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Important Metrics of Facebook Ad Campaigns

Let’s face it: your online business needs social media strategies to maximize marketing efforts like your body needs food to stay healthy and active. In today’s digital marketing landscape, Facebook lead ads is just as important for your online business profile as having a good domain name. That’s why you need to understand the nitty gritty of Facebook ad metrics to boost your eCommerce sales.

Facebook offers a lot of data for businesses. And the only network that comes close to what Facebook offers is Twitter. The degree of information you can derive from Facebook about the performance of your audience, posts, demographics, and campaign tracking is simply amazing. We wrote how marketing communication involves segmenting your audience and targeting them. But Facebook comes with already ready segmentation feature.

However, in March 2019, Facebook abandoned its Relevance Score approach, switching to three new metrics instead. Facebook is currently replacing some of its less used metrics with more relevant ones, to provide current performance calculations and actionable business plan.

Against this development, many business owners are asking about how to create Facebook ads. The reason is that, while it is good to have all the information as mentioned above, the most useful thing is to understand which data point is essential for your business. Besides, Facebook ad’s platform is evolving, meaning the metrics, which advertisers used in measuring success, must change as well.

Three most important facebook ad metrics

So here are the three new metrics you must consider when running your Facebook ads campaign as from March 2019.

Facebook ad metrics #1 Engagement Ranking

Engagement is one of the best Facebook ads manager practice you must adopt when running your Facebook ads campaign. Engagement ranking enables you to measure how many times someone took action on your posts. By this we mean, clicking a link, making a reaction to your post, sharing your post or leaving a comment. Though you should incorporate other digital marketing KPIs to measure your Facebook marketing efforts, engagement is our favorite opt-in. 

Just as it is important to learn how to run Facebook ads, tracking engagement is also a very important Facebook metric. You also avoid Facebook ad mistakes by tracking your engagement metrics.

First, engagement is a sign that tells people are in love with the content you are sharing. Secondly, with engagement, your posts are given more exposure to your audience.

It is no hidden secret that Facebook uses an algorithm to define where your posts will display in the News Feed of your followers. The primary aim of the algorithm is to bring to the surface posts that users are most likely interested in.

Out of all your posts, if one receives higher engagement, it tells Facebook that it is popular. Thus, they will most likely surface it to your followers/users. Engagement rate helps you to gauge the competence of your ads and business strategy against similar ads and strategies competing for the same audience.

Facebook ad metrics #2: Quality ranking

The quality ranking represents how Facebook view the quality of your ad in comparison with other ads targeting the same audience as yours. Facebook is committed to providing a good ad for advertisers and their audience alike. That means, if the ads you put up are low in quality, they will only surface to a fewer audience.   

To make sure the quality of your ads is high; you can use the following tips to your advantage:

  • Use very high-quality visuals, and skip blurry, res, and stock-quality images. Consider using video ads as more and more people now love watching videos online to find new products and services in the US.
  • Maintain direct copy. Keep it short and simple—such is always the best copy.
  • Limit text in visuals. Make use of Facebook Image Text check Tool to verify your image passes the test.
  • Optimize your contents for mobile accessibility. You’re not only optimizing content for search engine, but also social media. More than 88 percent of Facebook users are on mobile.
  • Select the right Facebook ad format that is suitable for your needs.
  • Minimize the frequency of your ads. Don’t wear out your audience by showing the same ad repeatedly.
  • And most important of all, avoid these facebook ad mistakes

Facebook ad metrics #3: Conversion rate

You can’t talk about Facebook ads traffic vs conversion without first measuring the conversion rate of your ads. Just as you measure conversion rate to minimize cart abandonment on your website, you do the same stuff on Facebook.

Have you taken the time to map out a prospect’s journey after someone views your Facebook ads? If no, then you need to choose your relevance score metric and start evaluating your campaign’s performance.

To measure the relevance of your campaign, the total conversion rates you should measure, which would typically involve making the visitor click on CTA, are:

  • Lead generation: This has much to do with your landing page. That is, the total number of sign-ups you get on your offer after visitors click on it from your Facebook landing page. If the ad clicks you are receiving aren’t converting into leads, it means you have a serious problem with your landing page, which you need to fix. For example, we wrote about how you can convert more on your about us page.
  • Sales generation: If your business is selling products, you can measure how your ads, such as your Facebook video ads, are converting by simply measuring how many sales you make. If you discover you are not generating the target sales number, you can increase your budget, retarget and convert your first-time visitors.
  • Getting traffic to your business website: You can gauge how your ads are converting by measuring the total number of clicks on links leading to your website, especially after boosting a post.

Conversion rates ranking helps you to measure the competitiveness of your ads with ads that share similar optimization strategy and competing for the same audience.

Final Thought

It is new dawn when it comes to running your Facebook ads campaign in 2019. The way out for your business is to awake ahead of the competition and ensure sound quality, engagement, and conversion—the new metrics you must adapt to thrive in the Facebook’s royal ads rumble in 2019 and beyond.  

Why do you need ad experts?

DIY Facebook ad campaigns is a good idea— until it turns into a daunting experience. The metrics, the maths, the stats, etc. everything needs expertise. While you should definitely learn the tidbits of it, the social media experts can help you with the data-backed decisions.

Second, don’t forget about the Facebook page search engine optimization. It’s like… optimising your Facebook ad campaign for SEO. Most social media experts understand this and take roles of SEO experts as and when needed.

And finally, they understand PPC marketing. PPC marketing services are different from Facebook ad marketing services, but in terms of basic working principle, they’re quite the same. So now you know why you need Facebook ad experts for your eCommerce.

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  1. We never agreed to share personal information with Facebook
  2. Personalized marketing for Facebook
Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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