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about us page to increase conversions

At first, it may sound very insignificant. But looking at the website statistics, about page holds the title of second most significant page of any website. It’s one of the most commonly visited pages of the website. Yes, yours, mine and even Bill Gates’.

What makes it so significant?

When you want to know more about a company, what do you look for?

It’s About Page. It helps customer to get a deep insight into the company. Simply putting it, an About Us page informs the visitors about the business you do and how you do.

It’s like online shopping. You check the product description and consider its specifications before buying it. Same implies to the About Us Page, if users like your efforts and services, they’ll hire you and get the work done by you.

Nicely presented about page means drawing a potential customer. In short, improved conversion rates. It holds the potential to seal the deal with customers.

So, let’s find out what makes About Page so significant and how it can help you increase conversion rates.

“About Us”

About page is not about ranking, it’s about the “story” of your company. From compelling backstory to present hard work, achievements, and struggles to future goals. State your “Brand’s Story.”


Blake Suarez about
Image Source: Blakesuarez.com

Stories maintain the milieu of curiosity, engages the customer and ensures they will explore the whole page. Blake Suarez is an ideal instance of how to craft your material in such a way that it defines the story as well as work.

It works as an atom of the business, gives you shape, strengthens the bonds, and builds trust. The inspiring and heartwarming story results in trust-building. Nobody’s going to spend their money before they trust you.

Relatable content and a realistic picture are what establishes the trust between customer and company.

Confused to represent your story? Be honest and let your company’s mission earn you customers. If effectively depicted, people would love to collaborate and work.

For being effectively depictive, you need to answer some simple questions.

  • Who Are You
  • What Do You Do
  • When Did You Start
  • What Do You Do It For
  • Why Should They Trust You

With all the answers, you drive engagement and trust. Remember, it’s About Us not About You and don’t forget to be clear about your services.

How About Page Can Increase Conversion Rate:

Your brand story is the secret formula to increase conversion rate. How?

With defining your brand story, you sold your impression and quality of work to the customer. And with trading your work impression, you earn quality conversions.

Crafting the ideal About Page is easier said than done. Only a balanced striking hit will attract the customer or overlook your service. So, here are some significant elements that power about page and increase conversion rate.

Elements That Power About Page And Increase Conversion rate:

As its the point of contact for customers, it should be pictured in a manner that looks like you in real life. It’s supposed to be authentic, compelling, and creative— it’s the only free chance to convince site visitors that you can deliver whatever they came to find.

Here are 5 significant elements that power the about page and craft a high-converting about page:

  • Headlines & Content
  • Creative Design
  • Images
  • Call-to-action
  • Success Ratio


What describes you?

Your headlines & content! It is the basic and most important thing to start with. It should be remarkably to make your visitor curious enough to continue on the page.

With boring headlines, visitors won’t even continue with the content.

The headlines must not be too pushy, it must be customer winning. It should state the benefit of selecting you and how you are different from the crowd.

To write customer winning headline, use the formula we call “CRV”. Clarity-Relevance-Value proposing; Be clear, keep it relevant and propose your vale.

Here is an example from one of the famous companies around the globe. Twitter does their job candidly, it conveys itself precisely and leaves you curious to know the company further.

twitter about us
Image Source: Twitter.com

Here is one more example of a headline from Bulldog Skincare. It engages with its targeted audience and decently conveys its message.

bulldog skincare about
Image Source: Bulldogskincare.com

Looking forward to content, be transparent and authentic. Customers need a story, not any kind of promoting content. Content must be well-crafted with conversion increasing strategy. Compiling content will enhance the inbound of your business.

Creative Design:

After talking about headlines, it’s time to look for an innovative design to leave back a mark of caliber. Creative design can be counted as a shortcut to high-converting About Us page. Because it draws attention, leaves back an impression of quality plus uniqueness.

Studies indicate that product assessment takes about 90 seconds. In those 90 seconds, first impressions are about 94 percent design-related. And 75 percent of users will judge your brand credibility based on your website design.

First-time visitors do not come with an intention to buy, rather than for investigating options and comparing you to others. If your design leaves an impact of excellence, you may welcome a new deal.

Minimal design is the classic and timeless designs that could help you reach customer’s core. It makes easier for customers to get familiar with your brand and also creates a level of curiosity. You convince your customers to explore the page and reach out to you, wherever they are ready to take services.

Here is an example from ToyFight, who nails the visual experience and defines the story in a creative manner.


Humans understand the language of images far better than words. 

Have you read comics?

Undoubtedly, Comics is the best source to read stories. The images make it pretty attractive and simpler to connect with the words and know the character of the story. 

Same goes with about page, images tend to connect with user much more emotionally. It drops the time for the user to know your brand resulting in quick engagement.

Your brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than it takes to decode text. Images make it easier to represent the perspective of your brand. And can be counted as an ultimate storyteller. You can use your own photo, team photos, logo, or a short video that promotes your business.

According to a report from LinkedIn, it shows how a profile picture can create a change. It could boost up to,

  • 21x more profile views.
  • 9x more connection requests.
  • 36x more messages

You can choose your unique way to represent photos of the team and individual members like Franklyn did. At first glance, it may seem a bit incomplete, but eventually, it’s enough to win over a potential customer.

Franklyn team
Image Source: Franklyn.co


After explaining to visitors what you serve, displaying your mission and outlining your company story, what’s left?

It’s CTA, the most effective and golden buzzer to gain potential customers. Effective CTA adds value to the user. It’s the easiest at the same time, most neglected way.

Remember, you are not selling your service or product at this point. Instead, you are selling impression and caliber to work. 

Go ahead, pitch in a creative manner.

For pitching customers, you must serve them the taste of profit. Craft your CTA in such a way that it works for customers to know you better. An effective CTA should surround your conversion goal.

 Use phrases like:

  • Let’s start a new project together
  • Claim Your Free Trial
  • Follow the Magic
  • Sign up to drive
  • Go Premium | Play Free

Here’s a great example from Unicef,

unicef cta example
Image Source: Unicef.org.uk

It showcases the strong, eye-catching and motivational CTA. Instead of merely asking users to donate or help out, it explains the results of a specific fundraising scenario in order to inspire and drive action. Another thing to notice is the placement of the CTA. Strategically positioned CTAs strikes the visitor at the right place and right time.

This way, it would give visitors a sense of direction and make them click immediately.

As they click, you get one step closer to crack a deal. So, the final step would be placing a contact form.

Increasing the number of email registrations is like increasing the amount of oxygen for the company. A single email can be worth hundreds of dollars. Never miss any chance to add more and more subscribers to your list.

You can add more than one CTAs to your about page so that the chances to conversion increases. If not one, then the other would attract visitors to enroll in.

Success Ratio:

After visitors start trusting you, success ration, clients, achievements, and testimonials prove you as a worthy service provider.

It stamps you as a trusted source and boosts the conversion rate. MuseFind explains that 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than an advertisement or traditional celebrity endorsement.

We can say it’s an echo of your company. And this echo can profoundly influence the new visitors for choosing your brand over others.

Add audio, videos, or social media comments in an appealing manner that users eye gets stuck to the point where you want to. Bizzbo did it very beautifully. Making it minimal, highlighting their customer reviews they can easily win visitor’s trust.

bizzabo testimonial
Image Source: Bizzabo.com

Take full advantage of impressing visitors and make your customers trust you more.

Final Thought:

Recap from the quest,

  • Highlight Headlines
  • Apprise Story
  • Creative use of images and design
  • Effective CTAs
  • Showcase your strengths and success ratio.

All these things are tried and tested. It’s your turn to make your about page capture more conversions. Avoid irrelevant things and keep it authentic as well as professional. 

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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