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To the IT Communities Worldwide

The consequential outspread of COVID-19 has distorted lifestyles, trades, global IT leagues, and organizations worldwide.

Organizations across the globe, including Huptech Web and it’s Partners, are assembling forces and innovating to foreshorten the impact on online businesses and to curb interruptions to economies.

We are illustrating how, as a global community, we can assemble– notwithstanding the location or state of affairs– to address the most crucial challenges of our lives.

Despite these difficult times, we also see hope in our resilience. We have pledged to share our skills, system, and services to mold the COVID-19 revival and build back better.

Supporting Our Workforce

People are the backbone of any organization. When faced with critical events, whether it be a pandemic, a natural disaster, or an internal issue, leaders need to be driven to empower employees, business partners & the communities where we operate is extremely important for us. 

Therefore, the health and safety of our employees, business partners, & communities hold immense importance for us. We are trailblazing the paths to keep them thriving, safe & supported.

To function at our best, we brought in technologies to build communication bridges stronger than ever. Remote working has unlatched the elbowroom for new tools and resources to help us move through COVID-19.

Serving Our Valued Clients and Partners

For the last 5 years, our clients, employees, business partners, and communities have counted on us during the most difficult trials. And today, we’re right here with you in tackling this crucial global challenge with versatility, durability, grit, & caring hearts.

Together with our services, strategy, and workforce, we are ensuring that much-needed online business aid is available worldwide.

Huptech web is fully operational during the Covid-19 pandemic and our team is more dedicated than ever to helping companies succeed online.

We are offering online business aid across the ground everywhere during the pandemic, drawing on our extensive presence & experience in offshore countries.

Rishi Thakker, Chief Executive Officer, Huptech Web PVT. LTD.

In addition to our digital marketing, web development & design services, we are also going the extra mile to help all businesses with digital transformation with specific marketing strategies and FREE Consultation during the COVID-19 crisis.

As recited by our CEO, you don’t have to worry about your online business. Because, whatever the circumstance be, Huptech Web is always ready for new opportunities and new challenges. At Huptech Web, Our team is working 24/7 to ensure that you get all the support and assistance you need in these difficult times. Feel free to contact us for any assistance or help. We’re right here!

Giving Back to the Country

The world is uniting together to tackle the widespread assembling operations and governments across the sectors together to provide assistance and answer to the issues created during the pandemic. The contribution of mutual support and funds initiated by this shared challenge has been remarkable.

Huptech Donation for Corona

As our country is passing through an unprecedented time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Huptech Web team recently outlined and donated a funding need of Rs.30,000 for critical response efforts to PM Cares to help through May 2020. 

We hope that many more from the industry will come forward for this cause. Let’s all assemble for the well-being of our countrymen and humanity as a whole during these challenging times.

Click on the DONATE NOW button below to donate to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) COVID-19 Fund.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

2 Responses

  1. In the hyper-competitive world of web services, besides the sheer quality of service, Huptech’s genuine generosity and ‘big picture’ perspective stands out.

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