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Let’s talk about heatmap in a bit. First let me give you the overview.

Content marketers are constantly looking for ways to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts. They have been relying on important digital marketing KPIs to scale their work. It is important for every organization to access the success or failure of their digital marketing efforts. 

In today’s digital era, organizations are constantly investing in ways to attract customers and increase sales. They been using different digital marketing eCommerce channels, they have been using all the necessary digital advertising platforms, and finally, they’ve been keeping up with the digital marketing trends to boost their businesses.

Whether it’s christmas or easter, marketers are pushing sales limit with personalized marketing tactics. If they wanted to increase their numbers on Christmas, they would follow all the plausible digital marketing tips for christmas sales. The digital marketing story is same for the easter or any other season. Gone are the days when the customer would walk to your store, today every product or service is delivered at the customer’s doors. 

The increase in competition has forced organizations to work hard and attract consumers. Bounce rates, conversion rates, click-through rates, and customer engagement are the new metrics of marketing success. An important tool in measuring this success is Heatmap: Visual Analysis Tool.

heatmap visual analysis tool
Image Source: Unknown

Heatmap is no longer a choice

Yes, you are successful in bringing a visitor to your website through different eCommerce strategies like following the Facebook ad tips or PPC services or even search engine optimization services. But what if you are not getting enough conversions? Why are the users not clicking on the demo button? Why is the click through rate less? And why are there no marketing qualified leads generated? Where are the sales?

You know that your CTA is working perfectly. There is increased traffic on your website. The digital analytics page also shows favorable statistics. Then what is wrong? 

A very important checklist of search engine optimization is that of tweaking the website to the visitor’s needs. Focusing on what will engage a visitor on your website is the key.

It is crucial to know what areas on your website are working well and what features you need to have in Ecommerce store. Most users spend not more than a few seconds on a webpage. It is important that you attract and engage your viewers from the first second. 

The amount of time a user spends on your website informs you of the usefulness of your website content. Google ranks pages with high user interaction higher. It tells google about the quality of your website content. How deep the user goes in your website is an important factor that should be considered by all marketers alike. 

google page heatmap
How people view Google Search Results Page / Image Source: Unknown

Tracking user interaction is important

It does not matter whether you are making a landing page, home page or product page. The amount of time the user spends interacting with that page can tell you a lot about where the problem is. Even pages like about us pages need to convert which may not seem very important to you. 

Google analytics measure bounce rates and tells website owners how much time is an average user spending on their website. A high bounce rate means that they leave very fast. A low bounce rate means that they are interacting with your website content. 

Imagine if you could see where the user is moving on your website. If you see where they click. What if we said you could see their activity instantly. Track their movements on your website live. That is what a Heatmap is. A visual analytics tool that tracks every activity of visitors on your website.

What is heatmap?

Heatmaps are used to analyze how each visitor moves on your website. It radiates sections of the website that is most engaged with. When multiple users interact with the same area on your website Heatmaps pick that up and highlight that area. 

This information can be instrumental in developing successful

Knowing Call to Action buttons that works best on your blog or landing page is crucial for future successful campaigns. For example, you also need different CTA strategy for exit overlays and conversion strategy for about us page

Success in the online world is based on how well you can connect with users. Visual analysis is an effective way to find out what connects with your users. If can be instrumental in placing your website content strategically.

Getting the ad placement right plays an important role in the success of your ad and call to action campaigns. Visual analysis improves the usability of your webpages. It gives you better ways to develop eCommerce websites. You can also analyse the shortcoming in your designs and inculcate latest web design trends to gives consumers a better design experience. There are softwares that help you analyze this visually. They display the hot and cold areas of your website. 

Heatmap with Google Analytics


Google analytics provides business owners with heatmaps of their webpages. They provide visual reports and individual session recordings that inform you where your users are coming from, which areas of the website are they navigating to and where they get stuck. Instead of using paid software you can achieve the same level of tracking by using your google analytics account for free. Follow this detailed tutorial to find out how to set up heat maps visual analytics with the help of your google analytics account. 

Another visual analysis tool, Crazy Egg also facilitates A/B testing of your webpages. Helping website designers and developers to make data-backed decisions about the right color, images, copy, or content placement. You already know how tough designing a website is. Tools like these can drastically improve the performance of your webpages, minimize cart abandonment, and increase overall sales.

There are three main types of heatmaps that aid visual analysis of websites:

Heatmap Method #1: Mouse Movement Maps

While surfing online, users use their mouse cursors to navigate. They hover over various parts of a webpage until they find something that attracts them. Knowing where your visitors hover on your webpage and where this hover trail ends can tell you a lot about their experience.

The closest to eye-tracking tests, mouse movement heatmaps is a tool that represents mouse movement of all visitors. It tracks how users read and navigate your webpage. It also provides concrete data about how many visitors hover over a particular area on your webpage. 

mouse movement map
Mouse Movement Heatmap / Image Source: Hotjar

Does your free delivery sticker getting enough mouse hovers? Is your money back guarantee badge getting enough visitor attention? Is your latest product offer attracting user attention?

These are a few of the many questions that mouse movement heat maps can help answer. And then with these data, you can personalize customer journey for better experience. 

Mouse movement heat maps are instrumental in understanding how users interact with your content. It can help you identify which visitor converts into a sale and which don’t.

Further, this input can be used for effective and efficient A/B testing of your digital marketing campaigns and designing your landing pages for the same. Once you have the data, you can hire a custom web development agency to give customized experience to your users.

Heatmap Method #2: Scroll Maps

Every website is a collection of product, service or company-related content piled up one on top of the other. Website designers, developers, and content writers are optimizing the entire journey of a visitor from the top section to the bottom of the page tirelessly. They ensure the SEO is not compromised while redesigning

As a business owner, you would want to understand which sections of the webpage are users spending the most time at. The goal is to navigate the user to the most important sales-generating areas of the website. 

Scroll maps inform you statistics about how much a user scrolls down on your webpage. It informs how well is the header image working to engage visitors? A scroll map typically displays the percentage of users abandoning your website at different levels of the webpage. 

scroll map
Scroll Map / Image Source: Hotjar

Product pages with important information are longer than expected. A scroll map helps you assess the effectiveness of your content. If a user scrolls down below the fold that means your content is engaging and the user was interested enough to scroll down the page. 

Scroll maps also give crucial information about the best places to keep your call to action buttons on blogs and money pages. You would want to place your call to action buttons in an area where visitors scroll maximum. The bottom of the page CTAs can be moved up based on your scroll map readings. Scroll maps are direct user inputs in restructuring your web page content. 

Heatmap Method #3: Click Maps

A website is laced with different sections leading users to different parts of a webpage. Page sections such as about us, blog, products, services, client portfolio are a few common examples of click points for visitors. 

Apart from this, there are many call to action buttons placed all over a webpage. An attractive offer for the best selling product at the top of the page, Terms and conditions page, product information page, lab test reports that validate your product or a subscribe form.

click map
Click Map / Image Source: Hotjar

Click maps are visual analysis heat maps that document the clicks that different areas on your webpage get. A click maps records where users are clicking on your webpage. 

In a hyper-competitive market, bad design is bad for business. Websites that confuse visitors seldom generate sales. Using click maps designers can identify areas of the website that need to be redesigned for optimum performance. They can then keep the SEO intact during redesigning.

These three major heatmaps can solve a lot of problems for websites. They can increase the efficiency of content, call to action buttons, banners, advertisements, everything. Information about how the user behaves on your webpage can be a useful tool. In the era of content marketing and inbound marketing, understanding how users interact with your website means everything. Hope this blog helps you better design your website and enhance visitor engagement.

Who would work on it?

Well, you can install all the necessary heatmap tools in your website. But tracking heatmap data and implementing them are two different worlds. You need to be right on your toes to improvise on the data they collect. The simple reason being— you have all the tested analysis. What’s the point of analysis if you can’t really work on it? Makes sense?

The best way to work on heatmap is to hire a digital marketing service which understands conversion rate optimization. Make sure they also understand custom web development solution. This applies to all the eCommerce platforms! Whether you run a shopify store, or wordpress store, or woocommerce store, you need agencies that can try different web designing trends on all the platforms.

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Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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