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cart abandonment

How to decrease cart abandonment rate? This must have been the go-to question for you. It’s the biggest roadblock to the perfect eCommerce development. As proved by the recent statistics, the median rate of online cart abandonment is as high as 69%.  In other words, for every ten users that add a product to their cart list, around seven of them will exit the site halfway without finishing their purchase. 

Therefore, cart abandonment is one of the biggest issues faced by many shop website owners in the present age. With the increase in the issue each year, it becomes important to know about a few of the methods to minimize cart abandonment.  

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #1: Ajax Implementation

Implementing Ajax in the cart button can increase the positive experience of the users and the entire process of sales. Thus, it will also be useful for you to enhance your store and boost up your revenue. We use this all the time as a powerful eCommerce feature. 

Presently, to run a store smoothly, it is important to keep your cart updated regularly. Or else, each time a user adds an item to the cart and the page starts reloading. Therefore, this can slow the process of purchasing. 

Besides, it can also result in cart abandonment. So, adding ajax to your cart features can minimize the cart’s abandonment since it increases the speed of the web page and decreases the chances of reloading.  

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #2: Email Retargeting 

If you are determined to prevent cart abandonment, email retargeting is one of the best options. This method allows you to use the existing data regarding your users to improve the content that you display to them through email. Cookies embedded are used by retargeting in email messages to showcase your ads to the customer as they browse through the web. It is an ideal way to bring the customers back faster after abandonment.

Also read: eCommerce email marketing 

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #3: Send an Email Instantly After the User Abandons Cart

There are times when the users add items to their list but leave halfway due to slow loading or other reasons. So, sending an attractive and short email is a great way to bring the users back to continue their shopping. That’s one of the finest email marketing strategies to remind users of their unfinished task. 

Few users tend to get back to their shopping list after getting an email regarding cart abandonment. You can also allow the users to know that the products will remain in their shopping carts for a specific period of time.  

Examples of Email:

  • Duplicate the abandoned cart in the email, displaying the same products remaining in the user’s shopping list.
  • Showcase the products that are similar to the user’s choice with lower prices and with quick shipping.
  • Provide single click features, capabilities for finishing purchases through in-email for clients to allow quicker purchasing.

Isn’t that personalized marketing done right?

Related services: Digital marketing services

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #4: Eliminate the Sign-in Barriers

Users normally aren’t interested in making accounts and adding in information if it’s their first time as they wish to purchase faster. So, having lots of barriers might make your customers leave halfway. This signifies that allowing the users to checkout as the guest is more beneficial. That’s just a good web design practice. Don’t be surprised… many businesses still follow it as a web design trend

Letting the users have the chance to purchase with freedom and not feel burdened to sign-in or do anything will convert them into your loyal customers provided they enjoyed a positive shopping experience. All you need is a customized web design service to create a hassle-free designing experience.

#5 The Process of Check Out Must Be 3-5 Steps

Reduce the process of payment to as lesser steps as possible so that it can end really quickly. It is important to add a progress bar on the checkout pages to understand what the actual process seems like. If checkout is less complex, it can attract more users compared to a lengthier process. As keeping it short helps in saving the time and effort of the users. Again, you may have to work around your eCommerce development smartly to make the check-out process smooth.

#6 Use Important and Simple Calls to Action

Another major reason behind the cart abandonment is the slow loading of the page. The users with no spare time cannot waste their time waiting for the page to show up, so it’s important to pay attention to this. 

You must guarantee that the users understand what to click when they start shopping. Since not having any idea about it might overwhelm the users with many buttons and messaging. Besides, this will assist the customers in knowing what step to take next.  What color and text you put on call to action are very important. We have created two special posts on this… effective CTA for blogs and increase conversion for about us page. You can draw out some idea from these pieces.

#7 Offer a “Save for Later” Button

Adding a feature for “Save for Later” can prevent the users from removing the products they might not buy immediately. However, the “save for later” facility allows them to keep the items saved for their next checkout. To make the “save for later” feature effective, it must be:

  • Ascertainable (should be easier for the customers to see it without looking for it)
  • Neatly labeled (with correct data list as to what’s its actual function is)
  • Clearly simple to use (the label typically sets the level of expectations with the customer that the facility is simple to use)
  • Least Effort (customers do not require to login or add a name to their product list to keep it saved)

#8 Never Add in External Links

You must remember never to add in external links that take the clients to another page instead of their shopping cart. However, the user might abandon the cart. So, it’s better not to make the escape process easier for them. 

One of the most typically used ways because of which the shop owners lose clients is by attempting to upsell with similar items. The research proves that in a majority of the situations whenever a client clicks any of the similar products or external links, they hardly come back to the shopping cart. 

#9 Create Influential and Engaging Product Pages

In addition to focusing on the cart abandonment process, we must also consider the product page and visually appeal to the customers. Each customer differs from the other. Some users might be interested in images, whereas others will entirely focus on the page’s descriptions. However, if there is even a single important component to your product page, it’s the photography of the product. 

Primarily, each product page must contain:

  • The product photographs must have a neutral or white background.
  • Zooming on the images of any product should be possible for giving more details.
  • More than one product image from every important angle like bottom, sides, and top. 

#10 Generate One-Click Buying

One-click shopping normally helps to prevent cart abandonment by developing a better experience. This process is also referred to as 1-click, one-click buying, or one-click. It enables the users to buy with the needed payment information to finish the purchasing process. 

It also helps customers who are using online sites to buy a product without the necessity of using a shopping cart software. Rather than manually adding the billing and shipping information, the customer can utilize the one-click method to instantly purchase one or more products. 

#11 Increase the Speed of the Site

This is one of the most vital elements for eCommerce web development. It is also useful for boosting up the eCommerce SEO and offers an enhanced user experience. If your web page has an impressive look but is very slow, it might make the users unsatisfied and leave your page halfway.

Several variants affect the speed of the web page. The speed of the desktop and the mobile web page highly varies. The web page on mobile might work a bit slower as compared to that of the desktop version.  

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ecommerce seo checklist
local seo checklist

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Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #12: Include Phone Support or Cart Option on the Checkout Page

In case a user has any query or problem related to check out, what can the users do? If the support options are missing, they might just leave halfway through the checkout process. One significant benefit of online shopping is that the users are provided with friendly customer service. They are willing to assist the customers in finding any specific products or answering their queries. The same service can be added in the checkout process to make things easier for the users and eliminate cart abandonment chances. 

Also read: How to improve eCommerce customer service

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #13: Make it Easier to Edit Cart 

Another important feature is to make the process of editing carts simpler. The processes like changing amounts, deleting products, and regulating shipping options must be easy and spontaneous. You must never make any cryptic buttons that can increase the risk of removing everything unwantedly from the cart. 

Decrease Cart Abandonment Rate #14: Display Symbols of Security on the Checkout Page

Most of the users are much more comfortable with online shopping currently than when it just got introduced although they are still cautious. The growth of cybercrimes has been on a continuous hike. Many trust seals can be used to increase customer confidence and prove your reliability.  

Methods that can be used are as follows:

  • Site auditing for trust seals and protection of transaction indicators. 
  • Ensure that each shopping page contains or showcases a minimum of one trust seal. 

#15 Show Your Return Policy

An unacceptable or concealed return police can stop anyone from obtaining the order. Online customers frequently depend on the description and image to measure an item. They demand to feel guaranteed that the item will fulfill their requirements and satisfy them. Return policy can help eliminate these types of fears that the users might have while ordering the item. An unsatisfactory return policy can lead to the customers having more doubts regarding their purchase. Thereby, increases the scope for cart abandonment. 

#16 Restrict Cross-Selling on Checkout Page as it increases Confusion

Cross-selling is a faster and much better method to enhance the revenue of your shopping web page. But simultaneously if it is not handled properly, it might have ill effects on your business. The majority of the business decide to cross-sell to their users, irrespective of their identity. This is because the revenue that you receive from sales will balance out the quantity that has been lost in marketing. 

This strategy might seem ideal; however, it is quite defective. If this method is not handled properly, it might harm the relationship between you and the clients. Thus, it is best to restrict cross-selling on the checkout page.  

#17 Include Testimonials

Another method that you can use to decrease cart abandonment is gathering social evidence to encourage the users to buy the product. You must have product feedback and customer testimonials. Besides, there must also be proof to guarantee the clients that they rely on your store. Having reviews of past customers displays that your site is dependable and trustworthy.  

#18 Be Cautious with Coupon Codes (make it available in the checkout process)

Although coupons are quite useful in some situations, they can be quite harmful in other situations. Coupons can be used to encourage shoppers to purchase. However, it can also hold back the clients from finishing their transaction since they might choose to leave the site if they don’t have any coupons.  

#19 Enable Several Payment Options 

Providing one payment option or fewer choices to pick from can create unwanted problems between you and the users. Currently, shoppers have the choice to choose from a range of payment options. It includes credit cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, and so on.  

So, providing the most widely used payment option can stop loyal customers from leaving the site. It is important to ensure that you are giving multiple methods to users for purchasing from you.


You might be determined to minimize the abandonment of carts completely. Still, it is impossible to obtain a zero percent abandonment since some users will leave halfway and abandon their carts no matter what features are provided on the page. However, you can definitely use these methods to reduce the rates of cart abandonment. 

 You may also be interested in reading:

  1. Exit overlay strategies— to stop users from leaving the page
  2. Heatmap visual analysis tool— measure conversion efforts

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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