform for building your website, you will need the best and professional WordPress developer or service, provider. So before you get into the process, you may want some questions to ask a wordpress developer.

Let’s say you are searching for the best and professional WordPress developer. In that case, the most important thing is to make a list of questions to ask a website developer before hiring or selecting.

1st thing, you have selected that you want to build a website on WordPress. What is the next step?

What is your plan to find an experienced and professional WordPress developer? How will you check their work? What about their work and knowledge experience? The best and correct solution is to ask all these questions before hiring them. For example, your doubt maybe genuine about Shopify vs WordPress. You may want to get them cleared. Similary, we have posed more questions.

The most important and necessary questions to ask a WordPress developer before hiring them-

It is essential to ask questions before hiring the WordPress website developer or any other developer like Shopify developer or Laravel developer. If you are satisfied with their answers, then you will hire them; otherwise, go for the other developer.

  • What Do You Expect Me To Provide? 

As the owner or boss, you are as much or most of the website or WordPress web development developed by the developer himself. If you think your employment closes with finding a decent web developer, you should reconsider.

Your web developer will require numerous things from you, including your time. Thus, you should pose this inquiry while talking with him. The appropriate response will generally incorporate the accompanying focuses.

The site’s fundamental and nitty-gritty thought of the site, your necessities, and your vision or objective.

  •     Advance installment
  •     Site substance, pictures, and other information.
  •     Area and web facilitating subtleties
  •   Terms and conditions (or consenting to the agreement arrangement)
  • How do they plan to build your site?

You should be aware of how your developer develops the website. The first and most essential thing is to find out whether they use default templates or build websites from scratch, or coding. Some web developers and web designers may use trending designs to build your website. And that’s great. Some may use cheaper templates. You should be aware of the clear roadmap way upfront. We mean— whether you need custom web development services or ready-template services, your strategy should be clear. 

  • How much will the site cost?

Project completion time is essential that must be considered. After explaining your requirement about the project to the website developer, you should ask them the development’s approx cost. A WordPress site’s expense relies upon various things, such as subject creation/buy, prerequisites, modules, mixes, and also the marketing cost. If you’re buying a 360 degree solutions, then the packages must be clear.

The developer will investigate every one of these things and give you a gauge or precise expense of the undertaking as needs are. You would then choose to proceed with them or go with another person according to your financial plan. Please note: a good wordpress development agency has clear packaging modules. For example, we clear our SEO packages.. or development packages in our website. There’s a complete lot of transparency.

  • How long will the project take?

Project completion matters the most for any WordPress website. When you state the developer’s website requirements, you must ask them about the price they will be charging. The cost they will charge pays a more significant decision on whether to hire them or not. The project’s value will depend on your project requirements, the features, and the functionalities you want. For example, building an eCommerce takes a lot of features. Every feature will cost you some or the other thing. Prioritise what you want and then fix on those modules.

Each developer charges on their pricing systems. But ensure that you ask them the website development price. Take all the pricing estimates from the developer and accordingly decide if you want to hire them or not. Another good way to determine is by looking into their portfolios and looking at the clients projects. You can reach out to these projects in person and check the price. We have mentioned portfolio page for your simplicity.

  • What other services do they offer?

If you know that you will need more functionalities and requirements for your website, you must understand other developer services. Choose an agency that offers multiple services. Check-in detail all the services they offer. We’ll give you a very simple example. Let’s say you wanted to hire a wordpress developer from us.

Now we understand hiring a developer is just one part of the game! You may need services like

Because that’s how websites work. They need expertise for every little details. So determine all the services you need and ask them if they offer. Generally, going with one agency prevents conflict of interest.

  • Who will manage your site after it launches?

Post-launch updates are very crucial. Ask your developer if they handle post-launch updates. The most important and essential question asks the developer what their process or steps to take the updates and the website’s many things after launches are. The production of your website is just a mind-blowing start on the web, and it will, without a doubt, be refreshed with new data now and again.

Except if you intend to sign a month-to-month contract with your engineer, you can’t anticipate that they should be available to come into work at whatever point you’d prefer to change your site. That duty will be yours, so except if you have earlier information on HTML or the CMS they utilized, ask them how to alter and include new substances.

A few Content Management Systems like WordPress aren’t too hard to even think about understanding with a touch of preparation; however, you’ll require a compressed lesson, in any event. You would prefer not to be left with a site that you have no clue about how to oversee.

  • Whether or not they offer maintenance?

As we all know, with the best precautions,  sometimes website issues are raised like website run slow,  crashes, hacked, and so on. After raising these types of issues, you need to know how to handle it by the developer to inform them of the problem immediately.

Ask your website developer if they help with after launch issues and whether they offer the full website maintenance plans. A phone call to the person who built your website and he/she knows each thing about your website can make maintenance much easier as compared to the others.

If they don’t offer any maintenance plan, you need to figure out or search out the other plan. The second plan is your on-site IT professional can also handle the website issues easily. Maintaince is again a part of eCommerce development process.

  • Will You Optimize My Website For SEO Or Search Results?

The success of your website is largely dependent on running a successful SEO campaign. It is essential for your website in the search results. SEO is excellent for getting website traffic. Make sure that your website is SEO optimized. Of course, you can follow all the SEO checklist and the local SEO checklist. But your development agency should also take care of your SEO strategies. WordPress is an SEO optimized platform and allows you to add many essential SEO plugins. Ensure that your developer performs proper On-page for your website.

Also read:

Get your website redesigned without losing SEO
SEO strategies for Dubai business
  • How Can You Make It Easier For Me To Manage My Website?

Website management should always be easy. Although WordPress is an easy platform, you should still be aware of how to do it. Ask the developer if he can make the website management tasks easier for you. They can also use WordPress plugins for this work. Ask the developer about the ways that will make website management easy and quick.

  • How Will I Communicate With You?

For the website development process to work efficiently, you should have the option to speak with the developer without any problem.

Ask him/her or your development organization for different contact choices with the goal that you can contact them at whatever point is important. It is additionally a decent method to guarantee the dependability and reliability of the organization. They will tell you about the medium they’ll be connecting.

  • Will There Be A Backup And Restore Feature On My WordPress Site?

Backups are essential for any WordPress website. If you accidentally lose your website, the website gets deleted or hacked; you should be able to retrieve your data. WordPress has a built-in mechanism for securing your website. Go for the developer only if they assure you this. 

  • What Kind Of Security Will My Website Have?

Website security matters the most.  You can never compromise with it. All WordPress developers need to have website security. It is essential to secure your website from errors, hacking issues, bugs, content protection, etc. ask your developer what he provides to keep your website safe.  WordPress offers many security mechanisms that will provide security to your website. Still, you need to ask the developer about the advanced security features for your site. Ensure the website security stays stress-free.

  • Do I Get Complete Ownership Of My Website?

The most important and essential thing that is you will get 100% ownership of the website. Ask this question to the website developer or an organization for the website development service. You must get 100% ownership of the website. Make sure about this thing because you will be paid for this website. You must get all the rights of this website. You needed to ask for the following access-

  1. WordPress admin access.
  2. FTP is File Transfer Protocol access.
  3. Database management access.
  4. Domain access.

If you get all these accesses, then go for this website developer; otherwise, select the other.


Developing a WordPress website can take your business to new heights. If you want to take your business online, get a WordPress website for your company.

While developing a WordPress website, you need a WordPress developer. Look for a WordPress developer and hire the right one. Do not handle the job of creating the website without a developer. Hire experienced and professional WordPress developers.

Related services

  1. WooCommerce developer
  2. Shopify development service

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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  1. Thank you for sharing useful information. It is really helpful for us & learned many new things from this content. Keep sharing informative content.

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