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seo for ecommerce entrepreneurs

So being an eCommerce entreprenuer, you want to know eCommerce SEO tips. But the role of an entrepreneur is as difficult to cling to as it is to spell. There are thousands of matters that need your expertise as an entrepreneur and hundreds which you miss because of lack of time. And the digitization of businesses has added another load of responsibilities, agreeably, with the promising growth.

You have to look how your custom web development team is making your site, how your digital marketing team is getting your business on online space. Being an eCommerce entrepreneur, another added responsibility is SEO!

We are par the point of the necessity explaining how important SEO is for any business to grow, especially when you have already launched your business online. We all know and agree, that Search Engine Optimization is a crucial part of business’s digital existence. Everyone is trying to run a successful SEO campaign.

SEO team and merchants have different views on SEO

But what we are going to talk here is about how e-commerce entrepreneurs and the SEO team have different perceptions, but the same goal- the growth of business! However, being an entrepreneur often brings doubts and insecurities. Though SEO teams have their eCommerce SEO checklist to tickmark, merchants have a little different view.

Being skeptical about your SEO team’s intentions is a good trait as an entrepreneur. However, we have witnessed instances where this skepticism backfires losing visits and sales if it remains persistent. Let’s say for example, your SEO team suggest following the local seo checklist to cover the high intent clients, but you decline. We’d rather suggest you to get in talks and try to find the middle grounds!

It is necessary to understand the theory behind every SEO strategy that your team proposes. For example, your SEO team suggest design change. So you must understand that they will suggest the redesigning which keeps the SEO intact. We know you are short of time, but unless you understand the nuances, it’ll be really tough for you to comply.

Irrespective of the business stature, every e-commerce entrepreneur out there needs to understand the following unsaid and unexplained rules of SEO for better sales!

Ecommerce seo tips #1: Think It Through Before You Deny Inclusion Of Result Oriented Keywords

It is needless to say that disagreements are a part of the process. However, not being on the same page on which keywords to target can turn the tables of your SEO efforts.

To understand your SEO team’s perspective, you need to slip into the shoes of your customers. For instance, if you are bothered by LSI keywords, we’re sure this example will make you think twice.

Let’s say we are targeting “denim slim fit jeans” and are planning on using the LSI keyword “buy denim slim fit jeans”. Although many entrepreneurs think LSI keywords are unnatural, just give it a thought, if you are looking to actually buy stuff online, there is a 50% chance you will fire the query with a “BUY”.

And if your customers will do the same, there is a 100% chances your product won’t show up in results. All you need to do is think twice and consider yourself a shopper before a strong “NO”! You can personalize your marketing efforts only if you understand the intent of the keyword.

Also read: SEO for web developers

Ecommerce seo tips #2: Shoppers Find The Cluttered Dump Of Products In One Category Annoying

There are two kinds of shoppers, window shoppers, and actual buyers. If I am a window shopper having a minimal chance of converting, I won’t mind uncategorized products because I am there to look around without any intention of buying.

But if I have a specific requirement in my mind and I go to a website looking for that characteristic and you have dumped all the products in the same category, you just lost a potential conversion. Every page has to be optimized for conversion in an eCommerce. Whether it is for an “about us page conversion,” or boosting conversion rates with effective CTA in blogs. You ideally want to minimize shopping cart abandonment with CRO.

Also, putting your products in different categories will help your site rank better on the search engines. That’s just one of the good SEO tactics to nail your visibility. Including categorical LSI keywords will let your product pop up every time a person searches for that particular category.

Also read: Top SEO tips for businesses in Dubai

Ecommerce seo tips #3: There Is Much More To Content Than Blogs

Content is the king, but most entrepreneurs treat it like the peasant. Cliches apart, we have come a long way in the digitally driven world. While most entrepreneurs are seen investing in blogs, a very few try to understand the fact of using different forms of content for a better Search Engine Optimization. Look! There’s whole bandwidth of repurposing content into different formats.

Including informational PDFs, product catalogs, infographics, videos, etc. are some of the most important forms of content other than blogs. Your loyal consumers are looking to get engaged with your site and not providing some unique content to so is can be disappointing. So, invest in quality content for your SEO strategies to work wonders. And you know what’s better in quantity and quality.

Also read: Gym SEO

Ecommerce seo tips #4: Product Descriptions MUST Be Unique

E-commerce entrepreneurs have a hard time understanding that product descriptions are a part of the site and search engines analyze the entire site. Copying product descriptions, even from the manufacturing sites, can get your site flagged for plagiarism. If your SEO team is nagging you with requests of writing fresh product descriptions or rewrite them, be proud because that’s the sign that you have chosen the right people for the job. And it’s not even a digital marketing trend. It’s an established fact!

We know it is daunting to tell the effective methods apart for entrepreneurs who are yet to understand the basics of SEO. But that’s what we are here for, to proffer our SEO expertise for achieving every single KPI you set as a milestone! And if you didn’t know the right digital marketing KPIs for your eCommerce, our SEO services will solve them for you.

Why do you need to hear experts?

We’re not only asking you to hear experts who offer SEO services. No! You also need to hear experts who handle social media marketing services, PPC services, or even Shopify development services. We’re not saying this as we want to squeeze money out of your pockets. There are a lot of nuances linked with every service.

Of course, you should be putting your concerns. But it’s best if you let experts put in their two bits into growing your business.

You might also be interested in reading

  1. Facebook ad metrics— the tips that also affect your SEO
  2. SEO services in Dubai— best of your business is in Dubai
Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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