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wordpress myths

Our minds are the priceless galaxies of misinformation— we have myths and alternative theories to believe? Why? Because most of us are peripheral route thinkers. We have a glance or two at non-authoritative blog posts, and that becomes the epitome of truth for us! 

The eCommerce industry is no different, even though it needs a deeply-burned central route of decision-making. That said, nothing changes our habit. And that has led to plenty of misinformation and myths around the WordPress platform too. 

Ask yourself— would you have an apple if you ‘overheard’ it poisoned people or buy an Apple phone that bursts like a firecracker? Obviously not! All the misleading information prevents people from taking crucial business decisions like choosing an eCommerce platform.

Don’t believe in everything which is put on the internet with a picture and ‘quote’ next to it.

We’re going to burst all the WordPress myths hovering on the internet so that you can make informed decisions. And it starts with ‘blank slating’ your brain. Done? Great! Here we go.

Myth #1: You can’t scale WordPress for large-scale eCommerce websites.

Have you ever been to the WooCommerce extension store? No, we are not talking about the plugin on a WordPress website. We’re talking about the dedicated extension account of WooCommerce that sells eCommerce plugins.

You’d be amazed to know— it’s an eCommerce store. So, WordPress runs its eCommerce store on WordPress itself! Is there any bigger large-scale eCommerce than the WordPress eCommerce account? No! 

WooCommerce is as scalable as any other eCommerce builder. WooCommerce FAQs clearly state that ‘sky’s the limit’ as many stores have more than 1000,000 products and witness thousands of transactions in a day.

What can you do to overcome the scaling myth: Focusing on key areas like my accounts page, Post meta table, caching strategies, and post-store browsing should help scale-up your eCommerce in need. Having great hosting support and updated in-house developers are the plus.

Myth #2: Your WordPress Website/eCommerce is successful only when you have an expert.

As mentioned, experts in your business team is a plus. Because they can kickstart your business in no time and you can have your website deployed to earn early ROIs. 

 But that doesn’t mean WordPress is a Sudoku Puzzle for a two-years-old. You can be a naive developer today, but you can be an expert tomorrow. With lots and lots of plugins assistance, web-support, and existing technical offers, you can hone your developing talent and feel pretty confident with day-to-day operations of your site.

 It’s best to hire WordPress developers when you’ve other vital areas to focus on. Let’s say you’re a marketer who wants to have his WordPress portfolio ready ASAP. Of course, you don’t learn the construction work and build the wall over-night. You go to the expert. Apply the same general thumb of rule.

What can you do to overcome the expertise myth: You would want to start with learning all the critical components of WordPress— cores, themes, plugins, etc. everything that adds to your expertise. Try gaining knowledge in customizer and WordPress settings. Pay detailed attention to database and database maintenance and other underpinning technologies of WordPress.

Myth #3: WordPress plugins are slow and dead. Not sturdy!

Whether the WordPress platform comes with in-built features or external plugin assistance— what difference does it make?

A lot of people think WordPress limits eCommerce and website development because it doesn’t support basic features. Honestly, WordPress doesn’t need to. It comes with more than 45,000 plugins, and it has always been updating these helping hands.

The best part about plugins is that you don’t have to be an expert to add them to your website or store. In fact, the list of plugins is going up— a gift of open source that gives developers a sense of update for bolstering up the security.

What you can do to overcome plugin myths: Think of this way: what can’t you do with these plugins? Absolutely nothing that WordPress limits you with. Do you need to tighten up website security? There are tons of security fences. You wish to optimize and rank your page? Try using the SEO plugins. Willing to generate analytics or integrate contact forms? You…have…the…plugins…for…that…too! You think of any facet that your website needs, and you’ve WordPress-approved sturdy plugins at your disposal. 

Myth #4: WordPress is just a blogging tool. It doesn’t support eCommerce stores.

Let’s just break this down for you. How many websites do WordPress power in the entire world? Think about it? 31% of the pie-chart. That beats the giants of the industries like Shopify, Magento, Drupal, etc.

And how many eCommerce does WordPress WooCommerce Plugin power? Think of any vague number. It turns out that WordPress is an eCommerce powerhouse that lights more than 28% of the online store. There are at least 5 million WooCommerce Stores. Now that’s huge considering the kind of myth that floats around it.

Since it’s not a dedicated eCommerce builder like Shopify and Bigcommerce, you might feel tempted to believe in one of the close-knitted WordPress myths. But you can have all the dynamicity with plugins for your WordPress development.

What you can do to overcome eCommerce myth: Here’s the good news— apart from the famous eCommerce WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, WP commerce, and Easy digital downloads, the WordPress platform also allows you to integrate Shopify products. Do you see this? WordPress is way too open to integrating with its competitors. That’s what makes it unique.

Myth #5: WordPress has security issues.

Many people think that open sources are not secure. Why? Because it’s easy to read the security loopholes and make the platform accessible grounds to attacks like phishing and interception.

But what many fail to comprehend is that it’s the open-source that helps people recognize the loopholes and fix it. It’s like a double-edged sword. WordPress takes security as a serious concern and applies special measures to make a healthy and secure environment for users. Here’s what it does:

  1. SSL certification encrypts all the data exchange between your visitor computer and your server.
  2. Allows integration of secure third-party payment gateways for hassle-free transactions.
  3. Motivates you and your users to use strong passwords using a password generator and validator.

What you can do to overcome security myth: Malware attacks are frequent, not just with WordPress. Should you need to hone up the security around your eCommerce, try specialized security services. Install a WordPress Backup Solution, along with some of the best WordPress Security plugins. Enable web application firewalls and don’t forget to move your eCommerce site to SSL/HTTPs.

Myth #6: WordPress is terrible with customer-support.

You won’t buy an Apple phone if the mobile-daddy announces ‘no more services from today.’ So, why would millions of people use WordPress had it sucked with technical and platform problems?

Free WordPress platform != inadequate services. That’s the most misleading WordPress myth that flies around. Since WordPress platform is an open-source web-builder, there’re plenty of developers, experts, and participants to answer your calls.

In fact, you can get access to one of the largest and active community forums that skim through your queries and travel the last miles to extend their technical expertise on the matter.

What you can do to overcome customer-support myth: WordPress has a toll-free number. You can call to get the contact support. Its tech-support page also suggests ‘one-on-one concierge support through QuickStart Sessions.’ For a little extra assistance, get into the WordPress support forum and troubleshoot with other people on the forum.

Myth #7: WordPress websites are not future-ready.

The biggest challenge with eCommerce and websites is to stay on your toes with the current trends. Otherwise, you’re the first one to blow out in the first spurt. Part of the reason why eCommerce merchants want to move to future-ready technology stacks is that they expect security from re-architecturing their websites again & again in the coming 5-10 years. 

Many believe that the WordPress platform doesn’t offer future-ready features to save website-owners from constant changes. It is an absolute WordPress myth that needs to be addressed.

WordPress CMS is a powerhouse of the latest technology stacks. As a developer, you can play around new bosses like jquery, Flash, CSS3, and a lot many APIs that convert your eCommerce store into a highly-functional, future-ready store.

What you can do to overcome tech-stack myth: As the common belief, WordPress is no longer just a CMS. WordPress has sharpened its senses with application frameworks. These application frameworks are capable of doing virtually everything you can think of in your online store/website.

Key takeaways in dispelling some of the vital WordPress Myths around.

Before you pick any web builder for your website, it’s your responsibility to dive deeper into the truths and myths around it—your investment matters. And depends on the kinds of research you do. Here’s the quick recap of what we busted:

  • You can scale your website whenever you want. Are your sales shooting up? Have a massive influx in your store? Scale-up your website without any integration fear.
  • Do you have an expert? Good! Are you running short of budget? Get started. You can take the matter in your hands and be the expert.
  • Plugins are the oxygen support of WordPress— the absolute USPs. The giant web building platform is nothing without it. Having them slow and unreliable would harm WordPress business more than yours’. WordPress does everything in its limit to make them reliable and faster.
  • WordPress has evolved with us. People loved blogging once. They love eCommerce now. WordPress has all the updated eCommerce features that dedicated eCommerce builders offer.
  • If you follow proper security measures, no one can attack your store. Follow all the WordPress guidelines on securing your website and win your customer’s credibility.
  • WordPress has a dynamic community support group which listens to your tech and non-tech grievances and bale you out of the mess.
  • You’re entitled to use future-strengthening technology framework. WordPress doesn’t like to snatch this liberty from you—the reason why it allows you to choose a future-ready technology stack for healthy WordPress development.

If these myths are mucking around and making it harder for you to make critical WordPress-related decisions, contact our WordPress consultancy group at Huptech Web.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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