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Google Shopping

Have you ever shopped something online? Duh! Is that even a question these days? Of course, you, me and everyone else do it too. Back in 2017, an estimated 1.66 billion people worldwide used e-commerce websites for shopping. Incredible! Isn’t it? In 2016, Asia Pacific region reflected an e-commerce sales growth of 12.1 percent, knocking down other regions including Western Europe, North America and more.

If e-commerce businesses are soon going to be the next global domination in the world, then it is important to optimize the website being an e-commerce platform owner yourself. One of the best tools you can use to drive traffic to your site and help boost sales is Google Shopping. Yes, you heard it right. If you run an online store, you should definitely include Google Shopping as one of your key e-commerce marketing strategies. Let’s run you through what is Google Shopping, why is it essential and some of the most spectacular benefits of this tool that can help your e-commerce business become the next giant in the market.
Firstly, before even diving into how could this tool benefit your e-commerce platform, it is essential to know what exactly Google Shopping is? Well, Google Shopping is a platform essentially powered by AdWords and Google Merchant Center. It mainly takes care of queries that trigger your ads. To begin with, you need to make an account on Google Merchant Center, wherein you fill in all your details regarding the products you wish to advertise on the platform. To make the ads more customized, sellers are required to add high-resolution images, the name of the product, prices and the link to their website.

AdWords is where your shopping campaigns go live, and you can easily set your budget, regulate your bids, gain proper insights, and make required optimizations based on the performance. The success of Google Shopping basically mounts on these essential things- Feed Creation, Biding, Monitoring, and Optimization. Such campaigns offer retailers the opportunity to advertise their products in front of millions and to drive quality traffic to their website. Putting it in more simpler words, when a buyer clicks on a product link, they’re directed to the retailer’s site to make the final purchase, and hence that’s how the concept of Google shopping functions.
Google Shopping enables users to receive instant information about the products they’ve been searching for. And that’s how they constitute high-quality traffic to your online platform. This tool is best known for boosting the conversion rate of potential visitors into customers on your site. Adwords interface manages the ads efficiently on their own. Another important feature that makes this tool different from text ads is that it does not require time-consuming management of keywords.

It gives you the flexibility to decide how much bids you wish to set for a single product, brands, or even product categories, and separating traffic having negative keywords and campaign priorities become super convenient. It further lets you make tailored strategies as per your business goals.

Several studies have proved that Google Shopping delivers promising results. As per the 2017 Digital Marketing report, PLAs produced nearly 53% of retail Google Search ad clicks along with a 30% boost conversion rate.

Want to know what challenges Google Shopping can face and how can you overcome them effortlessly? More on that in the next blog, for sure. So, STAY TUNED.  

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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