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How to improve click through rate in email marketing

I agree, social media marketing has successfully changed the way we see email marketing. But it’s a definite NO if you think it has killed e-mail marketing. Email promotions are very much alive, working, and converting. In fact, Google observes thousands of searches on how to improve click through rate in email marketing. All you need for lucrative email campaigns are killer ideas to launch a campaign.

No wait! You might not even need a killer idea. Sometimes, all you need to do is repurpose content and you’re almost there with the nailing email campaign.

Most of the digital marketers and social media servicing partners overlook the potential of email marketing but in the past year, we experimented some strategies without presuming anything and they turned out to be one of the great digital marketing channels for eCommerce.

Improve click through rate for email Step#1: Write a catchy subject line

There are thousands of ecommerce stores, spanning over different eCommerce types. You might even find hundreds of them precisely falling in line with your niche.

We studied the email marketing campaigns of the few of our client’s competitors and almost 29% of their subject lines matched ours. It hit us that when businesses are alike, our strategies will overlap. But 29% was a bit much.

This encouraged us to give subject lines the importance it deserves. Since then, we are not just creating campaigns blindly.

Our team defines the purpose of a campaign, creates a list of 10 subject lines having different flavors such as humor, facts, personalized marketing, etc. and go with the best. Creating subject line takes almost 50% of the time we allot to campaign creation as that is the only thing that’s going to push the customer to open it.

This approach definitely gave us what we wanted- decline in overlap with adversaries and more ‘open’ hits by the customers.

Improve click through rate for email Step#2: Go crisp with CTAs

‘What’s the purpose of this email marketing campaign?’- We don’t move ahead until this question is answered in the form of a goal in KPIs. We applied the same principle we applied for blog CTAs.

After we have a definite objective for a campaign, we make sure that the ‘call to action’ is highlighted the most, not in an obvious way, of course, but in some way.

We make sure our emails are extremely crisp with no verbiage or image dump that are the prime reasons for frustration build-up in customers. Of all the email marketing essentials, CTA was one of the most important essentials in our strategy.

Improve click through rate for email Step#3: Personalize your email messages

All our subscription templates ask for the customer’s first name to use it later in our marketing campaigns for developing a personal aura in these digitally conveyed messages.

With the help of analytics, we refine the subscribers on several factors each month and make sure to send a personal note from the director that aligns with their shopping pattern. That’s marketing being personalized.

For instance, one of our clients belongs to the supplement industry. We characterized the customers on the basis of their choice of concentration of the product. The more is the concentration, the sicker is the customer.

We created compassionate emails for these users, motivating them to go on, and for those who are shopping marginally concentrated products, we composed a campaign where the director stressed on how they can always use the other products and in which conditions.

This is just an instance, there are many other aspects which drives our personalization agenda such as loyalty, frequency, etc.

The Bottom Line Is…

To drive more conversions and click-through rates from the email marketing campaigns, we not always need an out of the box approach but a simpler, on-point approach. Of couse, you don’t put all your marketing budget behind it when you other digital marketing trends to boost traffic and conversion.

But it’s always good to reserve a fair bit of allocation for email marketing, because you get a list of highly converting customers. All businesses must keep a close eye on their monetary investments on these marketing efforts. You can start your email marketing campaign on a flyer by hiring the best digital marketing services. Huptech has been doing great as a digital marketing and Social media marketing agency and can always assist you in nailing email interactions with your customers!

You might also be interested in reading

  1. Art of email marketing— 8 must have email strategy
  2. Effective blog CTAs— converting blog visitors into customers
  3. Digital marketing KPIs— measuring email marketing campaign
Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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