Digital Marketing – Huptech Web Your Trusted Development & Marketing Partner Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:31:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Marketing – Huptech Web 32 32 Heatmaps— a visual web page analysis tool to track user behavior Mon, 19 Aug 2019 14:16:57 +0000 Let’s talk about heatmap in a bit. First let me give you the overview. Content marketers are constantly looking for ways to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts. They have been relying on important digital marketing KPIs to scale their work. It is important for every organization to access the success or failure of […]

The post Heatmaps— a visual web page analysis tool to track user behavior appeared first on Huptech Web.

Let’s talk about heatmap in a bit. First let me give you the overview.

Content marketers are constantly looking for ways to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts. They have been relying on important digital marketing KPIs to scale their work. It is important for every organization to access the success or failure of their digital marketing efforts. 

In today’s digital era, organizations are constantly investing in ways to attract customers and increase sales. They been using different digital marketing eCommerce channels, they have been using all the necessary digital advertising platforms, and finally, they’ve been keeping up with the digital marketing trends to boost their businesses.

Whether it’s christmas or easter, marketers are pushing sales limit with personalized marketing tactics. If they wanted to increase their numbers on Christmas, they would follow all the plausible digital marketing tips for christmas sales. The digital marketing story is same for the easter or any other season. Gone are the days when the customer would walk to your store, today every product or service is delivered at the customer’s doors. 

The increase in competition has forced organizations to work hard and attract consumers. Bounce rates, conversion rates, click-through rates, and customer engagement are the new metrics of marketing success. An important tool in measuring this success is Heatmap: Visual Analysis Tool.

heatmap visual analysis tool
Image Source: Unknown

Heatmap is no longer a choice

Yes, you are successful in bringing a visitor to your website through different eCommerce strategies like following the Facebook ad tips or PPC services or even search engine optimization services. But what if you are not getting enough conversions? Why are the users not clicking on the demo button? Why is the click through rate less? And why are there no marketing qualified leads generated? Where are the sales?

You know that your CTA is working perfectly. There is increased traffic on your website. The digital analytics page also shows favorable statistics. Then what is wrong? 

A very important checklist of search engine optimization is that of tweaking the website to the visitor’s needs. Focusing on what will engage a visitor on your website is the key.

It is crucial to know what areas on your website are working well and what features you need to have in Ecommerce store. Most users spend not more than a few seconds on a webpage. It is important that you attract and engage your viewers from the first second. 

The amount of time a user spends on your website informs you of the usefulness of your website content. Google ranks pages with high user interaction higher. It tells google about the quality of your website content. How deep the user goes in your website is an important factor that should be considered by all marketers alike. 

google page heatmap
How people view Google Search Results Page / Image Source: Unknown

Tracking user interaction is important

It does not matter whether you are making a landing page, home page or product page. The amount of time the user spends interacting with that page can tell you a lot about where the problem is. Even pages like about us pages need to convert which may not seem very important to you. 

Google analytics measure bounce rates and tells website owners how much time is an average user spending on their website. A high bounce rate means that they leave very fast. A low bounce rate means that they are interacting with your website content. 

Imagine if you could see where the user is moving on your website. If you see where they click. What if we said you could see their activity instantly. Track their movements on your website live. That is what a Heatmap is. A visual analytics tool that tracks every activity of visitors on your website.

What is heatmap?

Heatmaps are used to analyze how each visitor moves on your website. It radiates sections of the website that is most engaged with. When multiple users interact with the same area on your website Heatmaps pick that up and highlight that area. 

This information can be instrumental in developing successful

Knowing Call to Action buttons that works best on your blog or landing page is crucial for future successful campaigns. For example, you also need different CTA strategy for exit overlays and conversion strategy for about us page

Success in the online world is based on how well you can connect with users. Visual analysis is an effective way to find out what connects with your users. If can be instrumental in placing your website content strategically.

Getting the ad placement right plays an important role in the success of your ad and call to action campaigns. Visual analysis improves the usability of your webpages. It gives you better ways to develop eCommerce websites. You can also analyse the shortcoming in your designs and inculcate latest web design trends to gives consumers a better design experience. There are softwares that help you analyze this visually. They display the hot and cold areas of your website. 

Heatmap with Google Analytics


Google analytics provides business owners with heatmaps of their webpages. They provide visual reports and individual session recordings that inform you where your users are coming from, which areas of the website are they navigating to and where they get stuck. Instead of using paid software you can achieve the same level of tracking by using your google analytics account for free. Follow this detailed tutorial to find out how to set up heat maps visual analytics with the help of your google analytics account. 

Another visual analysis tool, Crazy Egg also facilitates A/B testing of your webpages. Helping website designers and developers to make data-backed decisions about the right color, images, copy, or content placement. You already know how tough designing a website is. Tools like these can drastically improve the performance of your webpages, minimize cart abandonment, and increase overall sales.

There are three main types of heatmaps that aid visual analysis of websites:

Heatmap Method #1: Mouse Movement Maps

While surfing online, users use their mouse cursors to navigate. They hover over various parts of a webpage until they find something that attracts them. Knowing where your visitors hover on your webpage and where this hover trail ends can tell you a lot about their experience.

The closest to eye-tracking tests, mouse movement heatmaps is a tool that represents mouse movement of all visitors. It tracks how users read and navigate your webpage. It also provides concrete data about how many visitors hover over a particular area on your webpage. 

mouse movement map
Mouse Movement Heatmap / Image Source: Hotjar

Does your free delivery sticker getting enough mouse hovers? Is your money back guarantee badge getting enough visitor attention? Is your latest product offer attracting user attention?

These are a few of the many questions that mouse movement heat maps can help answer. And then with these data, you can personalize customer journey for better experience. 

Mouse movement heat maps are instrumental in understanding how users interact with your content. It can help you identify which visitor converts into a sale and which don’t.

Further, this input can be used for effective and efficient A/B testing of your digital marketing campaigns and designing your landing pages for the same. Once you have the data, you can hire a custom web development agency to give customized experience to your users.

Heatmap Method #2: Scroll Maps

Every website is a collection of product, service or company-related content piled up one on top of the other. Website designers, developers, and content writers are optimizing the entire journey of a visitor from the top section to the bottom of the page tirelessly. They ensure the SEO is not compromised while redesigning

As a business owner, you would want to understand which sections of the webpage are users spending the most time at. The goal is to navigate the user to the most important sales-generating areas of the website. 

Scroll maps inform you statistics about how much a user scrolls down on your webpage. It informs how well is the header image working to engage visitors? A scroll map typically displays the percentage of users abandoning your website at different levels of the webpage. 

scroll map
Scroll Map / Image Source: Hotjar

Product pages with important information are longer than expected. A scroll map helps you assess the effectiveness of your content. If a user scrolls down below the fold that means your content is engaging and the user was interested enough to scroll down the page. 

Scroll maps also give crucial information about the best places to keep your call to action buttons on blogs and money pages. You would want to place your call to action buttons in an area where visitors scroll maximum. The bottom of the page CTAs can be moved up based on your scroll map readings. Scroll maps are direct user inputs in restructuring your web page content. 

Heatmap Method #3: Click Maps

A website is laced with different sections leading users to different parts of a webpage. Page sections such as about us, blog, products, services, client portfolio are a few common examples of click points for visitors. 

Apart from this, there are many call to action buttons placed all over a webpage. An attractive offer for the best selling product at the top of the page, Terms and conditions page, product information page, lab test reports that validate your product or a subscribe form.

click map
Click Map / Image Source: Hotjar

Click maps are visual analysis heat maps that document the clicks that different areas on your webpage get. A click maps records where users are clicking on your webpage. 

In a hyper-competitive market, bad design is bad for business. Websites that confuse visitors seldom generate sales. Using click maps designers can identify areas of the website that need to be redesigned for optimum performance. They can then keep the SEO intact during redesigning.

These three major heatmaps can solve a lot of problems for websites. They can increase the efficiency of content, call to action buttons, banners, advertisements, everything. Information about how the user behaves on your webpage can be a useful tool. In the era of content marketing and inbound marketing, understanding how users interact with your website means everything. Hope this blog helps you better design your website and enhance visitor engagement.

Who would work on it?

Well, you can install all the necessary heatmap tools in your website. But tracking heatmap data and implementing them are two different worlds. You need to be right on your toes to improvise on the data they collect. The simple reason being— you have all the tested analysis. What’s the point of analysis if you can’t really work on it? Makes sense?

The best way to work on heatmap is to hire a digital marketing service which understands conversion rate optimization. Make sure they also understand custom web development solution. This applies to all the eCommerce platforms! Whether you run a shopify store, or wordpress store, or woocommerce store, you need agencies that can try different web designing trends on all the platforms.

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  1. High click through rate for email marketing

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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners— The Only Free Guide You Needed In 2022 Mon, 04 Feb 2019 11:54:44 +0000 Before we talk about affiliate marketing for beginners, let’s first understand digital marketing. Digital Marketing is one of the most crucial factors that determine a company’s prosperity. Not only does it builds a strong brand image among the customers but can also help increase sales, grow business and engage customers. Don’t trust us? We followed […]

The post Affiliate Marketing For Beginners— The Only Free Guide You Needed In 2022 appeared first on Huptech Web.

Before we talk about affiliate marketing for beginners, let’s first understand digital marketing. Digital Marketing is one of the most crucial factors that determine a company’s prosperity. Not only does it builds a strong brand image among the customers but can also help increase sales, grow business and engage customers. Don’t trust us? We followed some of the digital marketing trends which increased Christmas sales for our eCommerce and easter sales for our clients.

Marketing is advantageous when it comes to educating a pool of customers about upcoming products and services. Marketing is the most effective way to communicate your value proposition to the customers. The main aim of business is to earn money and marketing is an essential channel to reach that end goal of selling quality products and services to maximum customers.

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Inbound Marketing
  3. Cause Marketing
  4. Proximity Marketing
  5. Database Marketing and a lot more…Now,

Affiliate marketing is an e-commerce process of appointing affiliates with similar interest by the product owners. These affiliates are required to promote the owner’s upcoming products and services on their own websites or pages and in return earn some commission and rewards could also include discounts, gift cards, and free products. Affiliate marketing is beneficial for both brands and affiliates as it helps increase traffic to their respective sites and build significant revenue.

This type of marketing is important because it is much easier than building your own company and creating your own products because there are more efforts involved in opening a business than just simply advertising and promoting other people or company’s products. Thinking about how to start, what to do, things to comply and all those requirements are very time-consuming.

Affiliates are only rewarded if they generate a sales. Affiliate marketing is one of the few marketing channels where you can get a 100% return on investment every time. With a paid subscription, these online platforms help businesses with affiliate marketing by focusing on trending digital marketing gimmicks. They also focus on increasing traffic, and giving retailers an affordable and effective way to reach out to affiliates.

Affiliates can also range from single individuals to entire companies.  An affiliate marketing business can produce a few hundred dollars in commissions each month or tens of millions of dollars.

Affiliate marketing for beginners pillar #1: Advertiser

An advertiser can be a company or an individual who provides the products to the publisher who is ready to promote their brand products on a personal website or blog in exchange of payment.

Affiliate marketing for beginners pillar #2: Publisher

A publisher is a company or an individual who is ready to promote a particular brand’s products or services on his personal blog/website where he/she has more engaging followers who might get ready to buy the product. In a layman’s language, the publisher acts as a mediator between advertiser and customer.

Affiliate marketing for beginners pillar #3: Customers

These customers, in particular, are the ones who follow the activities and products the publisher promotes. They read blogs about whatever good the publisher has to say about the featured product or services. Thus, customers might or might not buy depending on how convinced they are.

These publishers are also known as ‘Influencers’ as they influence the purchasing power of their customers. If you didn’t know, influencers are not the only ones you see on social media platforms. You’re an influencer if you’re running a high traffic website and influencing people’s decision.

Also read: How to become an influencer for beginner

Affiliate marketing has no different meaning under digital marketing. Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree because affiliates often use regular advertising platforms for sales.

Those methods include

Many affiliate publishers hire digital marketing services for SEO services, social media marketing services, PPC services, and sometimes, even custom web development services.

Pay Per Click(PPC)  – In this online advertising method advertiser only pays to the publisher when an ad is clicked and hence it is called PPC.

Pay Per Sale(PPS): in this particular online advertising method, a publisher is paid on the basis of a number of sales that generated through his/her page.

And finally,

Pay Per Lead: In this method the advertiser pays the affiliate based on conversions like file download, sign up an account or any other desired action that generated lead via affiliates blog or website.

Also read:  PPC misconceptions, Facebook ad mistakes, How to improve click through rate email

Here are the advantages of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing for beginners Advantage #1: They drive traffic

Affiliates in with similar interest will drive traffic to your website which will generally convert into more sales. With affiliates promoting your brand on different digital platforms, even non-affiliates will gain interest in your brand. The more they talk about you, the better it would be. There is no required upfront investment, and affiliates are paid only through commissions and few rewards. That means affiliates do not get rewarded unless they generate sales. Loyal customers already using your products will be motivated to share your brand even more.

Affiliate marketing for beginners Advantage #2: Convince potential customers

An affiliate promotes one or multiple affiliate products and tries to attract and convince potential customers of the value of the merchant’s product so that they actually end up buying it. Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of

online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers’ marketing strategies.

In affiliate marketing, all you have to invest in a little of your time, effort and knowledge in marketing. You don’t even need to spend a penny in signing up for any program and profit come in faster.

The profits gained in any affiliate marketing business are from the wealth of established companies. You will be entitled to receive a portion of their income in form of commission from every product sold or any service rendered. Hence, it gives you the feeling of being part of a larger business community.

You might also be interested in reading:

  1. Level up the marketing game— good for all the aspiring affiliates
  2. Digital marketing KPIs— measure your affiliate marketing efforts

For more interesting blogs, keep following us on Huptechweb.

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3 Digital Marketing Trends In 2022— The Absolute Result-Oriented Strategies Thu, 01 Nov 2018 13:23:17 +0000 As one of the leading marketing agencies, we advise our clients on taking their digital marketing strategies in the right direction. As a preferred digital marketing agency, our team has incorporated the most workable digital trends into our clients businesses and have received positive results. However, if you are not yet sure about how these […]

The post 3 Digital Marketing Trends In 2022— The Absolute Result-Oriented Strategies appeared first on Huptech Web.

As one of the leading marketing agencies, we advise our clients on taking their digital marketing strategies in the right direction. As a preferred digital marketing agency, our team has incorporated the most workable digital trends into our clients businesses and have received positive results. However, if you are not yet sure about how these digital marketing techniques are going to turn out for your business, here are some details on 3 of the most fitting marketing trends today:

#1: Connecting with customers through live video streaming

Video streaming was believed to be the bright tomorrow of the marketing trends, but has paced up brilliantly in no time. After Snapchat introduced the concept of story, the other social media platforms took the hint and one after another every social media platform launched similar themes and then added live streaming to their platforms. It is not necessary to talk big about your business. All you need to do is to connect well with the customers.

Many brands show a glimpse of their latest collection while streaming, while some answers the questions of their customers. This helps them build trust and credebility. There other benefits of live streaming as well. You’d want to have a serious consideration provided people love interacting with “business celebrities.”

Also read: How to make whatsapp query button on instagram story highlight

#2: Content marketing

Content is the king today. It’s one of the important digital marketing channels to keep your customers engaged and up-to-date with your business. Without a unique, interesting, and an engaging content, it is impossible to attract readers and strategize your eCommerce SEO tactics.

However, things don’t end at developing good content. You need to repurpose content at various digital platforms to make your followers aware about the new addition to your brand. However small your business must be, investing in good content can boost your sales!

Also read:

  1. Increase sales on easter
  2. Increase sales on Christmas

#3: Social media platforms

Nobody needs any introduction to social media. Everyone knows the importance of social media marketing. Right? We all know how well it helps in getting connected to everyone we want. However, social media platforms have become a great deal for businesses as well. Interaction with customers, brand awareness, online selling, etc. are some of the benefits that social media platforms can offer your business.

With our extensive experience as a social media marketing agency, we recommend each of our customers to have a page on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc. to stay authentically connected with their customers, regardless of the size of their business.

In all, even if you are a plumber, your digital marketing can be a spectacular choice for you. It can make you a high-end plumber whose demand may never seem to go down. How? It’s simple! You engage with your customers with great content related to plumbing and offer them services that have no errors.

Well, this was just an example. Any of the businesses can only gain through digital marketing fad and we as a digital marketing agency, recommend all our consumers relative strategies that only help!

How you can follow these digital marketing trends more effectively?

Staying up to date with the digital marketing trends is different than executing them. Think of it this way— how easy it is for you to conduct live streaming videos every day? Almost very difficult. You have tons of work to do. Similarly, content and social media marketing are no easy nuts to crack.

Sure, you should always have the eyes for detail to grab fresh opportunities from these trends, but the key question to ask yourself is— how available are you to follow these trends. If you have the bandwidth to live stream your business materials, you’ll go way ahead with personalized marketing.

Similarly, social media marketing needs regular posts and engagement with the audience. If you have enough time to execute it effectively, well and good. But always take second opinion from the social media experts or digital marketing services agency in the industry, who can cater personalized content related to the niche.

The other advantage of hiring social media marketing services is they are well aware of the ad campaigns tips on Facebook and other social media channels. They’ve committed the mistakes hundreds of times to learn and avoid ad mistakes for your business.

And last but not least, content marketing is incomplete without fulfilling the SEO checklists. The lists are so complex, you might as well need to look for SEO services. Because SEO boosts business visibility and bring your content efforts in fruition. So what are you waiting for?

You might also be interested in

  1. 15 other eCommerce digital marketing strategies
  2. 11 Digital marketing channels for eCommerce


For more interesting blogs, keep following us on Huptechweb.

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Exit Intent Overlay Strategies | Top 5 Ways To Increase eCommerce conversion Wed, 03 Oct 2018 06:43:22 +0000 Exit intent overlay! Uff! That’s some concept to talk about. We sigh with relief when we come across a better alternative! Don’t we? But, that’s only human. Having options is a boon for consumers. But bane for you, because these alternatives which are out there are your adversaries who are constantly striving to make themselves […]

The post Exit Intent Overlay Strategies | Top 5 Ways To Increase eCommerce conversion appeared first on Huptech Web.

Exit intent overlay! Uff! That’s some concept to talk about.

We sigh with relief when we come across a better alternative! Don’t we? But, that’s only human.

Having options is a boon for consumers. But bane for you, because these alternatives which are out there are your adversaries who are constantly striving to make themselves a better option for the users.

Amidst this easy availability of any service or a product in abundance, it becomes excruciatingly difficult to acquire attention.

You have to make your offer in the most convincing way as to why the user should follow you.

That’s when overlays come into the picture. Using overlays to grab the prospect’s attention is in practice since years. However, it has seen a tremendous growth and has changed through the many years it has been in existence.

We have long past gone through the level of whether to use overlays or not. How to use it, is the question now.

It is not rocket science, but yes, it is data science. You must use your data to know what works for your customers and what attracts them the most before finalizing the copy of your pop-ups.

Shopify justified the need of using pop-ups simply by giving an example of a blogger who tested and tried lightbox resulting in 1,375% more e-mail subscribers.

I have come across some overlays that made me say “And that’s how it is done!” while some have urged me to roll my eyes. Let’s have a look at some of both the examples for your ease of understanding what you should or shouldn’t do!

This overlay which was targeted on building the email list is an apt example of decency. They have made a direct attempt on conveying what they have to offer without beating around the bush.

Did you see how methodically have they mentioned their target audience for whom the guide can be helpful talking directly to the online marketers, SaaS companies, and e-commerce businesses?

Right above the e-mail address text box, they have also disclosed that with the guide, the subscribers will learn tactics on growth and strategies.

With contrasting, yet subtle colors, this overlay work on eyes and brain with equal precision.

Aim to create simple, decent, yet effective overlays that mention all the necessary details just like Rooster did.

Taking transparency to altogether a new level with this interestingly designed pop-up is nothing but smartness. Isn’t “From “aha” to “oh shit”, a great way to start an informative overlay?

By including themselves into learners, they confirmed that they are not stagnant, and are trying new strategies without the fear of failing.

By sharing their own journey explicitly, they have gained customer’s confidence. Their intention of connecting with customers definitely worked for me.

Along with a clear offer of sending lessons on growth, they also have shown the meter of their monthly revenue as a proof. People always go for assured tactics rather than something that is never tried before.

If you are a service based venture, don’t miss out on notifying your customers as well as prospects about your own growth, or how your clients have benefitted through your services.

Evidence of your growth and potential has the capacity to increase your revenue undoubtedly.

All you can catch a glimpse of is the big amount, isn’t it? Offering discounts is an old-school technique for customer attraction, however, this big an amount never fails to make a point.

Implementing this tactic for exit pop-ups will guarantee at least one thing, the prospect will not be as dismissive as he may intend to be. He will definitely read what you have to say and think twice before dismissing your offer. This also reduces the cart abanonment rate indirectly.

Try giving affordable offers to build a customer base which are bound to increase your revenue in a long run. Top Bet improved their signups by 6% using this overlay and you will too if you filter your customer’s requirements and use it in your overlay with a similar theme.

I literally couldn’t spare the amazement that this overlay put me in. Neil Patel nails personalization like nobody could ever do. He’s the king of personalized marketing. Using the word “Confidential” is highly intelligent on his part as that’s what is rare in today’s digital world.

This overlay offers two things, discussion with a skilled individual, and confidentiality about that business discussion.

I knew what the motto of this overlay is, yet, I can’t stop myself being in awe thinking that this guy is asking to book a discussion with him, and ensuring privacy along with it.

It involves a trust factor, invigorating the emotional level of the customers.

A great combo it is! Think about what you can offer your clients and prospects apart from your services or products that target human expectations. Yes, empathy, ethics, and emotions play a crucial role in boosting conversions.

For starters, “Probably” is a word that raises doubts. That too using it as a start of your copy is more than a bad decision. I would never ever do it!

Secondly, using the word “Best” thrice in the same overlay? It seems that The Chive is convincing itself about its services being the best, rather than conveying it to the users.

Thirdly, there is not the slightest hint of what they have to offer to the subscribers other than their “Best” newsletters. You cannot convince to subscribe until you have something unique to provide your subscribers.

Except for the two-tone design, there is nothing inspirational in the overlay. All you have to do is to ignore doing such mistakes and not make the entire overlay about you if you seek high conversion rate.

There are a number of strategies yet to mention which have minute lessons to teach for do’s and don’ts. Exit pop-ups and light boxes have helped the businesses to increase their revenue by at least 6%. Hire professional digital marketers with a special expertise in custom web design, conversion rate optimization, and eCommerce development to know what’s going to work for you, and what’s not, because nothing escapes relativity.

Huptech Web has been assisting the businesses to grow their sales with intelligent exit pop-ups that have successfully increased the revenue of the companies. Get in touch with our own
digital marketing team to strategize your website’s conversion techniques including the designing of exit pop-ups!

You may also like to read:

Increase about us page conversions
Blog ctas
Reduce cart abandonment


Related services

1. Hire WordPress Developer— to design exit overlay for WordPress eCommerce
2. Hire Shopify Developer— to design exit overlay for Shopify eCommerce
3. Hire WooCommerce Developer— to design exit overlay for WooCommerce eCommerce

Keep following Huptechweb to read such interesting pieces.

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3 Digital marketing KPIs and Metrics— All You Needed To Nail Your Marketing campaign Fri, 20 Apr 2018 05:48:38 +0000 Success can be measured in a lot of ways other than the profit score. Digital marketing KPIs just prove it. Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example that includes two people, A, and B. Consider a scenario where both, A and B are bagging profits. Now, A doesn’t know how his company is […]

The post 3 Digital marketing KPIs and Metrics— All You Needed To Nail Your Marketing campaign appeared first on Huptech Web.

Success can be measured in a lot of ways other than the profit score. Digital marketing KPIs just prove it. Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example that includes two people, A, and B. Consider a scenario where both, A and B are bagging profits.

Now, A doesn’t know how his company is profiting. He is unaware of how much revenue is generated by each of his digital marketing channels. While B precisely knows

One fine day, A sees the numbers of investment and because there’s no crunching of profiting sources, he decides to kill his SEO and PPC campaigns, which was a big source of conversions in his business. However, B strategize wisely to balance his SEO and PPC investments because he knew exactly how many leads and conversions these campaigns were generating.

Did you see the results?

You can guess the results! The difference between the both was that A was not measuring his key performance metrics and decided to cut off a source of leads on a whim which cost him huge, and B used the KPIs intelligently to determine the flow of his business. The same goes with social media KPIs. A doesn’t understand Facebook ad metrics and decide to pull of his ads. Result? He just missed the opportunity?

Basically, success can be anything, it could be gaining more than expected results on a particular campaign, or generating more leads, driving more conversions, etc. It’s all about running a successful SEO campaign or any marketing campaign. But you won’t know that success if you don’t measure it. Success can only be determined by numbers!

We have always made sure to stick to the Key Performance Indicators when it comes to our clients. Of course, each client is different and we might need distinct KPIs for presenting the ROI to each of them, but there are always some constants.

Here are some of the exemplary metrics which we make sure to show on the dashboards in client meetings:

  • Digital marketing KPIs #1: Cost Per Lead Per Channel

Lead generation is not as simple as it seems and let me tell you this, more lead generation is not equivalent to success until the conversion rate covers the cost of generating those leads.

This is a crucial KPI which we never dismiss as it is not only the measure of success for our client but our efforts as well.

Cost Per Lead Per Channel is the average cost of generating a new lead via a particular digital marketing channel.

Why Do We Use This Metric?

The digital marketing platforms have increased and so has the cost of using each of the mediums. The fact is that each medium performs differently. When the same campaign is generated for Facebook and Twitter, we make sure that we track which of the two is generating more leads in less amount of investment.

This helps us decide if we need to focus more on a particular digital marketing channel or ditch any of them.

Also read: Avoid Facebook ad mistakes

How Do We Calculate It?

All we do is calculate the Cost Per Lead for different eCommerce marketing channels. The formula we use is:

Cost Per lead= Ad Spend/Lead

We compare the value of CPL for the mediums we use and focus more on the one whose CPL is lower than the others.

  • Digital marketing KPIs #2: Conversion Rate Per Keyword

SEO is an important part of online presence and it breaks the bounds if you are an e-commerce business owner. We incorporate definitive SEO strategies and there are always some keywords which are nothing less than a goldmine when it comes to sales. It’s an important part of our SEO services.

Why Do We Use This Metric?

These ‘goldmine’ keywords are highly searched by the audience and can change the entire game of online sales if you know which keywords to work upon. Conversion Rate Per Keyword is the precise KPI which helps us determine which keyword converted the maximum leads.

It encourages us to use those keywords in the most optimum way possible on all marketing channels as well. It’s like repurposing content around that keyword.

How Do We Calculate It?

Okay, this is a tricky one! We have connected our marketing and CRM tools with Google Analytics and have used the landing page data to determine the organic lead source for every purchase.

  • Digital marketing KPIs #3: Click-Through Rates On PPC Campaigns

Pay Per Click, as you all may know, is a marketing channel which faces the most reluctance from clients. This high-budgeted marketing channel is actually cheaper than it seems which is why a KPI for PPC is a must-have for all organizations. Like you write effective CTA in organic blog segments, you can do the same with PPC landing pages.

Why Do We Use This Metric?

We think that the first step towards the success of PPC is the Click-Through Rate. How many people are clicking on the marketing ads is crucial to determine as a lower number is almost equivalent to nil conversions on that particular campaign. We have used about us page for higher conversion landing page.

We also used CTR on PPC campaigns to increase sales in easter and boost conversion in christmas for our clients. It assists us in directing our ad campaigns more effectively. We have improved our ad content by many folds, all thanks to this KPI. It’s also one of the key ways to minimize cart abandonment.

How Do We Calculate It?

We use the advertisement tool that showcases the click-through rate of each advertisement campaign designed for our clients.

There are many more performance indicators which we use but these three are the most basic ones when it comes to digital marketing. We will definitely come up with the complex side of KPIs soon! Stay tuned!

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The post 3 Digital marketing KPIs and Metrics— All You Needed To Nail Your Marketing campaign appeared first on Huptech Web.

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