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why digital marketing is important in 2021

So before you dive into the types of digital marketing, understand how business works around them.

Every business kick starts with a motive of not only earning profit. But also to reach out to a wide spectrum of people through their products and services. In order to be capable enough to do that, any business or a company first strengthen their marketing department. Basically, marketing means successfully putting yourself out there to the buyers. Also to the rest of the population or clearly just making your business visible to attract more customers. Marketing can fetch you short-lived customers but right marketing can fetch you long time sustainable customers.

Over the year, the concept of marketing has undergone several changes and subject experts introduced new and advanced concepts of marketing such as –

  • Digital Marketing
  • Cause Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Multi-level Marketing
  • Database Marketing and many more

The concept of digital marketing has picked up a significant pace over the last few years and many companies have successfully adopted it to witness growth and betterment in their business. We don’t blame them, they understand the importance of digital marketing services.

Now, let’s understand what exactly is digital marketing then its functioning and segments and what makes it a top choice for many business houses.

What is digital marketing? 

Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and different digital marketing channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time online. In layman terms, digital marketing is a type of practice that includes all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Several business houses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

To make them more efficient, they use

There is no surprise as to how much the number of online users are escalating due to high-speed internet access. According to research, constant internet usage among adults increased by 5% in just the last three years. The way people shop and buy really has changed a lot and thus offline marketing isn’t as impressive as it used to be back then. So you should understand your user behavior with various tactics like google micro moments.

Marketing has always been about bridging with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Nowadays, all you need is internet access. The frequency of business houses carrying out offline marketing campaigns has declined.

A perfect example of digital marketing can be

A content writer can write a series of creative and attracting blog posts that convert. The social media marketing agency will then help promote and advertise these blog posts on different digital advertising platforms. They can also market their businesses through paid social media ads.

Since there are several individuals who use these platforms on an everyday basis, in fact, every hour, could come across these blogs. The way content writer and the social media agencies makes a connection with the visitors and turning them into potential customers using these online platforms is what digital marketing all about.

Also read:

  1. Social media marketing— the strategies that matter
  2. Facebook ad metrics— tips to run your Facebook ads
  3. Facebook ad mistakes— the mistakes you must avoid while carrying digital marketing campaigns

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the most fundamental types of Digital Marketing that help businesses gain market online via Ads on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. It further includes two segments – SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) and PPC ( Pay Per Click ) –

Search engine optimization is the process of following SEO checklists on website to rank higher in search engine results pages. SEO also fosters a higher rate of activity, awareness, traffic, branding, generating leads, and conversions, thereby increasing the amount of free or unpaid traffic towards your website. It can be local SEO checklist as well if you’re planning to target the local market in your vicinity.

Websites, blogs, and infographics are greatly benefited by this segment. SEO works well around some of the well-characterized set of standards such as inserting specific Keywords and directing links from several sites that also use similar types of keywords.

Also read:

  1. Successful SEO campaign— run a high-converting campaign
  2. Redesign website without losing SEO— revamp your website without losing SEO
  3. SEO for web developers— the factors you need to pay attention as a developer

Related services:

  1. Local SEO services
  2. Local citation services
  3. Search engine optimization services
  4. SEO services in Dubai

PPC is one of the prompt types of Digital Marketing channels for eCommerce that diverts focused traffic to the web pages and related services. PPC can be widely understood as purchasing traffic from paid search listings that support marketers in attracting more web traffic through desktop and web searches via mobile. It is an Online Advertising System for diverting online traffic to client’s websites by paying a certain price to the publisher whenever their paid Ad is clicked.

Also read: PPC misconceptions

Related services:

  1. Pay per click services
  2. PPC experts service

Social Media Marketing is one of the most popular and significant types of digital marketing that help marketers excel their image in the market in the most compelling and trendy way possible. Creating and distributing quality content in a well-focused manner is the foundation of successful SMM campaigns. There are 12 important and significant steps to succeed in social media marketing –

  1. Brainstorm to know your audience well
  2. Choose your preferred social platform
  3. Choose your Key performance indicators
  4. Strategize social media plan to wish to formulate and how
  5. Align the company as per your formulated plan
  6. Upload scheduled posts and main uploading consistency
  7. Create a content bank
  8. Post ONLY relevant content
  9. Look after all social media platforms separately
  10. Assign someone as CSR
  11. Reporting
  12. Reanalyze

Email marketing is one of the most aged form of digital marketing tactics that is still highly modern and successful. Marketers use highly stretegized emails for maintaining and developing contact with their potential and existing customers that help them with lead generation.

Marketing via email is the best way to establish deeper and stronger relationships with a bigger chunk of audience at a fairly nominal cost than the total cost incurred on traditional media.

Diverting new signups for specific products and services and creating new and powerful leads for the sales team are one of the important goals of email marketing. That’s why you should hire digital services who understand the knack of email marketing.

Email marketing is one of the most aged form of digital marketing tactics that is still highly modern and successful. Marketers use emails for maintaining and developing contact with their potential and existing customers that help them with lead generation.

Marketing via email is the best way to establish deeper and stronger relationships with a bigger chunk of the audience at a fairly nominal cost than the total cost incurred on traditional media. Diverting new signups for specific products and services and creating new and powerful leads for the sales team are one of the important goals of email marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an e-commerce process of selecting affiliates with similar interest by the product or company owners. These affiliates are required to advertise or promote the owner’s upcoming products and services on their own websites or pages and in return earn some commission and rewards could also include discounts, gift cards, and freebies.

Let’s say we wanted to promote our Shopify services. So what we do on our website is not enough. Getting affiliates talk about our Shopify and custom web development solution give us more channels to acquire customers.

This type of marketing is important because it is much effortless than starting your own company from a scratch and creating your own products because there are more efforts involved in opening a business than just simply advertising and promoting other people or company’s products.

Affiliates can be anyone from a single individual to entire companies.  An affiliate marketing business can make hundreds of dollars in commissions every month.

Thus, types of digital Marketing is a wide and a whole new area inside marketing. Not every tactic would suit your business model and so you might want to check all the tactics and see which suit the best for your company and brings out the maximum and positive results.

Also read: Affiliate marketing for beginners— Learn affiliate marketing and nail one more digital marketing channel

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

5 Responses

  1. Hi,

    I would say we should change our focus from more on SEO to Paid marketing channels.

    Companies spend money on paid marketing channels for brand awareness and SEO is their least priority.

    I think brand searches are going to be one of the major SEO factors to take into consideration. Your thoughts?

    1. Hi Harsh, I think paid should be something companies use and test. But it should never be their only channel of traffic acquisition. That is very dangerous.

  2. Hi, thank you for such a brilliant post. I thinking of switching from sales to digital marketing and this blog covered all of the concerns I had.

  3. Hey thanks for posting this useful content on digital marketing a spectacular choice for marketers presented here, I really hope it will be helpful to many. I hope you keep update us with such great tips and information in future too.

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