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local SEO in Dubai

Before we talk about SEO strategy in Dubai, let’s welcome you to the hyper-digital era where the world resides on the internet, where a child learns to say ‘Hello Siri’ before ‘Good morning, Grandma’ and where it’s impossible to find Nothing. Every random search will lead you to a plethora of sensible links that sometimes makes you feel dumb.

And in this rat-race of staying relevant, if you have taken up the task of bringing your business in the virtual global village of the internet, I congratulate you. You have crossed one ocean. Now, there are a few thousand mountains to go.

But since we are talking about increasing sales from your website in Dubai, I can easily say that just by reading this, we’ll jump over a few hundred mountains together.

Let’s start by taking a few steps towards understanding how to generate leads in Dubai. Or anywhere, for that matter.

1) SEO strategy in Dubai #1: Your website is your face.

Dubai SEOMore like, your entire personality.

The whole idea of a start-up or budding entrepreneurship has become so accessible and possible only because it’s digital. The reason why every Dom, Hick, and Tarry are doing it. And honestly, that’s amazing!

You don’t have to invest in a brick-and-mortar space anymore. And you do not have to worry about what neighborhood to choose to open up shop with maximum accessibility.

You now have the whole world who can log on to your shop and buy your services and products. Take a look at our website. We’re selling more than 10 services. Be it local seo or eCommerce SEO, Shopify development or WordPress development. What I’m trying to convey is— it’s easier to penetrate huge market with the website.

But with the myriad of people having similar penetrability, isn’t it easy to get lost? It’s more natural to lose attention and hard to be noticed.

In this situation, we need to start right. And the start is your website. And like I said, your website is your face. Your business will be judged by its cover. I know we’ve been taught to not judge a book by its cover, but trust me, that’s all everyone’s going to do.

Build a website that’s attractive but simultaneously easy to understand. Research heavily about competitor websites. Think about who your target audience is. Plan your site in a way that makes navigation for the users easy.

Building a website also includes buying a domain, and it’s wise to invest in one. Choose a domain name that is linked to your business. If it’s an e-commerce website, try to add words like ‘store,’ or ‘shop.’ Avoid long names or names hard to understand or pronounce. That’s our one of the favorite eCommerce SEO checklists among all.

Lots of people often wonder what domain to buy or how important is it to have a .ae domain.

While doing competitive search queries in Dubai, not a lot of websites show up on the first page of searches which have a .ae domain. It goes on to say that the .ae domain is not too important. However, there are a few advantages to having that domain.

  • The .ae domain gives and identity to your business. It’s hard to evolve in a particular region and to connect locally if your business doesn’t have a local identity. It helps in networking locally and growing. It’s one good way to start ticking local SEO checklist.
  • What’s best is that it helps in building trust amongst the consumers. A lot of people still do not trust foreign sites and like to rely on local websites. The .ae domain improves your business to build trust and reliability.

There. If you’ve got this right and are satisfied with your website, you’ve taken an enormous leap. Slap your back and get ready to cross the next hurdle.

2) SEO strategy in Dubai #2: Social media presence is your advertisement

Attention is the new currency.

If you want to grab eyeballs, you have to be always present. Social media is no more just ‘social,’ it’s a market, and the people on the other end of the screens are your customers.

Insert yourself into as many eCommerce channels as possible to drive maximum traffic to your website.

Instagram is a huge market, not just a photo-sharing space. Build the presence of your business and get a conversation started. Conversations are a constant, whether you’re involved or not, so why not be the one to start it. The crowd wants to be engaged, so do not just sell, engage.

Use blogging as a medium to talk about the current market in Dubai. Do thorough research and decide on what language you’d like to use. If you want to create a local buzz, you can choose to use Arabic or Hindi. If you’re going to capture the global market, you can use English.

Make the most of mediums like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Quora, etc. Link the right keywords to your site or blog and get quality traffic. These mediums are the best way to lead generation in Dubai. If you feel all these are too much of a hassle, you can pick Dubai SEO services to ease things a bit for you.

3) SEO strategy in Dubai #3: Marketing is Magic

Marketing StrategyAlmost all the advertisements made today are focusing on engagement rather than marketing. People want to be engaged, and they want their curiosity piqued. And then, they want their curiosity and customer needs satisfied.

And marketing involves online as well as offline marketing. Since before people understood marketing, business people have been practicing it. Whether it’s word-of-mouth or billboards or videos or the current trend of experiential marketing – the bottom line is that you need to catch the customer’s attention. That’s one of the coolest ways to launch successful SEO campaigns.

And most people forget about email marketing and newsletters. Ecommerce Email marketing is a fantastic way to increase your blog or website traffic. Or you can make videos and get an influx of traffic through YouTube too.

The main thing is to get creative. To get experimental. And to grab eyeballs.

4) SEO strategy in Dubai #4: Search Engine Optimisation is Everything.

Search Engine Optimisation

EVERYTHING. Literally.

If we are talking about generating traffic for your website, there’s no way we can skip this. This point is a complete guide for Dubai SEO. You’re tickmarking SEO tips because you want organic website traffic, conversion, and sales.

Imagine if you had to know the exact URL of a website to access it and imagine if there was no search bar on Google or Yahoo or Safari. Finally, imagine the plight of users if they didn’t have hundreds of links lined up upon searching a random query.

The Internet suddenly seems a complicated blank world, doesn’t it?

The magic behind the ease with which our queries are solved is SEO. Google, or any other search engine, has a crawler that ‘reads’ information. When you throw a query at it, it searches for the keywords and the topics and lists links of relevance on your screens.

So when it comes to SEO services in Dubai, there are a lot of things one needs to consider.

1. Keywords are the key

Whenever anyone tries to look up for your website, they’ll type in some keywords. The magic lies in the keywords. It’s crucial to figure out how your target audience or customers are searching for the services or products in Dubai.

It’s important to understand that the keywords you use for a particular city or country differ from that of another. Since Dubai has a wide surfeit of people, the keywords they use, and the language they search in might be very different.

In that case, a lot of businesses find it easier to target users through keywords related to their business instead of targeting demographics.

Adding local keywords helps businesses widen the prospect of increasing their google search rank. Adding the keyword ‘Dubai’ will consequently help your customers narrow down their search. For example, ‘Clinics in Dubai’ or ‘Dubai newspaper.’

Use keywords, but don’t use them so much that it looks like you’ve done keyword stuffing. Also, it’s excellent to use popular catchphrases, but make sure that it’s not too popular or you’ll lose your identity in the pool of content that’s using the same phrase.

It’s of utmost importance that the right amount of research is done in selecting the keywords that can ensure a smooth process of local SEO in Dubai. See how I slipped in those keywords? We played the similar trick on one of our blogs on gym SEO. You can check it out for narrow results.

2. Content is the king

Content is the kingEven if you have put to use every rule in the book of Search Engine Optimisation, it will go to fail if your content is terrible. Your users will visit your site and never return if your content doesn’t satisfy them. Sorry for scaring you. But, better to be scared than sad.

How do you know whether your content is good or not?

Easy. Research and compare. See your competitor’s content and then strive to be better. Google needs to discover your content, and that’s only possible if you have the relevant keywords and information.

Relevancy is losing value these days because of inorganic methods of using SEO. But, that’s the only key to consistent traffic to your website. Write relevant content that engages your audience.

Search engines cannot understand content used in images and certain other design elements and hence, relies heavily on text. Use words that add value.

So many people wonder what went wrong when they wrote content with correct keywords and relevant information. To them, I just have one thing to say. Maybe your content wasn’t interesting or attractive enough for your customers.
So with everything right under the hood, make sure your content is better than your competitors’. God, there’s so much pressure!

And if you think content is not your cup of tea, don’t hesitate in hiring digital marketing experts who can create and execute content strategies.

3. Local Dubai Links

Local Dubai SEO LinksGetting links from various sites is a cherry on the cake. It only emphasizes on your credibility and reputation. If a reputable site adds a link to your page, it only adds more value and legitimacy to the service or product you have to offer.

Dubai being the target market, getting links from local businesses, to make your business more relevant to Dubai. You can try famous local bloggers, community pages, local contests that have their websites or blogs, Dubai event sites, job posting sites, vendor websites, etc.

Build your network. Nothing works better than building a professional network based on helping build each other. You can also try local citiation services to get local links.

4. Google Maps Optimisation

Remember that time when the old folks in our family always had that big fat Yellow book around them?

Well, now those have become irrelevant to Google Maps Optimisation.

All the relevant details of the business – the address, phone number, website, timings, etc., are mentioned on Google with off-page optimization technique.

Small and big business alike, now understand the importance of Google Maps Optimisation. It not only increases awareness among the consumers about the business but also increases website traffic.

The business that is a small benefit highly from this since it increases their visibility in the search engines and increases their local activity.

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5) SEO strategy in Dubai #5: PPC Campaigns are a booster pack

PPC CampaignsAll of the above are ways to organically increase your website traffic, which are free. Now, if you have money to spend, PPC campaigns are the best way to increase your visibility, which ensures traffic.

PPC is ‘pay per click.’ It is one of the best digital advertising platforms when advertisers want quick results. Which means you are paying to buy visits for your site.

One of the most popular forms is search engine advertising.

Do you know those ads that pop up while you are searching for a particular item on the internet? Well, that’s what we are talking about. The only difference is now you’ll be on the other side of it.

A lot of work is done to make a good PPC campaign – research, correct keywords, organizing them into the right ad groups, setting up landing pages for conversion. If your landing pages satisfy the consumers, Google charges less per click. And that means more profit. You can place any page as landing page… be it about us page, or any blog page. But the idea is— you want to create high converting about us page or place your CTAs on blogs smartly so that PPC campaigns turn fruitful.

And who doesn’t like that?

All you need to do is be relevant, make a good PPC ad, use an attractive copy, use the correct keywords, refine your landing pages, and yeah, that’s it.

You do believe me now when I said you have a few thousand mountains to cross. Don’t you?

You might also be interested in reading

  1. Redesign website without losing SEO
  2. How to create a successful SEO campaign

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

6 Responses

  1. Thanks for the information you have shared for the Marketing strategy. It will help me to do promote my website in Dubai Marketing.

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