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Podcast Marketing


Do you enjoy listening to podcasts?

When do you usually listen to podcasts? Is it while you’re making dinner or during meditation?
The same goes for your customers.

It’s not a big decision when it comes to choosing between reading blogs, listening to podcasts, or watching videos all day. That’s because everyone has their preferences.

Well, there are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally as of 2023. This number is predicted to reach 504.9 million by 2024.

This is a great way to expand your reach. Starting a podcast for your company can be a valuable marketing strategy.

With the right strategy, you could reach over 400+ million listeners. Are these stats convincing enough for you?

If not, we’ve got everything needed to convince you to develop a new marketing strategy for your brand if you haven’t yet.

From the role of podcasts to understanding how podcast marketing works and even getting into our favorite topic, podcast strategies, we’ve covered it all.

Role of Podcasts in Marketing

Adopting podcasts as a marketing tool can bring numerous advantages to your brand. A study done by the podcast host reveals that 69% of listeners claim to have been exposed to new brands and products as a result of ads from a podcast.

A 69% success rate is pretty promising, and the future looks even brighter for podcasts as they’re predicted to reach the skies in the coming years.

Plus, 72% of people are very attentive while listening to podcasts! What’s holding you back?

Here are the top 20 reasons why launching a podcast for your brand is a must;

Why Podcast Marketing

See, these are some of the key reasons why you should start your podcast right now. What’s more, 51% of marketers are already using podcasts in their strategies, showing their value for brands.

Now, If you’re convinced, you might be curious about how Podcast Marketing works.

Top 18 Proven Strategies for Podcast Marketing

In 2023, there are over 5 million podcasts with a whopping 70 million episodes. It might feel daunting to stand out from this massive crowd.

Podcast Marketing Strategies

But to rise to the top and make your mark requires strategic moves that aren’t always readily shared.

That’s precisely why we’ve shared some top strategies to help you in podcast marketing, generate more leads, and reach new heights;

Define Your Target Audience

It’s super important to know who you’re trying to reach with your podcast. A typical person who would love your podcast is called an Audience Persona. It would be best if you got to know them well.

Develop detailed personas of your typical listeners, including demographics, interests, and listening habits, and even what problems they might have that your podcast can help with.

Try to answer all these questions to figure out who your audience is;

  • Who are your ideal listeners? What age group do they belong to?
  • Where do they live or come from? What is their location or region?
  • What challenges, problems, or needs might they have that your podcast can address?
  • How do they typically discover and consume podcasts?
  • Are they more likely to use specific social media platforms, and which ones?

By understanding all these things, you can make your podcast and marketing fit precisely what your audience wants, and that’s how you get more people interested in your podcast.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a great way to tell more people about your podcast.

You can use websites like Facebook and Instagram to talk about podcast episodes, chat with those who listen to your show, and reach even more folks.

Share behind-the-scenes content episode snippets and interact with followers to build a community where your listeners can discuss your episodes, ask questions, and share their thoughts.

Make sure of these 4 things;

  • Be real
  • Do not always sell
  • Leverage Visual Marketing
  • Engage with your community
  • Add value to whatever you post

Listeners consider podcast hosts to be 64% more trustworthy than other influencers.

Utilize Every Podcast Aggregator and Directory

It’s crucial to make your podcast accessible to as many people as possible. This means getting your podcast on significant platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

FYI, with a 33.7% share, Spotify is the leader in podcast streaming.

You should also consider any niche directories or smaller websites related to your podcast’s topic. For instance, if your podcast is about gardening, make sure it’s listed on gardening-specific podcast directories.

By making your podcast available in these different places, you maximize the chances of reaching your potential audience.

Always Publish Your Podcast on YouTube

Video Podcast production is now higher than ever.

In January 2023, India counted the largest YouTube audience by far – almost 470 million users, followed by the United States with 246 million users on the popular video platform.

So, it’s time to take your podcast episodes, turn them into videos (even with just a picture or simple visuals), and put them on YouTube.

This helps you reach more people, and you can also earn money through YouTube. YouTube can pay you for ads on your videos, sponsorships, or even merchandise sales related to your podcast.

So, spread the word about your podcast and get some extra cash in your pocket.

Repurpose Your Podcast Script

Take your podcast episodes and make them into different things like blog articles, infographics (those are like pictures with helpful information), or posts for social media.

This way, you’re giving more helpful stuff to your audience. Plus, it helps your podcast be found on the internet more efficiently, and it’s suitable for people who like reading instead of listening.

You can ;

  • Turn your podcast script into blog posts.
  • Create short, shareable clips for social media
  • Turn facts into post-worthy infographics
  • Share on all your online platforms

Calls to Action (CTAs)

In your podcast episodes, it’s important to guide your listeners on what to do next. These are called Calls to Action or CTAs.

CTAs could be as simple as asking listeners to subscribe to your podcast, share it with friends, or visit your website for more information.

For instance, if you’re talking about a new product, you can encourage listeners to visit your website to learn more about it. If you share a helpful tip, you might suggest they subscribe for more practical advice, but make sure not to sound desperate.

The key is to make these CTAs add value to your audience. You want to give them a reason to take the action you suggest, whether it’s to learn more, connect with your brand, or enjoy your content further.

Always Experiment with the Best Time to Publish

Figure out when your audience is most likely to listen to your podcast and then share your episodes at those times.

You should experiment and test different release schedules to find the best one.

A study by Megaphone reveals that most podcasters publish the newest episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday between 2 AM and 5 AM, gaining the maximum downloads.

People prefer to listen to podcasts between 10:00 to 15:00. Podcast listening peaks from 08:15 to 08:30 a.m.

Remind Your Audience of Previous Episodes

When it makes sense, remind your listeners about episodes you’ve done before. This can encourage new listeners to check out your older episodes, and they might enjoy them.

Build Your Network & Reach out to influencers

To expand your podcast’s reach, consider working with influencers and other podcasters.

Having them as guests on your show or collaborating in other ways can introduce your podcast to new audiences. It also adds credibility to your podcast, as the influence of your guests can reflect positively on your content.

Start Investing in Podcast SEO

Just like you optimize a website for search engines, you should optimize your podcast’s title, description, and website to make it easier for people to find.

Use relevant keywords related to your podcast’s topic so potential listeners searching for content in your niche can discover your podcast.

Include Links in Your Email Signature

In every email, include a link to your podcast. This way, you capture the interest of everyone you correspond with, whether they are friends, colleagues, or professional contacts.

Leverage Your Existing Network

Remember your personal and professional networks. Share your podcast episodes with your email list and encourage friends and colleagues to help spread the word. They can be valuable advocates for your podcast.

Giveaways & Contests

Engage your audience by running contests or giveaways related to your podcast. This can incentivize listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, or share your podcast with others. That doesn’t mean you need to be a millionaire brand.

Organize contests and give out prizes like;

  • Product discounts & deals
  • A shoutout & mention in your next episode
  • A guest spot in your next episode

It’s a fun way to build a more active and involved listener base.

Provide Teaser of the Upcoming Episodes

Generate excitement by offering sneak peeks of what’s coming up in your podcast, such as an interview with a big celeb.

Share snippets or key topics on social media and within your current episodes to keep listeners eagerly anticipating future content.

Invite High-Profile Guests

Having well-known guests on your podcast can attract their followers to your show and lend authority to your content. When influential people in your niche join you, it can boost your podcast’s credibility and reach.

Always Monitor Your Podcasts

Keep an eye on how your podcast is doing across various platforms. Monitor mentions and performance data to gain insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences.

This information can help you understand your listeners better and fine-tune your marketing strategies accordingly.

You can;

  • Track your hashtags,
  • Monitor Brand reputation,
  • Measure your campaigns,
  • Conduct sentiment analysis,
  • Measure the estimated reach,
  • Discover the context of a discussion.

To monitor how well your podcast is doing, you can use social tools such as Blubrry.

Have a Website For Your Podcast

A dedicated website for your podcast can serve as a central hub for your content. It provides information about the hosts, additional resources, and even show notes for each episode.

It’s a valuable resource for your audience, and it also improves your podcast’s search engine optimization (SEO).

While your listeners may have already subscribed to your podcast, consider encouraging them to subscribe to your newsletter.

This way, you can send them direct emails with updates, exclusive content, and other valuable information related to your podcast and brand or communicate on the website itself.

Utilize Paid Advertising

Think about investing in paid ads on social media, search engines, or podcast networks. By targeting your ads based on your audience personas, you can reach a broader and more relevant audience.

Paid advertising can be a great way to get your podcast in front of more people who might be interested in what you have to say.

Is There Any Need To Promote Your Podcasts?

What is Podcast marketing

Well, Obviously yes! To;

  • Stand out in a crowded market with thousands of podcasts.
  • Reach new listeners and grow your subscriber base.
  • Attract sponsors and advertisers by displaying a solid listener base.
  • Encourage interaction with your content and foster a community.
  • Establish and reinforce your brand identity and values.
  • Improve search engine rankings and make it easier for listeners to find your podcast.
  • Create opportunities for collaborations with influencers and other podcasters.
  • Generate listener feedback, which can guide content improvement.
  • Position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.
  • Maintain a regular audience by keeping your podcast top-of-mind.
  • Build a loyal following that can turn into brand ambassadors.
  • Ensure a presence across multiple platforms and media types.
  • Create opportunities for strategic partnerships and collaborations.
  • Tap into international markets and broaden your global footprint.


From understanding your target audience and optimizing your content for search engines to building a strong network of influencers and promoting across various platforms, podcast marketing opens up a world of opportunities.

The podcast industry market size is $23.56 billion.

To leverage podcast marketing for lead generation, follow the strategies we talked about.

Podcast marketing isn’t just about talking – it’s about listening, engaging, and creating a vibrant community around your content.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Is it essential to have a niche for my podcast, or can I cover a broad range of topics?

While you can have a broad podcast, a niche often helps attract a more dedicated audience. A well-defined focus can make it easier to connect with like-minded listeners.

What is the ideal frequency for releasing podcast episodes?

The frequency depends on your content and audience. Many podcasts release episodes weekly, but some go for bi-weekly or even daily. It’s important to be consistent and provide quality content.

How long should my podcast episodes be?

Podcast episode length can vary, but a common range is between 15 minutes to an hour. The ideal length depends on your content and audience preferences.

What equipment do I need to start a podcast?

Basic podcasting equipment includes a microphone, headphones, and recording/editing software. More advanced setups may include mixers and audio interfaces.

What is the best format for a podcast?

Podcast formats can vary, including interviews, solo shows, panel discussions, storytelling, and more. The best format depends on your content and target audience.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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