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What is CTA for eCommerce
You’ve found the right target audience, perfecting your brand message, and picking the right ways to reach your customers.

Plus, your website looks impressive; you’re busy attracting visitors and making sales.

The Average Conversion Rate of a Page is 2.4%

However, even a 3.3% conversion rate isn’t satisfying for you.

So now, it’s time to create the perfect button that convinces your customers to do what you want.

In e-commerce, a good button can persuade more shoppers to buy from your online store. It doesn’t matter if you’re crafting buttons for your product pages, contact support, or email newsletters.

In online shopping, a button isn’t just a button; it’s an invitation and a promise made to the users.

With a well-made button, you’re not just asking your customers to do something. You inspire them to explore and enjoy your brand’s world, where their needs are met and they feel happy and loyal.

Well, in this piece, you will get to know about;

And much more! So let’s go!

Importance of How You Present CTAs on Your Website

How you show your Call-to-Actions (CTAs) on your website matters. It affects

  • How users engage with your site,
  • Whether they will take action or not, and
  • How well they enjoy their experience.

Call-to-actions (CTAs) are vital because they guide potential buyers toward the specific actions you want them to take. They have the power to;

  • Enhance your website conversions,
  • Boost click-through rates (CTR), and
  • Provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your customer conversion strategies.
CTAs surrounded by less clutter and more white space can increase conversion rates by 232%

That’s why presentation matters. So;

  • CTAs should be easy to see. Think about their size, color, and where they are on the page.
  • The message in your CTA should be crystal clear. People should know exactly what happens when they click it.
  • CTAs should match what’s on the page and what stage of the shopping journey the user is at.
  • Creating a sense of urgency can make people act quickly.
  • Try out different CTAs to see what works best.
  • Check their design, where they’re placed, and the words you use.

But you’ve got to get the balance right – too many or too few CTAs can cause problems.

Importance of CTA

Why Too Many CTAs Can Be a Problem?

  • Too many choices can make people freeze and not take any action.
  • Loads of CTAs can distract from the most important action, which means fewer people buy.
  • Too many CTAs can make users unsure about what to do next. That’s not good for their experience.
  • If everything is necessary, nothing is. Too many CTAs can make them all less effective.

Why Too Few CTAs Can Also Be a Problem?

  • Not having enough CTAs means users might miss chances to explore and buy.
  • Sometimes, people need a nudge about what to do next. Too few CTAs can leave them feeling lost.
  • If CTAs aren’t clear, people might leave without buying. That means fewer sales.
  • People like to have choices. Too few CTAs can make your site look limited, and they might go to your competitors.

Getting the right balance and style for your CTAs on your website is super important. They should be straightforward to follow without being overwhelming.

Test different CTAs to make sure they help your website reach its goals effectively. We will look at what metrics to track when testing your CTAs in the blog. So keep reading!

So, How Many CTAs Does Your E-commerce Site Need and Where?

The number of CTAs your e-commerce site needs and placement depends on several factors, including your website’s design, content, and user experience goals.

Customized CTAs Are Known to Convert 42% More Visitors compared to generic or vague CTAs.
eCommerce Website with Main CTA

Let’s help you decide how many CTAs you should have and where to place them;

📍Your HomePage

Generally, your homepage should have one primary CTA that directs visitors to your most essential or best-converting page, such as a featured product or a special offer.

You can also have secondary CTAs that lead to popular categories or product collections.

For example;

  • Shop Now: Encourages users to start browsing products immediately.
  • Sign Up for Newsletters/Offers: Gathers email addresses for future marketing.
  • See Sale Items/Deals: Directs users to promotions or discounted items.

📍The Product Pages

Each product page should have a clear and prominent CTA that encourages visitors to add the product to their cart or initiate the purchase process.

Consider including secondary CTAs that allow users to view related products, read reviews, or share the product on social media.

For example;

  • Add to Cart: Encourages users to add the product to their shopping cart.
  • Buy Now: This takes users directly to the checkout page.
  • View Product Details: Provides additional information about the product.
  • Read/Write Review: Encourages users to engage with or contribute to product reviews.
  • Share on Social Media: Users can share the product on their social media channels.

📍The Category Pages

Category pages can benefit from a combination of primary CTAs that lead to subcategories or featured products, as well as filters to help users narrow down their product choices.

For example;

  • View Product Details: Helps users learn more about a specific product from the category list.
  • See Sale Items/Deals: Highlights products on sale within the category.
  • Take a Quiz/Find Your Fit: Assists users in finding the right product from the variety.
  • Add to Wishlist: Users can add their favorite products in their wishlists.

📍Shopping Cart and Checkout Pages

On the shopping cart and checkout pages, the main focus should be on the final steps of the purchase process. The primary CTA here should be for users to complete the transaction.

You can include secondary CTAs for actions like applying promo codes, continuing shopping, or contacting customer support.

For example;

  • Proceed to Checkout: Moves users forward in the purchasing process.
  • Apply Coupon: Reminds users to apply any available coupon codes.
  • Continue Shopping: Users can return and add more items to their cart.
Customers are 16x more likely to share news about their purchase on social media if they see a CTA button on the post-purchase page.

📍Blog and Content Pages

For content pages, your CTAs should align with the page’s purpose. If it’s an informative blog post, you might want a CTA encouraging readers to subscribe to your newsletter or explore relevant products.

On other content pages, you can incorporate CTAs promoting products or services related to the content.

For example;

  • Sign Up for Newsletters/Updates: Encourages users to subscribe to blog updates or newsletters.
  • Share on Social Media: Allows users to share blog content on their social media channels.

📍Your About Page

Typically provides information about the company, its history, mission, and team members. The purpose of CTAs on this page is to guide visitors to take specific actions or engage further.

For example;

  • Contact Us/Get Support: Provides users with a way to reach out to the company.
  • Subscriptions: Provides information on the subscriptions for the E-commerce Models
  • Read/Write Review: Encourages users to engage with or contribute to product reviews.
  • Shop/Checkout this Collection: Shows users the best selling products/collections.

📍Exit-Intent Pop-ups

Consider using exit-intent pop-ups with compelling CTAs to capture leads or offer a last-minute deal before users leave your site.

For example;

  • Check out Best Deals/Exclusive Offers: Provides a last-minute prompt to check out current promotions.

By strategically placing these CTAs on the relevant pages, you guide the users through their journey on your website, from browsing products to making a purchase and even after-sales engagement.

The key is not just quantity but also quality.

CTAs That Are Shaped Like Buttons Saw a 45% Increase in Clicks

Most Common Types of CTAs That Help in Reaching Your Goals

What is CTA for eCommerce

But how should the design of the button be? Where can the CTAs be placed precisely?

Buttons That Include an Arrow Icon at the End of the Button Saw a 26% Increase.

📍Shopping Actions

Add to Cart

Purpose: Encourages users to add a product to their shopping cart; when they do that, it’s like making a small commitment to buy and showing consistency. Once users commit to adding an
item, they’re more likely to follow through and complete the purchase.

Design & Placement: The prominent design and placement beside the product description ensures the CTA catches the user’s eye. The contrasting color provides a visual trigger, enhancing its visibility.

Buy Now

Purpose: Takes users directly to the checkout page, skipping the cart conveniently and immediately. Users appreciate streamlined and suitable options. They like things to be easy and fast, so this button helps a lot.

Design & Placement: The bold and noticeable design ensures that users easily spot this quick-purchase option next to the Add to Cart button, saying, Get it now! Makes the process even more efficient.

Proceed to Checkout

Purpose: Moves users from the cart to the checkout process. Once users decide to proceed, they’re more likely to complete the purchase as they’ve committed consistently.

Design: The prominent and clear design aligns with the user’s need for a straightforward and reliable process.

Placement: In the shopping cart ensures that users don’t have to search for the next step, enhancing the conversion rate.

📍User Engagement Actions

Sign Up for Newsletters/Offers

Purpose: Gathers email addresses for marketing purposes. Users are more likely to subscribe when they think they’ll get something in return, such as exclusive offers or valuable content.

Design: The engaging design is made to catch your eye for the need for incentives.

Placement: Placement in the website footer, on blog pages, or as a popup offers users the choice to engage without disruption.

Create an Account or Login

Purpose: Encourages users to create an account or log in for a more personalized experience. Users are motivated by the promise of a more customized and convenient experience.

Design: The clear but not overly prominent design respects the user’s freedom.

Placement: Placing these CTAs at the checkout or in the website header ensures they are accessible when users are ready to engage.

Apply Coupon

Purpose: Reminds users to apply a coupon code for a discount, if any. Users are more likely to purchase when they perceive a good deal, which makes them buy.

Design: The noticeable design with an input field shows transparency and ease of use.

Placement: In the shopping cart and during the checkout process caters to the user’s expectation of where to find this feature.

📍Information and Support Actions

View Product Details

Purpose: Users naturally seek more information before making decisions. Easy access to product details helps people learn more about a product they’re interested in.

Design: When information is presented straightforwardly, users are likelier to engage. The button should be easily distinguishable from other elements on the page.

Placement: This should be strategically located on category or search result pages, close to product listings, where users expect to find additional information.

Share on Social Media

Purpose: Social validation and social influence play a decisive role here. Users are more likely to engage with products their peers have endorsed. Sharing on social media is social proof.

Design: Using recognizable social media icons makes it easier for users to identify and share content, such as the little symbols for Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Placement: These CTAs should be placed near product images or descriptions, as users are more likely to share when they’ve engaged with the product details.

Read Reviews/Write a Review

Purpose: Users often trust the opinions of other customers when making purchase decisions, helping people see what others think about the product and letting them write their thoughts.

Design: A simple and engaging design encourages users to explore and contribute to reviews.

Placement: These CTAs should be positioned near product descriptions and customer reviews, where users are most likely to interact with them.

Contact Us/Get Support

Purpose: Users feel more secure knowing they can easily access support if needed. The availability of assistance fosters trust.

Design: A clear, accessible format shows transparency and openness, creating a sense of reliability.

Placement: Placing these CTAs in the website footer, on product pages, and in the website header ensures users can reach out for support at any point in their journey.

Subscribe for Updates

Purpose: By offering valuable updates, you encourage users to return by sharing their email addresses.

Design: An engaging design and clear benefits of subscribing strengthen the idea of value exchange, showing why it’s a good idea to sign up.

Placement: These CTAs should be placed strategically on blog pages, product pages, and the homepage, where users can stay informed and engaged.

Take a Quiz/Find Your Fit

Purpose: Users appreciate personalized experiences and enjoy the interactive engagement, making the quiz a natural draw. These buttons help people find the right product by asking questions.

Design: Engaging and interactive design elements enhance the involvement factor.

Placement: Place these CTAs on the homepage and product category pages, where users can explore personalized recommendations.

See Sale Items/Deals

Purpose: Users are motivated to check out sales and deals by the possibility of saving money, which targets bargain hunting and urgency.

Design: Make the design look exciting and eye-catching with elements that convey urgency, showing opportunities with limited time.

Placement: These CTAs should be strategically placed on the homepage and in site navigation, making them visible to users seeking deals.

Email Marketing With Just One CTA Increases Sales by Approximately 1,617%

By understanding the psychological underpinnings of user behavior, these CTAs can be purposefully designed and strategically placed to make it easier for users to do what they want on the website.

Each button should be prepared to make it more effortless for users. They should be easy to find. Hence, people are more likely to click on them.

But What Metrics Should I Keep In Mind When Tracking These Call-to-Action Buttons?

Measuring the effectiveness of your Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons is necessary for understanding how well they are performing and driving conversions on your website.

  1. Click-through rate (CTR): This measures how many people who see your CTA click on it. It’s a good indicator of how attractive or compelling your CTA is.
  2. Clicks to submission: This metric tracks the number of people who click on the CTA and end up submitting a form or completing the desired action. It helps you understand how well your landing page or form is converting.
  3. Views to submission: This measures the number of people who view the CTA and end up submitting a form or completing the desired action. It can help you understand the effectiveness of your CTA and landing page.
  4. Number of views received: This tracks how many people have viewed your CTA. It can help understand the reach of your CTA.
  5. Post type and Positioning of the CTA: Keeping track of where your CTAs are placed (e.g., blog post, homepage, product page) and their positioning on the page can provide insights into where CTAs perform best.

Remember, these metrics should be analyzed in conjunction with each other to get a holistic view of your CTA performance.

Also, regular A/B testing of different CTA designs, placements, and texts can help optimize their performance over time.

Keyword-Optimized CTAs Increased Overall Conversion Rates by Up to 87%

Make Proper Use of these CTAs to Increase Lead Conversion Rates

To sum it up, Call-to-Actions (CTAs) are super important in digital marketing and on websites. This blog has given you practical tips on how to make CTAs work well. It’s all about having clear and catchy words, putting them in the right places, and making them look good.

You also learned that too many or too few CTAs can be problematic. It’s like Goldilocks – not too hot, not too cold, but just right.

Understanding what people like and how they decide to click on CTAs is also vital. It’s like speaking their language.

So, regarding CTAs, remember it’s not just what you say but how and where you put it that matters for your online success.

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker

Rishi Thakker is the founder and CEO of Huptech Web, an eCommerce development and marketing firm that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. His unique writing tips give startups and well-known brands a palpable action plan full of innovation unmatched.

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