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Web Design & Development

7 Agile Web Solutions

Agile web solutions are in the news for drastically changing the shape of web development at ground-breaking speeds.

They have also proven themselves the go-to framework for startups and web development companies to focus only on delivering great web development services.

Sounds intriguing?

To learn more exciting things about agile, hook yourself to this article.

This article will talk about the grammar of Agile and why Agile web solutions are right for your website in greater detail!

What Is Agile?

agile web solutions for website projectWhen we looked on the internet to find one perfect definition of Agile, we couldn’t.

Instead, we found that Agile is a catch-all phrase for various software and web development approaches.

More than that, it is a technique for managing projects with uncertain requirements and short timelines.

Agile metaphorically plans, designs, creates, tests, and evaluates your application on loop until it is ready to launch.

It adds value and depth to the entire development process while also considerably minimizing the project’s risk.

Agile also provides the company with the liberty to devote quality time to jobs requiring immediate attention.

Wondering how!?

Agile is quick to simplify the project, eliminate time sinks, and conduct periodic sanity checks.

It thus ensures that you are not unnecessarily giving time to tasks that bring no value to the project.

The Basics Of Agile Methodology For Web Development

Let’s not beat around the bush and talk straight about Agile.

Agile uses ‘sprints’ (we fondly call them short development cycles) to improve the product through iteration, feedback, and client support.

Agile web solutions include:

  • Crystal
  • Dynamic System Development Model (DSDM)
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Feature-Driven Development
  • Kanban
  • Lean Software Development
  • Scrum

Want to know more about them?

Keep scrolling until we tell you to stop.


Crystal Methodologies

Crystal Methodology works around three concepts:

Chartering: This phase involves activities, including:

-assembling a development team,

-conducting a preliminary feasibility study,

-drafting an initial plan, and

-fine-tuning the development technique.

Cyclic delivery: During this phase:

-The team revises the release plan and updates it

-A program test is performed to implement a subset of the requirements

-The team revisited the project plan and adopted a development methodology

Wrap Up: This phase involves deploying the application into the user environment and then waiting for post-deployment reviews.

Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM)

DSDM provides agile project delivery through Rapid Application Development (RAD).

The significant feature of DSDM is that:

  • Users are actively taking part, and
  • Empowering teams to make informed decisions.

Further, the DSDM project has seven stages:

  • Pre-project Stage
  • Feasibility Study Stage
  • Business Study Stage
  • Functional Model Iteration Stage
  • Design and Build Iteration Stage
  • Implementation Stage
  • Post-project Stage

Each stage works in sync with the pre and post-stages.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming is beneficial when clients’ needs or specifications change continually or are unclear about the system’s functionality.

It encourages many ‘releases’ of the product in short development cycles.

It, in turn, boosts the system’s efficiency.

XP also establishes a checkpoint to address clients’ needs promptly.

Wondering how XP works?

First, the developers gather the needs for the business in story form.

After collecting all those stories, developers store them at a location called the parking lot.

Releases are made from there.

Releases occur on a 14-day cycle called Iterations.

Each iteration involves steps like development, unit testing, and system testing, during which the program will progress with substantial functionality.

Feature Driven Development (FDD)

FDD is fond of ‘developing and building’ features together.

That is why it’s named Feature Driven Development.

FDD defines specific and brief stages of work that must be completed individually for each part.

It includes:

  • Walkthrough of a domain
  • Examining the design,
  • Promotion of the build, and
  • Code inspection


Let’s play around with the facts.

Kanban comes from Japan, meaning a card or board holding all the needed information throughout the product journey.

Kanban’s primary concept is workflow visualization.

It entails establishing a physical board (Kanban board) on which developers can visually track the progress.

The fun part about Kanban is that multiple teams or individuals can work together on a kanban board.

In general, Kanban operates on these three concepts:

  • Visualization of the workflow
  • Keeping the work in progress to a minimum to maximize efficiency
  • In a backlog, each task follows strictly after the other

Lean Software Development

We are sure you know what just-in-time manufacturing is?

If not, we will tell you.

JIT manufacturing is a workflow methodology that reduces the production flow time and customers’ and suppliers’ response time.

Wondering why we are weaving a story around JIT when we need to be talking about Lean.

Because Lean works in line with JIT.

The seven steps that outline lean development are:

  • Waste Elimination
  • Enhancing learning
  • Postpone commitments (deciding as late as possible)
  • Delivery on time
  • Developing the team’s potential for authenticity
  • Optimize the entire system

The lean approach is also known as the MVP strategy. A team publishes the bare minimum viable product to the market and then learns and iterates based on customer input.


Scrum is a widely used agile development methodology that focuses on task management within a team-based environment.

Do you know, the inspiration for Agile Scrum comes straight from a Rugby Scrum?

They both:

-use a team approach,

-have sprints (where a specific activity is performed within the time frame)

– have a flexible approach in mind

Agile and Scrum are made of 3 roles, each of which has the following responsibilities:

  • Scrum Master

The master assembles the team, the sprint meeting and removes blockages to progress.

  • Product owner

The Product Owner sets a backlog for the product, prioritizes it, and delivers functionality throughout the iteration.

  • Scrum Team

The team controls and arranges its work to complete the sprint or cycle on time.

Why Should You Use Agile?


Agile web development can help you streamline a lot many operations of your business. Here are the reasons why agile web solutions are perfect for your expanding firm:

Quality Product

Unlike traditional methods, where testing is performed right before the release, Agile tests its product throughout the development process to guarantee a high-quality outcome.

The best thing about continuous testing is that it leaves space for modification. In addition, it spots the shortcomings and errors before their occurrence.


Do you know the last name of Agile? It’s ‘flexibility.’

Since Agile allows for modifications anytime, anywhere, there is always room for errors and opportunities to iterate.

Client Focused

Agile works hand in hand to deliver custom solutions to the clients. It encourages the development team to collaborate with the clients and understand their vision.

Reduced Risk

Agile allows us to focus on minor tasks that add to the improved picture. For example, with Agile, we can spot errors early, thus reducing the risk of catching them later.

Enjoyable Work Environment

Agile promotes working in fine-tune with one another.

Rather than team members and clients working in a vacuum, Agile promotes collaboration to provide a great user experience and high-end results.

User Feedback

Who’s the closest to Agile? It’s users. Agile focuses on user feedback to perform better and deliver better.

Results Driven

Instead of concentrating only on the process, Agile motivates the team to achieve milestones and results.

Scrum Vs. Kanban: Which Is Better?

Scrum Vs. Kanban: Which Is Better?

However, each Agile framework is equally popular and can work wonders; Scrum and Kanban are the most talked about.

Both frameworks are the kids of Agile, and both employ a continuous scheduling flow.

They are not an apple and an orange (metaphorically).

They are both apples.

And it’s hard to compare apples to apples.

They both perform equally well. It’s just a matter of project demands.

When Scrum has more discipline than Kanban, Kanban is a master of simple tools.

Scrum will be a good fit if you require specific roles and procedures.

And Kanban will be ideal if you are looking for greater flexibility. With Kanban, clients get what they want from a project sooner and with significantly less financial pressure.

Scrum emphasizes open communication with team openness. However, Kanban lacks this functionality but helps the team speed up the task.

We already warned you. It’s going to be complicated.

The bottom line is it’s all dependent on the project’s objectives and the client’s requirements.

Conclusion: Are Agile Web Solutions Worth it for Your Website?

This brings us to the end of our article.

The rise of software development has led to the automation of many tasks previously carried out manually.

And Agile is one of them.

Agile can move mountains if implemented correctly. The critical point to keep in mind is that you need to define your end goal.

However, it’s challenging to be entirely Agile.

But the development process will be more efficient and faster when you employ the correct principles.

We hope you find this content helpful! 

Want to build an Agile website? Contact us!

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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